Off Limits

Shane decided to go for a swim at the hotel's pool area and enjoy her stay there while waiting for Josh's brother's arrival instead of locking herself up in the room sulking.She went out from her room with her orange and black sporty two piece swimwear underneath a black kimono style robe. There were other guests in the pool too. Shane occupied a vacant chair and put her things there.She removed the cardigan, and it exposed her perfect curves. She did some stretching before jumping into the pool and swam. She swam several laps with freestyle and then backstroke.Meanwhile, as usual, Josh was taking his round around the hotel to scan the hotel late in the afternoon. He saw the newly hired assistant manager grinning alone with a roguish smile on his face while looking at the glass wall.He walked towards him and cheerfully commented, "Hey, is there an interesting sight there for you to have that ear to ear smile on your face?"