Khagtana's Tear

Note: There won't be chapters tomorrow as this lazy author decided to sleep the whole day. I will be posting some chapters in my other novel so be sure to also support it though it will be a fanfiction.


Strongfield city has always been a place to live for all of its people. Even though it was near the border of Deepfog Forest where the demons lived, for over a hundred years the demons had never set foot on the city.

Because of this, Strongfield City continued to prosper as the only city who brave the risk of developing near the border. As the saying goes, there's no benefit without risk.

Deepfog Forest is rich with spiritual plants nourished by the abundant energy in the forest. Because of this Strongfield city became one of the top 5 well-known alchemy city.

An Alchemy city is a city that mainly focuses upon alchemy with the use of spiritual plants, they would create pills and potions with different effects. Such cities are known for producing an astronomical amount of money by trading with the other cities.

But with the demons attacking, some merchants are afraid to come to the city and there is even some alchemist leaving the city to safety. Though no demons have broken through yet, the astonshing increase of attacks every day had already alarmed them.

Because of these, the business trade in Strongfield was cut off temporarily but if this crisis is not dealt with immediately, the city will definitely be abandoned.


Inside an underground room, there was a handsome young man and a woman with a seductive woman both naked. The young man was seated while the woman was fawning over him.

In front of the young man was a person clad in black kneeling on his knee.

"How are things proceeding?"

"It is all going well, master. If this goes on, the city would be invaded within five days."

"That's good to hear. You may go now."

The person then left immediately leaving only the two of them alone in the room. And of course, the young man wasted no time and pounced at the woman beside him.

"Young master, it seems like things are proceding according to your plan."

"HAHAHA. Of course, it will, who do you think I am."

"If it's you then it would definitely be a success."

"And if I do, I will be able to have complete control over that city."

"But how were you able to make those demons invade the city young master?"

The woman asked the whole tilting her head, acting to be cute which prove to be effective as the limp stick below the young man hardened.

"By using the Khagtana's Tear."

"Khagtana's Tear?!"

The woman exclaimed quite surprise, then asked.

"You mean..."

"That's right! Since it is the most important thing for demons, it would naturally attrack their attention."

"To think that young master even possesses such rare treasure."

"I just happen to have found it by luck."

"Young master is so humble. Working so hard, how should I reward you."

The young man, as if a trigger, scanned all over the body of the woman and gulped.

Having seen the reaction she desired, the woman looked at the young man seductively as she moved her body grinding against the young man.

"How about I treat this fellow down here young master. You don't have to do anything and just let me handle everything."

Not long after that, loud moans are heard inside the room yet no one heard it because of the soundproofing.


"So you mean to say that demons all appeared because of this Khagtana?"

After checking his weapon and armor, Genos was called out by Diana to talk about something important. At first, he didn't know what it was but when he arrived to her room, he saw a lot of books.

Diana then started telling him about the history of the demons and as to why they chose to live in Deepfog forest.

"Yes. Khagtana was the reason that demons exist today. One could even say that Khagtana is the mother of all these demons."

"How is it related to the demons attacking the city?"

Diama picked up a book and started flippimg through it, after finding what she was looking for, she showed it towards Genos.

"Khagtana's Tear?"

Genos asked doubtly.

"Yes. I belive this is the reason why the demons are attacking the city."

"Why do you say so? And What is this Khagtana's Tear."

Diana pointed at a certain part in the book promptimg Genos to read it.

"Drop of tear from Khagtana's sorrow. It contains a large amount of energy mixed with dark energy. When demons drinks this they will achive their final form and would possess the strength of a Demons Lord. Now that's just absurd!"

Genos can't believe that such a thing could even exist, then it is only justifiable that the demons would risk their lives just to get this treasure. But who would be ruthless enough to use it to destroy a city?

Just thinking about that person who doesn't care about the life of the people living in the city, Genos can't help but clench his fist tightly.

"That is why we need to find the tear before everything is too late."

Genos silently took a mental note that he would definitely make the people behind this pay for it, for destroying the lives and killing the knights that have defended the city.

"Don't worry, I'll help you find it faster."

"Thank you."

Genos then stood up from his seat and was just about to live when Diana asked him.

"Where are you going? We are still no finish."


Genos stopped in his tracks as he turned to look at Diana.

"I thought we were already done?"

"Unfortunately for you, you still have a lot of things to learn."

And thus, Genos spent the whole night learning about this world with Diana.