
At Life Hospital group

"It's a good thing our marriage ceremony is coming up very soon. It would have been so embarrassing to walk in my wedding dress with a big bump on my stomach." Rizie mumbled with a grin. Dion looked at her and was smitten with her cuteness all over again.

"No wonder I crave for a lot of weird things lately…" she added while she gently caressed her still flat tummy. She was very excited for a new chapter in her life, being a mother.

"Yes, it is a natural thing to happen, mothers start craving for foods that they had never eaten before." Dion got up from his chair and said while walking towards her.

"I think we should tell your family also about this already." Dion suggested while he joined his comfortably sitting wife on the couch of his office. They had just finished eating late noon snacks, but Rizie suddenly started craving for french fries with a mixture of dip.