We will be heroes! Haha~~

Every human that can go between the worlds had the same thought like Kazuya and that is - the crimes are related to the otherworlders. But that's it! He, who had money and stood at the top of 'nobility', truly could assign himself a role of 'leader'.

But others had different thoughts. Most people were like Raphel and Robert who hoped to protect those who are the closest to them. It was rather simple thing. Because protecting those who are closests to you means that they have to attack the moment the otherworlders actually target their families.

So the fight would break out in their own homes and could be districtive.

And why does it have to be districtive? Because of the law!

The are two main problems that humans from Earth that can use magic have! One coming from earthlings themselves while other coming from otherworlders.

In otherworlders case, it was simple. No one knew their abilities and how much they are suppressed by the 'system'. In the face of justice, it was simply too risky to go and fight for people that are innocent...

Yes, it was risky! But it was also risky to fight openly. And that's where the problem from earthling comes from. The law.

"Killing is bad, right, father? I already see how bad it is just from looking at you."

Kazuya spoke slowly, trying to hide his emotions. His father was breathing roughly while sweating like pig. The fact that his son had killed humans was worse, definitely worse than him killing other races... But in the end, it was still killing.

The old man was trying to keep his mind clear, but the turmoil in his mind was only getting started.

"The law is forbidding from killing, but also those humans won't get anything from it other than having sense of accomplishment by purifying the contamination called otherworlders... And it's not like current we... can pack those monsters to the prison."

And by fighting openly, the humans also would expose magic. But that's actually not the worst thing. Sooner or later, this fact will be known by many, whether it's humans from Earth or otherworlders who reveal it for the earth.

The worst thing is that there is no one who can allow earthling to fight openly while getting rewards for their 'fighting'.

"That's where we step in, father."

"Don't tell... me... you want to create heroes?"

"Haha! That's right! I always wanted to be hero... Even had dreams that you would create a invention that would let me fly! Hahaha~~"

Kazuya was laughing happily as he reminded himself from those childhood memories. But hero thing kinda fits the earthlings and Kazuya himself was keen on it... Even though it might sound cringe and childish, the young man knew that heroes will sow the seeds of justice in the earthling soon!

"Stop it... That's not laughing matter!"

"Okay, okay... So, father. I will first look around my circle of friends, then we will begin working on the world's scale. I might need new suit soon~~"

The beginnings of heroes began here, in the skyscraper of Yuseh Family!


While Kazuya had his own wild thoughts and talks with father, Raphel was sitting on the bed with Anna. He had already sent message to his mother to not worry her about his disappearance, then slowly began probing more into the equipment...

The otherworlder had strong equipment indeed. Even his t-shirt had attribute that lets one feel the concept of wind smoother which results in huge boost... Of course, it wasn't good equipment for Raphel who uses venom and already has strong body.

Also, those equipments were coming from hamster tribe, so the probability of 'hamsters only' thing was here... Raphel was guessing that at least hamsters feel the enchants better!

[Sharp Hamster Knife. Rank Orange.]

It was made from hamster's tooth! Raphel felt strange as he knew that the knife is made from the hamster race... It was very strange feeling, as if using human as weapon! He found it hard to explain, but there is also something harder to explain on his way.

"Raphel... can I learn magic? Knowing about those crimes and now, magic, I don't know whether I will be able to leave my house..."


Soft Anna came back! She had her head in clouds while thinking about supernatural killers! One could easily guess that those thoughts aren't nice as she had pale face with sad eyes shifting between sky and Raphel from time to time.

Wearing simple, long t-shirt to cover her womanly features, Anna's swinging legs seemed to be the only happy thing right now as those moved back and forth incessantly.

"I... I don't even know how to stop the teleportation between the worlds... Similarly, I don't know the reason as to why I am chosen one..."

If he doesn't know anything about unnatural things going around him, how could he answer her question regarding magic and whether she can learn it or not? Anna understood it, but couldn't stop herself from getting more rejected.

Her whole face sunk in sadness...

Tap! Tap!

"It's gonna be okay... We are going to the same dojo, so we will see ourselves everyday from now on, right? Don't go to underground anymore and move along the crowds..."

Raphel simply patted her shoulder while telling such obvious things. Anna took a look at him and shook her head as that's not how he should console her.

Luckily enough, the young snakeman had matured a little.


Wrapping his arm around her shoulder, Raphel pressed Anna's soft body against himself, taking her into embrace without any question. He seemed to guess her disappointed sight and quickly reformed himself by taking initiative.

And as Anna didn't resist his embrace, Raphel went even bolder while being aroused by her body that was only covered by t-shirt. He buried his head in her hair, sniffing the pleasant fragnance which added more to his stimulation.

"If I had magic, you wouldn't be hugging me in such way."

She said rather boldly.

"It would be... you... hugging me?"

"As if!"

Pa! She smashed his stomach which didn't deal any damage to the 'assimilated' Raphel!