
Strongfield City, Mirilith Empire, Eriwald Continent

The nearest city to the capital and was also near the border of Deepfog Forest or also known as the Demon's Territory, a place where the most vicious and ruthless creatures ever lived the demons.

Known for their strong bodies without having any form of special training and their amazingly high potential for magic. Demons are feared as they will kill humans in sight no matter what the situation is.

And at the current time, Demons from the Deepfog Forest are starting to move towards Strongfield city as if they are attracted to something. This cost a lot of deaths especially for the knights in charge of defending the city.

At a certain region near the outskirts of Deepfog Forest.

*suu *suu *suu

Arrows near at the speed of sound traveled in the air as it hits right at the forehead of the incoming demons. Precisely hitting at their foreheads, the demons fell to the ground and died but more demons are coming.

The arrows flew from every direction as at the opposite side of the demons, rows of people can be seen holding bows. They nuke an arrow to their bow and then shot it towards the demons, it was a fast and smooth movement.

They are the knights of Mirilith.

Leading this group of knights was a woman or a girl judging from her childish face who was dashing through the crowd of demons like a fish in the water. With her sword on her hand, she cut the demons head one after another.

This girl was Diana, the strongest knight in the empire. Even though she was a girl, no one would dare to look down on her as she had proven herself to be worthy of the title as the 'Strongest Knight'.

Diana has a shoulder-length drill-like blond hair. Her eyes were a pair of crystal blue which was like the bright sky. She wears armor all over her body but she was still very agile like she was just wearing normal clothes. Her chose of weapon was a long sword made from the fang of an Elder Dragon.

For Diana, these low-level demons were nothing as she cuts through them until nothing remained, the fight last only about a few minutes but the other knights are already very tired. While Diana, on the other hand, was not even sweating that much.

"Lady Diana, the demons are all slain and there are no casualties, fortunately." a knight said to Diana with a salute as a sign of respect. As Diana has a high position among the knights, it may not even an exaggeration to say that she can even compete with the nobles in terms of authority.

"Okay then, you may go take a rest," Diana said.

"Thank you, Lady Diana." the knight said as she went back to the group and also take a rest.

Diana decided to also rest to recover some of her energy, as even though she can still fight, she did use a bit of energy from the fight earlier. She then started to think about the device she received from nowhere which seem to be called 'phone'.

It was a mysterious device that can show her her status like what an identity card can do, although it shows more information than what the identity card can.

She can also use the phone to capture images of her surroundings which was very convenient as there are sometimes when she wants to keep what she saw forever.

Diana was also happy as she manages to have some friends through the 'phone' using the 'application' 'BlueChat' which was very amazing as she was able to have a conversation with other people from other worlds.

At first, she had no idea how to use the 'phone' but because there was a guide on how to use it, she began to have a hang of it and later on, was able to use it very easily.

There were five members in the 'BlueChat' and their group was called 'Fantasy Chat Group' the members are all females which made it easier for them to get along with. Though they received a message that the admin was still not chosen and from what message she received, the admin will be helping the members of the group from their problems.

That is why she hopes that the admin will be chosen immediately so that she can ask for help as even though she can still fight with the demons, she can fight with them forever like this.

Note as it didn't fit in the Author's Thought:::

Sorry for the short chapter and sad to say, this will be the only chapter today. To be honest, I was lazy yesterday so I was not able to write advance chapters and I also woke up late.

Adding also to the fact that there is really no response from the readers. Aside from some people who even bother to leave a message, I don't receive any message or advice so I will take it as that you like how my story goes.

As promised, I will be releasing five chapters tomorrow plus the one lacking today that would be six but I'll see to it if I manage to write one.