First Day (finale)

''Sigh, I didn't come across a beautiful lady while returning.'' Sighed after Black comes inside his hut.

'We can continue to think about this. First, let's look at the mission rewards. System open the missions so we can collect the rewards'

[Main Mission:

+Get your stat sup!

Get your stats to 25 for each one of them at the very least.

Rewards: Rewards will be given as the time take to complete the mission

Daily Missions:

+Spend system points!

Spend system points to get rewards. For every 50 system point spend you can get a reward.

Rewards: For every 50 system points spend, you can get a small wooden water container. (There are x15 rewards left to collect)


Hunt some games o eat.

Rewards: You will get rewards as to how strong your game and according to your performance. Rewards can be anything from system points to skills. Take care to not die. (There is 5 reward packet waiting to collect).

+Sell something!

Sell something to tribespeople.

Rewards: You will get rewarded according to your profit. If you make a loss you will only get a 1 system point as a reward.

+Craft something!

Craft anything to get rewards.

Rewards: You can get rewards according to your performance. What you crafted, how useful, how well you crafted and so on. (There is 5 reward packet waiting to collect).

+Look at the stats! (Completed)

Look at the stats of 5 different objects.

Rewards: 250 system points. (Received)]

'Oh, there is so much Reward to collect, with the 15 left, I have 30 water container, and 10 reward packet waiting to open. Receive the rewards system.'

[Ding! Congratulations Host. You get 'water container' x15 and 'reward packet' x10. Your items deposited to your inventory host.]

'Open the reward packets completely. And the system, The things I put in the inventory, will they go bad?'

[No host. In inventory, time is stopped. 'Reward packet' x11 opened:

+1000 system points

+1000 system points

+750 system points

+750 system points

+100 exp in Fundamentals of Archery

+ animal pelt treating and crafting skill

+tracing and chasing fundamental skill

+1000 system points

+1000 system points

+750 system points]

'There is so much system points. I guess only the first hunt of the alpha wolf and boar, and crafting the first/best arrow gives skill and related things, others just gave sp.'

'Open the stats system. Let's look at what changes are there.'

[Black Smith (New body have no name)

8 Years Old

System points: 13450

Strength (STR): 8

Stamina (STA): 9

Dexterity (DEX): 8

Qi: None yet


+108 hammer foundation laying body cultivation technique (Beginner) exp; 20/250

+Snow Steps Fundamentals (Beginner) 25/100 (+15)

+Fundamentals of Archery (Beginner) 130/150 (+100 from reward packet, +30 from using)

+Stone crafting technique Fundamentals (Beginner)

+Alchemy Fundamentals (Beginner) 10/250 (+10)

+ Animal pelt treating and crafting skill (Not Learned Yet) (Learn?) (Yes)(No)

+Tracing and chasing fundamental skill (Not Learned Yet) (Learn?) (Yes)(No)]

'Why is there no Fundamentals writing system?'

[Because that is the complete skill host]

'That's good. My first complete skill. Learn system' after that, knowledge related to the skill started to appear in his mind. How to skin an animal, how to make a pelt, which skin which usage wants, how to choose…

After getting oriented Black started to learn his other skill. Looking at the ground to find a trace, understand the freshness of trace, to differentiate traces from other traces…

''Okay, I can't wait to cultivate, let us start.'' Said Black and started to prepare. He first takes out a big clay cauldron, then cleaned with water and prepare a fire. After that, he filled up the cauldron with 3/5 water and started to boil.

'System, do you sell vegetables?' Black asked with little hope.

[I am selling everything host.]

'Haha, that's good. Than Show me the potatoes, scallion, onion, carrot, and tomatoes.'

[Here host;

+Potato (White) 1kg: 10sp

+potato (Gray) 1kg: 50sp

+potato (Green) 1kg: 100sp

+potato (Blue) 1kg: 250sp

+potato (Orange) 1 kg: 1000sp

+potato (Red) 1kg: 10000sp

+scallion (White) 1kg: 10sp

+scallion (Gray) 1kg: 50sp

+scallion (Green) 1kg: 100sp

+scallion (Blue) 1kg: 250sp

+scallion (Orange) 1 kg: 1000sp

+scallion (Red) 1kg: 10000sp

… (All off them same)]

'Wow, there is even grade to the vegetables?' Black dumbfounded. 'Is this even question, everything has grades. The system gets me the Cooking Fundamentals. İf we're going to make something, let's make the best.'

[Do you want to buy 'Cooking Fundamentals' for 350 system points?]


'Yes buy and learn.' After that comes the cooking knowledge. After absorbing the knowledge Black gets a pear from his inventory and cop up inside the cauldron. Then started buying spree. 'System get me 'potato (Blue) 1kg' x3, 'scallion (Blue) 1kg' x1, 'onion (Blue) 1kg' x1, 'carrot (Blue) 1kg' x2 and 'tomato (Blue) 1kg' x3' Said Black

[Would you like to buy 'potato (Blue) 1kg' x3, 'scallion (Blue) 1kg' x1, 'onion (Blue) 1kg' x1, 'carrot (Blue) 1kg' x2 and 'tomato (Blue) 1kg' x3 for a total 2500 sp? You have 13100 sp, After this, you will have10600sp left]


'Yes buy them' after said that, Black takes the potato and carrots to chop up them in the cauldron and take the scallion, onion an tomatoes to another pot. With a little animal fat from the alpha, he roasted them together. When his job is done here, water in the cauldron started to boil. He empties the pot inside of cauldron and take out 15 kg of alpha meat and chop them in little pieces and get in the cauldron. Then the only thing left, let them be cooked while adding water in a while and mix in every 5 minutes. Salt will be added at the last ten minutes. For this big of a cauldron, he crumbled of rock salt of in the size of an adult male.

'I can't Wait what will happen to this meal in the end' After dealing with more than 2 hours, the meal is ready. He takes the cauldron off the fire and opened its cover.

[Ding! Congratulations host. You used 'potato (Blue) 1kg' x3, 'scallion (Blue) 1kg' x1, 'onion (Blue) 1kg' x1, 'carrot (Blue) 1kg' x2, 'tomato (Blue) 1kg' x3, 'pear (green) piece' x1, 'alpha wolf meat 1kg' x15 and with 20 liters of mountain spring water, you created 'Alpha wolf stew (Red)' As this is your first meal, you will get double rewards

Rewards (Without doubling);

+2 for your every stats]

'Hehe, that's a good reward. Every stat gets +4 with the doubling, and there is still mission reward.' Said Black and looked at the stew. This is the first thing he looked at a red grade thing. He is really curious what will be in the stats.

[Alpha wolf stew (red)

Make with precious materials.

There are immense nutrients inside of it. For people that don't have at least 10 in their every star, recommended to not eat. You can die. İf your stats get past 10, takes a bite and see how much you can shoulder. And most importantly; DELİCİUS]

After taking in the smell of stew, Black can't wait longer. He took a huge mouthful of its water and ate it. İmmediatly after he felt he ate too much and became like a balloon. I guess this is the meaning of immense nutrients. He takes the cauldron to his inventory and sit cross-legged and started to cultivate.

Black finished up a cultivation session in half an hour or so. And without doing anything he takes another mouthful of stew with a piece of potato this time. This continued until the sun almost set. If he can cultivate while there is no sun, he won't ever stop.

[Ding! You gained 4 STR, 5 STA, and 4 DEX as well as 70 exp. Congratulations.]

'Stew was so good. I didn't manage to even eat a piece of meat. İf I completely ate up the stew, I will get 20-30 for my every stat at the very least I guess? Ugh, there is still impurities come. Lets clean then we can look at the stats and get the mission rewards' Said Black While going to the creek.

After cleaning up, Black returned to the hut and lie down.

'System Show my stats'

[Black Smith (New body have no name)

8 Years Old

System points: 10600

Strength (STR): 16 (+8)

Stamina (STA): 18 (+9)

Dexterity (DEX): 16 (+8)

Qi: None yet


+108 hammer foundation laying body cultivation technique (Beginner) exp; 90/250 (+70)

+Snow Steps Fundamentals (Beginner) 25/100

+Fundamentals of Archery (Beginner) 130/150

+Stone crafting technique Fundamentals (Beginner)

+Alchemy Fundamentals (Beginner) 10/250

+ Animal pelt treating and crafting skill (Beginner)

+Tracing and chasing fundamental skill (Beginner)

+Cooking Fundamentals (Beginner) 110/150 (+110)]

'open the missions system'

[Main Mission:

+Get your stat sup!

Get your stats to 25 for each one of them at the very least.

Rewards: Rewards will be given as the time take to complete the mission

Daily Missions:

+Spend system points!

Spend system points to get rewards. For every 50 system point spend you can get a reward.

Rewards: For every 50 system points spend, you can get a small wooden water container. (There are x57 rewards left to collect)


Hunt some games o eat.

Rewards: You will get rewards as to how strong your game and according to your performance. Rewards can be anything from system points to skills. Take care to not die

+Sell something!

Sell something to tribespeople.

Rewards: You will get rewarded according to your profit. If you make a loss you will only get a 1 system point as a reward.

+Craft something!

Craft anything to get rewards.

Rewards: You can get rewards according to your performance. What you crafted, how useful, how well you crafted and so on. (There is 1 reward packet waiting to collect).

+Look at the stats! (Completed)

Look at the stats of 5 different objects.

Rewards: 250 system points. (Received)]

'Oh, There is x57 more water container. Whatever. Collect the rewards and open the reward packet system.'

[Your rewards deposited on your inventory.

X1 Reward packet's opening;

+Lust meter (You can see lust meter when you looked at someone's stats)]

'Wow, is there something like that in the shop system?' Black became so happy when he sees his reward he can fly.

[There is everything in the shop host]

'Good, good, we can play with this tomorrow, hehe, For now, lets sleep. I want to wake up tomorrow early to cultivate.'