Guild of beast tamers

Imblazire Guild was one of many guilds here. Raphel didn't want to show that he doesn't know anything, thus, he quickly asked where is the closest guild and ran here. Anyway, now, standing before the gates to this very guild, Raphel was shivering once more...

"You want to join our guild?"

The woman voice rang out! He bumped into her by accident and enjoyed the softness for a while, but he regretted it one second later. It was because the woman was wild! Not only her voice, but appearance as well.

She had leather clothes that barely covered her body. With so little armor, Raphel understood why it felt nice! However as he noticed the whip on her hip, he already took several steps back.

However, the woman was as fast as wild. Her long and spiky red hair fluttered as she caught the snakeman. Feeling the strong grip, Raphel cried inwardly and had a lot to say.

He wanted to say 'let me go!' or 'take care of your body' as he saw her scars even on soft parts of her body yet he held back. It was all because of Human Bear! However, the wild woman asked the question once more, so...

"I asked you."

"I-I think I mistook the places!"

If he wants money, then he could try working with commoners, but working with commoners had two flaws! First, those from guilds could easily bully them, thus, with his luck, the chances of thugs coming to him were high! Very high!

Thus, if he joins guild, then he is going to have some kind of protection! Then, in guild, he can earn more and faster while doing commoner jobs... that's what he thought...


Before Raphel could say he wants to clean or help gathering ingredients in this guild, the wild woman noticed the snake through Raphel's clothes. There was slight surprise which quickly disappeared then...

Wild woman's attitude changed a little, but she still was wild.

"So you are one of us! Come, brat."


It was only then, Raphel noticed a tiger behind a woman. It was red tiger looking especially magnificent yet it had scary eyes and teeth making Raphel to shake.

How could he not follow her after seeing such beast?! Following the red haired woman, Raphel entered the guild territory and realized something...

'Everyone here has some kind of beast...'

Some kind of birds, monkeys, horses... there were a lot of different beasts he had never seen before in his life. Now, it will definitely take some time to adapt to such wild smell. But, looking at all those beasts gave Raphel enlightenment!

'That's right. I don't need bodyguards If I have army of beasts!'

People hired with money still can betray in the face of great danger. However, that should be unlikely for beasts, even more, for beasts which were tamed with special magic!

"Is there beast taming technique?!"

Raphel asked rather excited. The wild woman glanced at him with indifference, then began her speech!

"There is, but such technique only lets you create a place to hold your partners."


"What important isn't the technique, but your heart!"


The wild woman took out the book which had simple cover. Before Raphel could grab the book, she said '2 silver' which was his last money! Nevertheless, with his dream of beast army, Raphel immediately gave her money.

He was so fast! So fast that he surprised the wild woman. When it comes to money, Raphel awakens his hidden power. She took money with strange expression and gave the book.

[You have found 'Simple Beast Dimension Pocket' Book' F Grade]

[Do you want to learn it?]

'No-no way! I can learn it this simple?! Where is catch?!'

[You have learnt 'Simple Beast Dimension Pocket']

"Um, it's not beast taming technique..."

"Do you think of your snake as partner or slave?"

The wild woman eyes were narrowed showing clear hostility. She was patting her red tiger affectionately while looking at Raphel like that which made Raphel to realize several things. One bad word and he is dead!

"Partner, of course partner! We are like family, haha!"

The wild woman smiled lightly as she patted Raphel shoulder. She loudly told him her name then the division where she is leader.

'Riana Wild! Even her surname is wild?! And what's the name of this division?! Beast's Sharp Tooth?!'

Since Raphel joined the guild, he also got home for himself in another world. Rather than home, it was one room, but still better than jungle! It was dorm belonging to division of wild woman, thus, he knew he is going to meet another members soon. But before that...

"Your dimension pocket can hold two beasts! Remember, only beasts! So go learn it first, then tame one another beast!"


"Ah, but before that, let's get your emblem."

With this emblem, he doesn't have to pay any entrace fees whatsoever! Raphel got happy when he heard it. For him, it meant more than joining the guild! As he got emblem which had image of tiger opening its wild mouth to bite someone...

"You have to tame your beast alone, got it? Your time limit is two weeks!"


And so, Raphel ran away from the Imblazire Guild!

'Hmpf! I already learnt that technique!'

The problem was beast.