Flirt man

"Since you're already here how about you join us for dinner and hear about Rose and William's wedding plans this weekend?"

Rayhan's heart immediately sank, what was the meaning of Rose's mother's words just now? Will Rose marry another man?

"Mom doesn't joke, I will only marry Rayhan," Rose said firmly and without hesitation, she returned to Rayhan's side.

Rose's words were loud enough to allow William to hear them quite clearly even though he was already sitting at the dinner table with Adam.

William's guess was right that Rose already had a lover and seeing her fighting with her mother at this time made William feel uncomfortable, but Adam immediately distracted William by talking to him.

"I was so excited when I got a call from your Dad, Jackson said you love my daughter but are too shy to tell."

William turned his head, loved his daughter? Bullshit especially now.

"Jackson and I have been friends for a long time, I was so happy when he proposed to Rose for you."

Now that William understood, the demonic man had framed him once again. This marriage is not a requirement to enter Adam's political party but only Jackson's trick to make him unable to resign under any circumstances.

Or maybe Jackson disapproved of his relationship with Gwen? Could it be because of Mark? Whatever the reason, it was all Jackson's scheming to tie him up and unfortunately, he got caught easily.

"Looks like Rose already has a boyfriend," William said, it's good that Rose has a lover so he has a reason to avoid this marriage.

Adam's face instantly darkened, he looked displeased but then Nisa came by slightly dragging Rose with her.

It seems that the fight between them was won by Nisa and Rayhan came home angry and disappointed.

"Sorry for making you uncomfortable William," Nisa said after slightly urging Rose to sit right next to William.

"Rose and that man don't have any relationship, they're just friends. Our Rose is very innocent, she can't tell whether it's the love she gives her lover or pity."

"My feelings are not a form of pity ma'am!" interrupted Rose firmly.

"Rose watch your mouth," Adam growled and one sentence could make Rose pause for a moment.

William then turned and looked at Rose for a moment, he seemed to see Rose in the same Confinement as himself, living controlled.

"Look, how much William has fallen for you, he even looks at you without blinking." Said Nisa.

William smiled shyly, he didn't think his gaze on Rose would be misinterpreted by Rose's parents.

Rose then turned cynically, she without hesitation gave a warning look that made her face look adorable to William and was able to make him smile without realizing it.

Seeing William's smile was all that made Rose even more furious she without hesitation stepped on William's shoes with her sharp heels and William's face immediately turned red from the pain.

But William wasn't an easy guy to bully, Rose's resistance attracted him to move closer and whisper.

"Can't wait to get my attention huh."

Rose's eyes widened, she then pulled her leg and looked away annoyed.

William smiled again, he then turned his gaze back to Rose's parents who were still looking at him in a way as if they were looking at an adorable little puppy.

They then discussed the matter of the wedding, which would be held one more Sunday, two days after Rose held her concert.

And because Rose's refusal seemed to challenge him, William finally decided to accept the marriage between them, his wild soul seemed to be challenged to conquer Rose's arrogance toward him.

The dinner was almost over with Rose always frowning, she even answered William's questions curtly.

"Where will you live after this?" Adam asked, remembering William immediately came to his house as soon as he arrived in this country.

"Since it's getting late, I'll probably stay at a hotel," William answered matter-of-factly.

"I'll be looking for a house, tomorrow."

"Then why don't you just stay the night, William." Nisa's advice.

"Right, you two can have a little chat tonight," Adam said in agreement.

Rose looked displeased, but she seemed unable to speak her mind and that only made William happier to tease her.

"In that case, okay."

"Crazy man!" yes, that was the exact meaning of Rose's words at the moment and William's smile seemed to say "True."


Dinner was over, Rose immediately stayed in her room not only to avoid annoying conversations with William but to try to contact Rayhan. While standing on the balcony of her room, Rose kept trying to contact Rayhan.

Earlier when her mother took Rayhan to dinner together just to listen to the wedding plans between herself and William without needing to say anything, a gloomy face that showed sadness and disappointment In Rayhan's eyes he could answer, he even immediately left without saying anything and when Rose tried to stop him but Nisa even stopped him so he couldn't stop Rayhan from leaving.

The proposal plan that Rayhan had made for him was messed up just because of William's presence out of nowhere. A strange man who always smiled seductively at her as if he had fallen in love at first sight and it made Rose even more fed up when suddenly the image of William's face crossed her mind and even the sound of his shooting made the chills down her spine.

While biting her fingernails, Rose ignored the image of William's face that had suddenly slipped in and tried to call Rayhan again who didn't pick up her phone even though she had tried to call him dozens of times.

Rose was about to cry when she felt someone standing behind her.

Could there be a ghost in her room? Rose carefully turned her head and yes she should scream now because it wasn't a ghost behind her but William.

"What do you want?" Rose asked fiercely, not forgetting to turn her body to face William.

William smiled faintly, he didn't answer and instead stepped closer to make Rose feel nervous and finally took a step back until without realizing it her waist touched the iron guard at the end of the balcony of her room.

"Don't you dare mess with me! I'm a master taekwondo just so you know!" Rose snarled, she raised her voice threateningly but William was completely unfazed.

"You are so fierce." His words were short and a second later his hands had touched the balcony railing and made Rose trapped between his muscular hands Rose was dumbfounded for a moment when she saw the muscles in William's arms that were visible because he rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt.

Realizing that, William then chuckled softly and whispered, "Seeing my arm has made you gasp, do you want to feel it?" William teased.

Rose's face instantly turned red.

"Nonsense!" She shouted angrily.

"Hey, the more you are fierce and resist me the more excited I am to conquer you."

"You think I'm a pet dog who should always be obedient!"

"You look like a cat to me."

"Adorable but I don't like it." William continued, he praised and then dropped. Oh my God, Rose wanted to have teleportation powers right now.

"If you don't like me why did you come to propose to me?" Rose asked fiercely, yes being fierce was the only way to get rid of her nervousness especially since she could smell the perfume from William's body considering their position was very close at this time even Rose who was about William's shoulder height could peek at William's muscular chest from behind the open button of his shirt.

"If you don't like me why are you peeking at my body?"

Dang! Rose was caught red-handed and William humiliated her easily.

"I'm not peeking at you! Who told you to open your buttons!" Avoid Rose.

"Is that so? So I can look at your body just because it's already exposed and I can peek inside?" William whispered and didn't forget his mischievous eyes moved to look at Rose's nightgown which had a fairly low cleavage.

"You pervert!" Rose immediately covered her body with both hands.

"Why cover it up, you'll show it to me later," William said, he kissed Rose's cheek briefly before walking away.

For a moment Rose froze, a kiss she never expected but it didn't last long because Rose immediately regained her senses.

"I'm not a woman who will sleep with a man I don't love!" Rose said annoyed and made William's steps stop.

"So you've slept with your lover?" William asked without turning his head while looking around Rose's pink room. It describes a feminine girl, but Rose's ferocity doesn't describe the tenderness of a feminine girl at all.

Rose thought a little, should she lie and say if she had slept with Rayhan so that William would withdraw from this marriage?
