Du Mansion Party (7)

She rolled her eyes. With a disgruntled expression, she sneered, "Yeah, sorry about that, but I'm just a street rat. I don't know your fancy words! Maybe you should hire someone else as your secretary!"

Han Ye sighed. He could tell that she was really hurt by his words earlier, especially since he now knew that she knew who he was the whole time.

He thought for a moment and rearranged his words before he explained, "Look, it's not that I don't let you use those words. Those women probably deserve each and every one of your colorful words... But this is not the street or even our apartment. This is President Du's house... and you're not here as a guest." 

"Then what should I do? Let them bully me?" she yelled at him, tears brimming in her eyes. "I didn't do anything! If I want to steal from them, they won't even know what hit them!" 

"No. You wait for me to handle it for you."