Raphel shall stay far away from those dungeons!

Energy core...

'How do I find this energy core?!'

Raphel thought as he was eating the soup. Since the energy core is somewhere deep inside one's body, snakeman decided to close his eyes and try to feel it with his other senses. During all of this, Raphel's body was still eating!

As he focused his mind... nothing happened! With closed eyes, everything was black... Then, Raphel began thinking about 'entering' his body with his mind! But without any idea as how to do it, the only thing he could do was just think about it...

Thinking.... thinking about his energy core, magic or some kind of doors that have to be opened. Imagining everything he could think of, Raphel was doing his best to find or enter his body!

'Girl needed one hour while others around two-three!'

And because of that, Raphel decided to keep thinking and imagining like that for at least three hours. But...


Something roared after five minutes or so as he tried to find his energy core! Such roar was truly scary as if demon's roar! It made Raphel to spit all his soup which obviously made Elaine angry!

"If you don't want to eat it then give it to me!"

"N-no...I just wanted to find my energy core!"


Elaine once again got struck by his words. Raphel looks like he is around seventeen years old yet he hadn't even found his energy core yet...

"But you have used some kind of venom, right?"


It sounds so dangerous!

'What if it falls on me?! No... it's my venom so I should be immune to this.'

But Raphel still couldn't help, but be wary of his own venom as it looked like the series of misfortunes hasn't ended! He had broken his own arm during fight with the bear and couldn't stop his own venom...

'Why can I not use it instinctively?'

One thought and tail appears! One thought and venom appears! That's how it should've been, at least for Raphel, but the reality says otherwise!

"I used it instinctively when I saw you flying..."

"Oh, so you wanted to protect me?"

"No, I just saw magic and wanted to use it myself."

"...You truly suck at everything."

"What do you mean?!"

Raphel jumped! Taking the bravely pose as if hero, he wanted to say his good points, but stopped immediately as he began thinking...

'...Mythic Rank in GGGGG.'

Being above avarage in games is his only strong point... At this point, Raphel couldn't help, but cry... Without any strength to hold these tears, the seventeen years old earthling sat down as if soul left his body...

'What's the use of Mythic Rank anyway...'

Sitting without any life, Raphel felt like it is fine to just die in this forest. Who knows... maybe he will end this circle of teleportation and just live his life trying his best to actually achieve something... even in games...

Elaine who saw him like that felt a little bad. She patted his shoulders gently as she spoke with enthusiasm...

"Look, if we reach Rainbow City, then you are going to definitely find something for you! Fighting is not for you."

"Rainbow City?"

"Rainbow City is the City under the goddess blessing! It means that there is also the dungeon entrance so..."


Raphel jumped once more as if the life came back to him! With trembling body, he looked at the opposite direction of their journey!

"E-Elaine! I think we must change our route!"

Seeing his attitude, the elf beauty smiled as if she predicted that already.

"I can't. For me, dungeon is my only hope."

Hope... Raphel who doesn't know anything about those dungeons can only think about them as dangerous places filled with monsters. He, the snakeman who can even broke his arm on the normal forest bear... should definitely ran away from those dungeons!

But seeing Elaine face with had slight tinge of sadness and sorrow, Raphel felt like he has to repay her for everything. That's why!

"Don't worry... I will accompany you to Rainbow City!"

"You speak as if you aren't burden..."


After the meal, the duo continued their journey. Once again they met bears, but Raphel mind was working hard on something else.

'She is strong and experienced, so that's normal for her to go into dungeon.'

He was actually thinking of going into dungeon with her, but simple name dungeon was scary enough for him...

'I am weak, thus, I shall stay away from those dungeons...'

Using this as excuse, Raphel wanted to think about other way of repaying her. While thinking about other ways...

'That's right. I am burden so she won't take me to dungeon!'

Raphel sighed. In the end, what can he do to repay her? While each one of them were thinking about something else, sudden explosion erupted in the forest.

It alarmed the duo and Elaine as if she thought about something amazing had slight change in her expression. Her beautiful face flashed with anticipation and excitement as she jumped forward to the source of the explosion.