Problems after problems

Weronica could use magic here, so it meant her body has energy core! Then... does it mean that they also have it here, on the Earth?! Raphel immediately began thinking how easy it would be if he had strong body!


Robert sighed as he knew that it's going to be hard to explain everything thoroughly. In other world, he woke up as prince with his looks, so it was like the world had been overwritten so that he easily could fit into 'new' family...

And right now he has to introduce the beauty out from this world to his family while telling them that she has no ID whatsoever!

"Raphel, let's talk tommorow."

"Yeah, wife is the most important! I get it, I get it."

"No, you dont..."

The problem was much more worse than Raphel could imagine! The reason for her to appear here was probably because Robert was here, but the Blue Rose Kingdom was filled with vicious bastards that were ready to kill without slighlest hesitation in order to reach their goals...

What if they also appeared somewhere close to them?

And... Raphel and Robert aren't the only humans that can move between the worlds! It was already confirmed with the chat that system had in other world! Robert felt like this is too much just by his initial thoughts...

"Raphel, tommorow we are skipping school."

"Yeah, yeah... Have fun!"

"Goddamnit! This guy!"

The smart one stomped the ground heavily under confused eyes of his wife.


Completely oblivious to the thoughts of his friend, Raphel came back home to relax. Since he still had worry about other world whether he is alive or not, he decided to take break from trainings and simply relax.

However, as he came back home, Raphel noticed that his mother was already here! She usually would be working till evening, so he got surprised a little and entered the living room, only to see his mother crying!

The huge amount of tissues around her only made the scene more sad.


Raphel felt like crying just from looking at her. He sat down next to her and let her hug him, lending his shoulder... The TV was on and in the midst of the sound coming from it, the parent and children sat on the sofa while hugging for at least an hour...

"I lost my job..."

She was all alone, raising her only son while working hard as well!

"What happened?"

"One of my co-workers was being abused by higher ups, so I stepped in..."

Raphel's mother immediately became disgusted! However, unlike her son who saw similar acts in the other world, she stepped forward to help! The man who abused his authority to play with body of poor woman was one of favoured man by boss!

"They gave bonus to the abused woman and accused me of slandering... I should've just left her alone! I wasn't the only one who knew about this yet!"

It made Raphel to nod inwardly! In the end, he did good job of not stepping forward back then in other world! Still, it's not like he can agree with his mother right now.

"It's fine mother. I am proud of you, you are nice and hard-working woman, so I know that you will find a new job sooner or later. Take a rest now, and if we lack money, then I will sell my PC and stuff or look for part-time job. Don't worry, okay?"


Uweee! In the, she cried even more, but her heart felt much more better! After long and tense situation, the family of two went together to make a dinner, but Raphel who was quite bad could only help with simple things.



One minute from midnight! Is he going to another world or he is already dead here? Raphel closed his eyes as he laid himself on the bed after the bath! He was quite tense, just like during his talk with mother, but!

The eyes became heavy so he is alive!



The sound of snake's tongue! Raphel heard it several times as he has beautiful snake coiling around his body! However, this very snake was different right now... It was much bigger, looking stronger than before!


The beautiful snake that he had met randomly in the forest with Elaine was now eating monsters with its wide mouth! It wasn't pleasant sight, but Raphel who already got somehow accustomed to such sights, calmly tried to stand up, only to see a big tail below instead of his legs...


The window from system says he is snakeman, but do snakes have arms? They don't, so Raphel knew that his claws are purified version of his bloodline! It was only small amount of %, but it was already this strong.

'If I learn how to move with tail, my bloodline is going to purify faster.'

Purification doesn't only get better with better resources! There are also other factors which Raphel was slowly discovering.

"Hey, leave me some as well!"