I'll tell your mother about this


As they walked to Han Ye's car, Xiao Zhihao could not help but get angry at the man before him. Unable to take it anymore, he grabbed Han Ye's arm and snapped, "Why did you do that for?! That's my scholarship! I didn't do anything wrong! Why did you tell the principal to revoke it!" 

He was angry, extremely angry... and annoyed. That was the scholarship that he worked hard for, and that was his ticket for a better future. Even if his mother was somewhat well off now, what with all the money that she was making from the movie as well as the trust fund provided by DX, Xiao Zhihao still wanted to make it in this world with his own effort.  

Han Ye glanced at Xiao Zhihao's arm that was on his sleeve and said in a cold voice, "Let that be a lesson to you..." 

"I thought you like my mother! Don't you want me to say a nice thing or two about you?" Xiao Zhihao yelled as his breathing quickened. "Aren't you afraid that I'll tell her that I hate you?!"