Saved by elf

Losing his legs suddenly made Raphel to be extremely confused. He tried to move his tail, but it was as if his tail was the heaviest rock. Being not able to move, the situation was truly bad as his first battle might notified other monsters in this forest.

Thus, Raphel turned around and began dragging his tail as he crawled like soldier on the battlefield... Speaking of soliders...

"That bastard is general so he is probably enjoying the warm place and food!"

There was also queen in that goddamn chat! Also, other guy who seemed to be enjoying this situation! Crawling madly, Raphel was hitting the ground strongly expressing his anger... However, the pain on his back was getting more painful with each second making his vision to blur...

Losing his legs, then sight. Raphel felt like he is in hell! But those instincts to survive were truly strong making him go several meters further.

Yet one cannot survive with only instincts alone, not with wounds like his! Raphel suddenly lost all his strength as he fell...

'Why... is this happening to me?'

As he was thinking this inwardly, Raphel suddenly could feel gentle touch on his back as his wounds began to heal once more... Thinking that it might be the system once more, the young man closed his eyes with contentment...

He could still live! Because of all those event happening in such short time, Raphel had no more strength to even stay conscious. Feeling as if sleeping is his only choice, the young snakeman succumbed to this desire.


Waking up, Raphel found himself in the cave as orange light lightened the ceiling. But what made him to awaken, was actually pleasant smell... However!


He was alone in this wilderness and most importantly, Raphel can not cook! Standing up abruptly, the earthling scared his savior!



The young girl screamed at sudden move of Raphel. She was adding wood to the campfire and immediately stopped as she saw him waking up. Approaching him, she forcefuly made Raphel to lay down on the wooden bed...

"Are you the one who saved me?"


The young girl tried to say something, but Raphel couldn't understand her at all... With language barrier things are definitely going to be harder... He cant even thank her! However, as she finished her sentence...

Ding! You have learnt Elven Language.

"Your wound looked so horrible I moved on my own..."

"...Thank you."

"Eh! You can speak our language?"


Raphel lightly nodded, then scanned the elf before his eyes! She had spiky ears just like elves from the stories on Earth. Her blonde hair was tied into ponytail and her bright green eyes shone with glittering light as if stars were hidden here.

She herself wasn't that tall, probably head shorter than him. Wearing leather clothes, the blonde elf was definitely archer as she had both arrows and bow on her back. Of course, Raphel as young man also glanced at her three sizes feeling that she was quite voluptuous for her age.

Nevertheless, the young man thanked once more as she told her about the gentle touch. To such words, the young elf raised her hands showing the palms full of calluses.

"How can those be gentle..."

"They are."


Raphel became quite honest after all those scary experiences. Also, he found it hard to lie to this beautiful savior of his. Nevertheless, to avoid the awkward atmosphere, Raphel began asking question about this forest...

The words 'normal forest' caused him to lose all color on his face. Being the one to almost die in this normal forest, the young man couldn't help but tremble at this too sudden information. Even so, the worst thing was that he still had his tail on and couldn't move it at all...

"How do I move this tail?"

Without knowing what to do, Raphel turned to the elf... but such question made her to look at him strangely. Snakeman who doesn't know how to move his tail is surely embrassment...

Her cute face was looking at him as if idiot which made him tremble! Raphel quickly asked another question to change the subject!

"I-I am Raphel, what's your name!"


Was this even question as he literally shouted at her? Raphel turned around as all he could do was hide his stupid face.

"Umm, Raphel... aren't you hungry?"

He is hungry indeed! Turning around once more, Elaine passed him bowl of soup.

"I dismantled the boar you had killed and prepared this."

She made it sound so easy causing Raphel to feel headache... If he has to live in this world, then fighting and dismantling must become his natural habits... However, for him, the sight of blood and severed arms was too disgusting...

As they both ate, the sun already disappeared and the night descended making the campfire the only source of light. Elaine went to prepare the bed for herself, so Raphel had a lot of free time for himself.

Looking around at the campfire, wooden beds and dismantled body of boars, all Raphel felt was respect towards this beautiful elf. In order to learn all of this, she definitely had spent a lot of hardships...

'She saved me on whim'

This night is going to be the last night with her... feeling a bit crushed, Raphel closed his eyes. Although he truly wanted to sleep and forget about everything, he was also asking himself whether he can survive by himself...

"Good night."

The gentle voice of hers passed through his ears... It was as if she let go all of her defenses, but Raphel knew that such experienced elf definitely is on guard even while sleeping. Anyway, it's not like he is some kind of assaulter...

Laying motionlessly, Raphel found out that no matter what, he can not feel asleep. An hour passed... then two... then...

Thump! His heart thumped loudly and eyelids of his became heavy giving him sense of deja vu... Being forced to sleep, Raphel closed his eyes and prepared for long sleep, but the moment he closed his eyes...

Raphel found himself out in his room on Earth with his human body...