Fuck pride

Although Raphel fainted, it didn't take too long for him to wake up as...

"Bleagh... Cough! Cough!"

Human bear made him awake as he spilled cold water on Raphel. After good session of severe coughing, Raphel still kept laying on the floor. With barely opened eyes and wet hair, he truly looked pitiful as even blood flowed down from his nose.

Human bear broke his nose! Raphel knew that if he hadn't experienced the other, brutal world, then not only blood and cold water would flow down his face, but also tears. Nevertheless, the most important question was...

'Why did I come here?'

Earth was supposed to be paradise. Going to school, then having fun with friends and night gaming. He still has 2 years of school, and a lot of time to have fun. Not thinking about future was one of Raphel stupid choices.

Even so, today, after dying in another world, he didn't feel like going to school or even having fun with friends. Rather than that, he just strolled without any direction on the town untill he ended up here.

'After dying in another world, everything should've come back to normal already.'

But he was fighting someone who had the same aura like bear from another world. It has to be said, but those bears were not small like those from Earth. They were more brutal and scary!

'Just let me go...'

Raphel stood up which surprised everyone. Nevertheless, he didn't stand up easily. Raphel's whole body was shivering while his breathing was out of control. Even so, all he wanted was to escape this hell.

"You are leaving like that?"

The human bear spoke, but Raphel didn't care. He planned to come back home, say some excuse that he got beaten by thugs and come back to his normal life next day. But, the human bear didn't stop his speech.

"If this were your house, would you leave it like that letting me do whatever I want?"

"If you were with your girlfriend, then you would leave her alone for me like that?"

"Master, that's too harsh!"

"Hmpf! Then brat, If I instulted you and your whole family, spit on you and beat again. You still would do nothing, but escape?!"

Raphel heard all of this yet he didn't stop. The young man just gritted his teeth and prepared to leave the dojo with training clothes...

"Then get the fuck out! Go and play your games, pathetic brat!"

Games... it made Raphel stop. In his whole life, he wasn't good at anything. Only in games he was rather above avarage, but such skill didn't help him either here or in another world. However, as esport scene progressed, games became quite good future!

Only if you were good enough! Raphel who obviously was only little above avarage, in this moment got so angry that he began shouting at human bear!

"If this were, cough! My house, then I would just throw kitchen knives at you, fucking bear!"


"Then, cough, cough... you really believe I have girlfriend?!"


"Then you can insult and beat me. I don't care since I won't see you anymore, fucking bear!"

Human bear already had beaten him so much, so much that Raphel didn't think he would again get a good series of beating again. However...

"Oh really?"

Human bear smirked. He caught Raphel collar once more and threw him at the mats. Raphel obviously cried as his head still hurt. Nevertheless, he truly didn't expect human bear to attack him once more.

But reality once again said otherwise. The human bear approached Raphel quickly and punched him directly into stomach which made Raphel feel like puking. Still Raphel did his best to hold!

"You only dared to insult when games came out. So you take them seriously... But you didn't even react when I talked about your home. How egoistic. You are typical parasite who can only rely on others."

"Leave me alone, you are violating law!"

"Law? In this place, I am law."

And so, the human bear didn't hold back at all as he insulted and kept beating Raphel. However, he inwardly was very surprised at Raphel endurance. After his first strike, Raphel shouldn't be able to stand up immediately and now after several punches, both in head and torso, Raphel still kept standing up!

As for Raphel, he didn't know why he is so persistent. Wouldn't it be better to lay down and wait for human bear to cool down? But insults coming from this man angered Raphel deeply. It also made him remember how bad he is at his only 'talent'.

Gaming skill was his only talent and because of this human bear, Raphel realized how useless his talent is outside and inside the game. No... he already knew but just pretended to not...

'I am trash. And so be it! I will just go with the flow, but before that! I will at least hit him once!'

Raphel took similar posture to that of human bear which made other to smirk...

"Master, you did it. You have angered him!"

"Hmpf! Brat, have you finally gotten some pride?

"Fuck.. cough... pride! I would rather have money!"
