My hand is dirty

At lunchtime,

Han Ye took the note that he found in his blazer pocket and went to Restaurant West Wind. When he got there, he did not know what to look for. Since it was a Saturday, there were a lot of people walking in and out of the restaurant.

The noise in the restaurant was at such a high decibel that Han Ye was starting to get a headache. He spent so much time with DX - who hated loud noises - that he developed some of DX's habits. One of them was to eat in quieter restaurants.  

After ordering a cup of coffee and a bowl of noodles, he sat there and ate his noodles while waiting. About 15 minutes later, he was done eating, but he still did not find anyone that was out of the ordinary. Not wanting to waste any more time, he then stood up and went to the cashier to ask, "Excuse me, but is there an old woman, about mid-fifties, a full head of white hair, and..."