I have hope now

Hearing the teasing tone in Guang Ying's voice, Han Ye groaned and scratched his forehead as he mumbled, "It's not what you think… Come on, we barely knew each other."

Guang Ying laughed softly. Since the man he usually bullied was away, he felt bored, and so, he decided to mess with Han Ye. After all, it was the will of the gods that he stumbled into such an interesting scene this early in the morning.

Looking at Han Ye, he pointed out, "Callum barely knew me, but he had a crush on me for like 16 years. Du XiAn was smitten with Kai Xin within the first glance. So, there's definitely a possibility of the two of you falling head over heels for each other within the span of than 48 hours, more or less."

Han Ye sighed.

"First of all, my boss is... different. No one knows what's in his mind. Secondly, Director Shenlong thought that you were a girl," Han Ye retorted with a smirk of his own.

Being told that only made Guang Ying sigh. "That didn't stop him from bothering me once he found out that I'm not."

Han Ye chuckled at his success in turning the table around. "Well, all's good now, isn't it?"

"I suppose so," said Guang Ying. With a sly smile, he looked out the window as he thought about the man that he fell in love with. He still found it hard to believe that he fell for a man. He found it even harder to believe that he fell for such a dumb, silly man.

But despite all of Callum's flaws, Guang Ying knew that the man he fell in love in was a great man. Whenever he recalled the day Callum came to save him from his kidnappers, Guang Ying's heart would soften and he would treat his lover better than usual.

They chatted for a little while more before Han Ye excused himself to go and get ready. When he came out of his room, Xiao Lei still did not come out of her room. He knew that she was probably feeling shy about earlier.

"Women..." he thought with a sigh. Before he left, Han Ye said to Guang Ying, "She might be a little shy, so just tell her that she slept on the floor earlier, so nothing happened between us. There's nothing to be shy about..."

Guang Ying laughed softly and asked in a teasing voice, "Did you wish for something to happen?"

His words caused Han Ye to think about what he had done earlier, especially at the memory of him touching a part that he should not touch. With that, he blushed again as he murmured, "N-No…"

He then left the suite before Guang Ying could say anything else. When he was waiting for the valet to bring his car over, he saw the old woman that bothered Head Manager Han before. She was sitting at a bench near the entrance of the hotel, and her eyes were glued to the entrance as if she was waiting for someone to come out.

She looked so frail as she waited outside in the chilly morning weather, and she was shivering so badly that Han Ye could not bear to sit by and do nothing. He told the valet that he would be right back before he walked over and wrapped his blazer over the old woman's shoulders.

When she looked up at him, he smiled kindly at her before he knelt down on one knee in front of her. After that, he said, "It's cold… Why don't you go back first?"

He then pulled the blazer tighter so that she would feel warmer.

The old woman shook her head. "I have to wait for Han Xuan."

"Han Xuan? Do you mean Head Manager Han?"

The old woman nodded. She looked through the windows, and when she did not see signs of Head Manager Han, she sighed. "I must wait for him to come out."

"Is there anything you want to tell him? I know him quite well. If you want, I can help you relay the message," Han Ye offered to help.

The old woman looked at Han Ye for a few seconds before shaking her head. "He won't like it… He's already angry at me… I can't make him angrier. Thanks for your help."

Han Ye frowned. He wondered what could make Head Manager Han be so mean to an old lady. However, he did not think that it was his place to care too much. They were both people who served DX and nothing else.

"Then… Is there anything I can do for you?" Han Ye asked with a kind tone. If his mother was still alive, she would probably be around the age of this old woman. So, whenever he talked to an elderly, he would always be reminded of his mother who passed away before he turned into an adult.

The old woman smiled and shook her head. "I'm fine… I'll just wait for him to come out…"

"Alright then." Han Ye stood up. He could not do anything else. However, he did call a bellboy over and told him to call Head Manager Han to come down.

When he was about to walk away, the old woman called out. "Sir, your blazer!"

Han Ye smiled. "It's fine. Keep it, it's cold now. You can just leave it at the reception later…"

"May I know your name, young sir?" asked the old woman with a smile.

"It's Han Ye."

Once he told her his name, he nodded and turned around before he walked away.

If he continued to stay, he would have seen the horrified look on the woman's face and hear her muttered, "H-Han Ye?"

The name triggered a memory from a long time ago… It was of an older boy holding the hands of a toddler as they played in their dirty, messy front yard. The older boy had cleaned out a pathway earlier and was encouraging the toddler to walk more.

The memory caused the old woman's eyes to be filled with tears, and as the tears fell down her cheeks, she covered her mouth and said in a whisper-like voice, "Han Ye… I have hope now..."