Fantasy Chat Group

[??? added Genos Ryun to Fantasy Group Chat]

[??? set Genos Ryun as the Fantasy Group Chat admin]

[Genos Ryun will now receive the 'Admin Package']

Looking at the notification he had just received, Genos frowned as it sounded like it was some sort of otaku group chat just from its name. But to make him the admin was confusing.

He was also surprised as he had never heard that BlueChat had a new feature now.

Curiously, he opened up his BlueChat to look at this so-called Fantasy Chat Group and who was this '???' that added him.

Opening it, he then received a lot of messages from the chat group.

DemonLordLiza: Woaahh!! The admin finally appeared!

FairyChymbee: Yes, yes. But why is the admin not sending a message?

FrostQueenErika: Please quiet down you too. The two of you are too unladylike.

DemonLordLiza: By the way, where are Helen and Diana?

FairyChymbee: I remembered that they will be doing something today so maybe they are still busy?

FrostQueenErika: I understand Helen, but how about Diana? I can't believe that such a lazy girl like her will be busy.

DemonLordLiza: Even though she is lazy, she can be quite serious sometimes.

FairyChymbee: Anyways, why is the admin still not messaging? Don't tell me the admin doesn't know how to use BlueChat?

FrostQueenErika: That may be the case. I also had a hard time using it for the first time.

DemonLordLiza: We can just wait for the admin to figure out how to use it.

Genos was surprised to look at the conversation between the three. He felt like they are talking like they are not from the same world but he can't tell why he was feeling this way.

He then shifted his attention to the 'Admin Package' he had just received when he was appointed as the admin by '???'.

Is it money? That would be really helpful. He thought as he pressed on it while not thinking too much about it.

But when he did so, his phone just suddenly shines brilliantly that even he can't see clearly what was going on. He threw his phone as he thought that it was going to explode and distance himself from it.

After a few moments, the phone stopped shining and Genos can finally see what has happened to his phone.

It now looks very different from the phone he was using earlier as it was not much wider and was even thinner. Though he could tell that it looks really cool especially that dragon carving at its back. He didn't understand one bit about what was happening at the moment.

"What happened?" Genos asked himself what was happening. It felt really weird but he was not even panicking even one bit which is really strange. Just as he was about to look at the changes on his phone, he heard someone calling him.

"Kuya it's time to go!" it was the voice of a girl. Then the door to his room opened and an angel entered. (AN: Kuya is big brother in Filipino. Thought of using as both of them will be Filipinos as well.)

Her waist-length long black hair that falls perfectly like a waterfall while it slightly curves at the end completely compliments her sparkling dark eyes. She was wearing a white dress with some flora designs that completely match her delicate face. She was like an angel that descended from the heavens above.

Her name was Kaith and she was his little sister.

"Okay, okay. Wait for me outside okay?" Genos said with a smile while patting her head. He was always like this in front of his little sister as he doesn't want her to be worried about him.

"Un." Kaith nodded. But she noticed that Genos' phone was not the same anymore and she thought that it was new. She didn't complain about it though as she thought that he only deserves to have the best as he is the best.

In her mind, Genos was the best person in the whole world that she only loves and will only love. Though that is only in her thoughts as it would be quite troublesome if others find out about it especially Genos.

After Kaith left his room, Genos had completely forgotten to check what was inside his 'Admin Package' as the only thought in his mind was what will be doing together with his little sister.