Your body is amazing

Callum grinned, but he stopped teasing Luo Guangying. Instead, he turned to look at Dr. Phillip with a disgruntled expression. "Did you have to do that? You know that this is important to me!" 

"Well... It was fun. Anyway, there is something that I have to tell you," Dr. Phillip said as he looked at Callum and Xiao Lei. "There are two successful implantations, so if everything goes according to plan, at or around 9 months, you might have two beautiful babies." 

"Two?!" Xiao Lei gasped. 

"Twins?!" Callum gasped. 

They then looked at each other with a surprised expression. Everyone had expected only one to survive.

Hearing Dr. Phillip's words, Luo Guangying turned around so fast that he nearly bumped into Xiao Zhihao, who had walked over and was standing behind him. 

"Are you alright?" Xiao Zhihao asked him while looking up at the man, who had a surprised expression on his face.