You call this handsy?


After Xiao Lei was done changing, she immediately bade goodbye In the car, Xiao Lei felt a sudden sharp pain on her left shoulder. 

"Argh..." she cried out softly as she rubbed her left shoulder in a clockwise position. For some reason, she felt that there was something wrong, but she could not pinpoint what. It was just one of those weird feelings that one would get occasionally. 

Han Ye was driving, but when he heard her cry, he glanced to the side at her. "Are you alright? Is there something wrong?" 

Xiao Lei shook her head as she placed her hand back on her thigh. "Just a sharp pain..."

Han Ye glanced at her for a second before looking back at the road. He then placed a hand on her head and gently caressed it as he said, "You're probably too tired. You've been filming for the last two days."

"Are you always this handsy?" Xiao Lei asked as she looked at him. It was not that she hated it, she just hadn't seen this side of him before.