It all began with the fall

It all began with the fall...

As normal as normal day could get, Raphel was spending such normal day in school. Living the life like typical, normal high schooler, the young man was quite bored with his life.

Compared to his other peers, he had no plans for his future at all. Rather than future, he was living as if there was no tommorow. Going out with friends everyday to play, then enjoy the video games till late night...

Raphel easily falls into category of problematic kid!

And so, today was once again normal day... After school, Raphel spent his days with friends in the town, then went home to play games...

"Fuck you, fucking top laner!"

The teenager roared as he flamed some poor dude in game. Getting too emotional for game is bad, but Raphel is a man who aims into esports secretly! It was his path to the future, albeit, it was his secret that no one knew.

"Fuck my mother? Your fucking mother is right now under my desk, you piece of shit!"

Looks like the dude is not that poor! Anyway, Raphel still smashed the keyboard as his flaming continued... Then, the game ended with defeat and the young man felt as if he lost some kind of big tournament!

"Damn, so close to Master Rank..."

Turning to the window, Raphel already knew that he played for too long as the night was dark. However, looking at the clock, he got surprised!

"What the... it's only midnight?"

Actually, it was 1 minute before the midnight. Feeling that he has still energy to play several games more, Raphel joined the que to get matched! He didn't know that this 1 minute was his last calm minute...

Thump! Thump! Thump!

His heart started to beat louder the moment the clock hit midnight... His eyes full of energy began to narrow as the sudden sleepiness attacked him... The monitor blurred and Raphel knew that no matter what, he has to go sleep...

Standing up lifelessly, the young man went to the bed with staggering steps. The mind of his got tired and he couldn't look properly anymore... As if someone was forcing him to sleep...

'Let's just sleep...'

And so, Raphel closed his eyes as he went sleeping with his clothes on. But, it wasn't the end of the surprising events... The moment, he closed his eyes completely was actually the moment he regained his energy!

Feeling clear as never before, Raphel opened his eyes... only to find himself in the sky...

"What the hell?!"

He was floating in the sky as the light breeze was occasionally caressing his cheeks. Looking below, he could see the mountains, rivers and enormous forest. Everything was small yet the one who was truly small was him...

"It's dream?"

Raphel felt like dreaming, but he quickly rejected such thought as this dream felt too real... Never in his dreams he felt such control over his body and emotions... Being in the sky obviously filled his heart with fear, but what was more fearful was...

"What is going to happen next?"


As if answering his questions, Raphel's body began to descend from the sky... The young's man body started to sweat non stop, his eyes trembled and calm heart of his went into opposite direction as it began to beat quickly...

Falling from the sky... for Raphel, everything already lost its meaning... Whether he was perspiring or trembling with fear, in didn't matter... He knew that he is going to die if he hits the ground... Thus, the memories of his young life began to resurface from the very beginning...

"In the end, I haven't achieved anything..."

Raphel smiled hopelessly as the forest below him grew bigger and bigger. Soon, the young man closed his eyes as he already could feel the death...



He hit the ground and the pain that couldn't be described with mere words enveloped his whole body. Raphel felt his bones breaking, insides bursting in his whole body and the blood leaving his body as if the body of his was like cheese...

For the young man, it would be better if he died immediately upon descending yet it looked like he has to suffer before the death...

'I should've died...'

Raphel thought after an hours of torment. He didn't know how much time he had spent experiencing this pain, but one fact was sure....

'I didn't die...'

He still couldn't feel his body, open his eyes or speak. Nevertheless, the pain was still here, albeit, lesser...

Then again, after an hours of laying motionlessly, Raphel felt unknown feeling as his body began to heal... Getting his senses back, Raphel opened his eyes only to see a screen floating in the air...

'Name: Raphel Fellen'

Age: 17

Race: ???

Status: Assigning race...

"What the fuck is this?"

Ding! Race assigned!

"Race? What do you- AAAAARGHHH!"

The similar pain yet a bit lesser enveloped his whole body... the good thing was that this time he knew what is going on... The window before him gave him race, thus, his body was changing... As he could move his body, Raphel caught his head as his body thrashed from the side to side...

When the pain disappeared, Raphel looked at the screen once more... It was before him, so he was forced to...

Race: Snakeman


He had no choice, thus, Raphel was doing his best to accept this, but what caught his attention was chat!

Chat group!

With his mind, Raphel entered the chat. He had to choose nickname, so he thought quickly and came up with 'The Fallen Dragon.'

As he entered the chat...

[The Great Luka: Holy shit, I am fucking general!]

The Great Luka appeared....

[Little Fairy: I have become the queen of wolves...]

Little Fairy appeared...

[The Young Pride: What the fuck is going first? How the fuck I am here? Ahh, I am eagleman by the way.]

The Young Pride appeared...

In the middle of the forest...

In the pool of blood...

With still broken body... Raphel was reading a chat...