Chaos In His Peaceful Life

At Lim's Villa Hotel and Resort

Josh almost felt his heart jump out from his chest seeing Cali's number blinking on the screen of his mobile phone.

"Is she really calling me?" he whispered. He was feeling nervous and overwhelmed at the same time because it was the first time Cali contacted him first and called him like this.

He immediately answered it with an ear to ear smile, excited to know why Cali called him.

He coughed to clear his throat before answering, "Hello…" Then hearing Cali talk on the other line without a pause, what started as a gust of sweet wind ended in a burst of shock, "What?! No way! Seriously?"

When the call ended, Josh's shoulders dropped in disappointment. Apparently, Cali called him to ask for a big favor. Josh unconsciously cursed his twin sister who started everything. People now often ask him for favors!