Father is coming

Bee was big, but what was bigger was its stinger. It was long as well giving Raphel sense of danger. He himself blamed the fact that he can not summon his 'claw'. Thus, using this as excuse, Raphel threw the bottle with venom and took Little Kiri onto his shoulders.


She got startled at first, but quickly enough began enjoy this ride as she held his hair tightly as if controlling Raphel herself! The snakeman began jumping from tree to tree throwing bottles that to this point hadn't landed even once on the bee...


The bee was dodging his every attack! Feeling as if he is going to waste all of his hard gathered venom, Raphel changed his strategy to the bold one... Such strategy showed how much he grew after one dungeon mission!

Yes, this coward planned to take down the bee with his own hands! Jumping from tree on the ground, Raphel stood waiting for the bee to get closer. It was similar situation like with the young bear and the cat...

As for the young bear... Since it was his home, most of beasts here didn't attack him at all... He leisurely watched Raphel strugling as if he was still angry at him for hiding his 'true' strength... Soon, the bee descended, its stinger at the very front shining brightly...

It became so fast it blurred, however, as it got closer to Raphel, the snakeman eye shone with golden light... and the world slowed expect Raphel. He like the girl from the Earth released his palm strike only little above the stinger flawlessly killing the bee in one strike...


"Wow! That was amazing!"

All Little Kiri saw was sudden explosion of bee! For her it looked awesome and more importantly... wild! She began thrashing on Raphel's shoulders, her little legs slamming into him!

"Alright, Little Kiri. We are going further!"

Raphel got hyped up a little. The adventure that was supposed to be the training for the young bear became the training ground for adult snakeman! In the jungle, the duo has met a lot of insects and monsters!

Everytime they saw a group or even a duo of monsters, they ran like madman, to be more precise, Raphel.

'I can't let Little Kiri to be in danger!'

He only fought one versus one yet with another excuse. It was still enjoyable for Little girl as she either shouted 'Run!' or 'Kill!' acting as commander. Little Kiri was cute indeed...


Soon, Raphel met his worst enemy... The bears! The time to beat his trauma has arrived... Raphel stood strong against two! Two bears stood in front of him, their stomping was akin to explosions in Raphel's mind...

Seeing his serious face, Little Kiri tilted her head. Then, Raphel done something new! He was first to jump forward!


Releasing his palm strike with perfect form, Raphel arrived before the bear as fast as lightning, his palm causing the air to tremble! And such palm strike was indeed hard to dodge, thus, Raphel succeed!

One: Zero!

The bear got stunned and shook his head lightly, then before Raphel could react, the other one appeared next to him, his paw already in motion. Raising his hands, Raphel crossed them and blocked the attack while getting 'light' scratches...

'It doesn't hurt at all!'

Roaring inwardly, Raphel felt like he can still press forward! After he made sure Little Kiri didn't get injured, the snakeman nimbly, like his tail grabbed the bear and...


Roared even more throwing the bear to his partner who was already ready to jump at Raphel... Getting the room for himself, Raphel felt like bears aren't scary anymore. The wounds on his arms hurt, but even this pain got overshadowed with excitement as his blood boiled.

'I can win!'

Raphel bent his body with smile on his face. He grew! He felt his own growth and with addition of blood boiling, he was more than eager to pounce at the bears. However...

Tap! The young bear arrived! He proudly pounced between his partner and the bears growling madly! Apparently the bears that Raphel had just attacked were his brothers!

Growl! Don't attack him! He is my!

The bears took several steps back in fear! What did their younger brother mean by saying 'my?' Is he interested in hairless human males?! Soon, one of them growled in respone...

Growl! We will tell father!

And they ran away leaving the young bear with puzzled expression. Raphel himself felt strange as he could understand them... Quickly enough, the enormous roar of the adult bear reverberated throughout the forest... causing the already non existent trauma to appear once more!

Raphel whole body began sweating proactively while Little Kiri had shining eyes! It's like the boss is going to appear! Unable to contain her excitement, she jumped off! The snakeman who was already trembling didn't have time to react... because he knew! He knew that...

Father is coming!