Taming (part 3)

After sharing the game, they returned back to the tribe. After Pearl said to him, she will take him to a person that raises cow when he brought over the feeding bottle, Black returned to his own hut.

After Black come back, he prepared the tiger pelt and soaked, after that he looked at the stats of the cub.

[Tiger cub

0 Years old (Newborn) (6 months to become an adult)

Strength (STR): 2

Stamina (STA): 3

Dexterity (DEX): 1

Qi: None yet.

Monster tiger cub. Both his father and mother were monsters. When becoming an adult, there is a high chance of becoming a monster.

Tame: Yes-No]

'Let's tame it system' After saying that, Black felt a faint connection between himself and the cub. After taming, Black looked at the stats of the cub again.

[Tiger cub (No name was given yet)

0 Years old (Newborn) (6 months to become an adult)

(Healthy, Nervous)

Strength (STR): 2

Stamina (STA): 3

Dexterity (DEX): 1

Qi: None yet.

Cultivation: None yet

Monster tiger cub. Both his father and mother were monsters. When becoming an adult, there is a high chance of becoming a monster. Host Black' tamed animal.

Tame: Tamed

Closeness: 10/100 (Under 0-5;hate, 5-25;neutral, 25-50;acquainted, 50-75;friend, 75-95;close as sblings and parents, 95-100;worship]

There are a few different things in the stats. Not only cultivation and closeness can be seen, but the condition of the cub can also be seen too. 'This is good, this can make my job easier.' Thought while rubbing the cub to getting calmer, Black. After a while, cub calmed and started sleeping. Seeing this, Black placed in the ground and looked around if he can go out. Making sure there is no opening and the door firm, Black started to go back to the forest. Even if he did not find another cub, he still needs to find quality wood to make his bed and find some herbs.

After getting close to the forest, Black slowed down and started to look at every plant and tree' stats. He makes this while getting to the creek. After coming to the creek, he started to slowly advance while following the creek. This time, probably he used up all of his luck, so he even not came across a good tree. Let alone a game to hunt. While he is thinking of going back because he will go to the depths of the forest after a while, Black came across a clearing. There is a plain in front of him. 'İt is obvious why I didn't come across a good game. I am not going inside the forest, I come outside from another place' This plain have in the memories he took over. Everyone says there is not a good game in here, son o one will come here. The little kid he took over the body did not come to this place before too. He won't even go inside the forest, he will only look around from outside. You need to come inside the forest a little to come to this plain.

Black doesn't plan to come to this place too. After all, you need to listen to the advice of someone in the know, people of the tribe didn't find a good game in here, he didn't think he will be the one who found. When Black is turning back, there is sound coming from the plain. He immediately squatted down and looked over. There are a few horses galloping over the plain like the wind. 'Damn, of course, they will say 'there is not a good game', you can't catch a horse with your own speed, and people who can cath don't need them because they need stronger animal'/monster's meat to cultivate. They're all thinking with their stomach only' after seeing they're horses, Black put away his weapons and stood up.

He looked over there. There is 9 horse in total. After that, he found the biggest horse, he placed himself to a good place and start to walk towards it from the side. Because horses have their eyes on the side and he needs to let the horse knowing he is coming closer. He is walking very slowly and calmly, take note to not make a sudden movement and always place himself came to the side of the horse. After a while, horses found him and stopped to look with curiosity. 'I guess they didn't come across many predators. Even the alpha horse only looking with curiosity.' Though Black while still coming closer.

After coming to the hearing range of the horses, he started to murmur with gentle voice while taking out a few pears from his inventory. He is talking so horses can feel and hear even when they're moving he is coming closer. Horses aren't stopping in one place like a statue. ''Hey, there big guy. Do you want some fruits? I have yummy fruits you know? Came and take some. Do you want me to come closer? I am coming already, let you know. 'horse's nicker'. Yes, came closer to me. 'horse's nicker'.'' Black spoke in a calming voice and make horse's nickers to imitate their voices. This will help not to spook and says 'I won't harm you'. And he started to not look at the eyes of the horses. İt can be understood as a threat.

After getting in an arms distance, Gently stroked the horse on its head, neck, or side. Keeping his fingers pressed together and not splayed out and give little pats and small strokes. At first, horses get out a few steps, but after a while waiting and seeing Black doesn't make a move, it gives to its curiosity and came closer. Horses really curious animals. İf you can make it feel you're not a threat and not make them spooked, they will come closer on their own. After patting a little, Black takes out a little piece of pear and get under horse' nose and touch his lips with the fruit. Horse first take a sniff and then directly placed in his mouth.

At this time, another horse comes closer and touched his shoulder with her head. Black looked over and patted her, then take out a piece of fruit to give. Black played with the horses close to half an hour, and seeing the friendliness in their eyes, he looked at the stats of the alpha horse.

[Alpha Horse

3 years old

Strength (STR): 35

Stamina (STA): 40

Dexterity (DEX): 43

Qi: None yet

A good horse. Founded his group not long ago and became an alpha horse.

Tame: Not tamed (tame:yes-no)]

Black placed a fruit under the lips of the alpha horse but this time, he didn't give directly. He looked at the eyes of the alpha horse with gentleness while saying 'tame' in his mind. The alpha horse looks like felt something and looked at the eyes of the Black, seeing the gentleness in his eyes, bow his head to his hand. Then, Black felt a bond between them and give the fruit to the horse. 'Haha, this was good.' Then looked at the stats of the horse to see what changes are there.

[Alpha Horse (Not named yet)

3 years old

Strength (STR): 35

Stamina (STA): 40

Dexterity (DEX): 43

Qi: None yet

Cultivation: None yet

A good horse. Founded his group not long ago and became an alpha horse. Host Black' tamed animal.

Tame: Tamed

Closeness: 55/100 (Under 0-5;hate, 5-25;neutral, 25-50;acquainted, 50-75;friend, 75-95;close as sblings and parents, 95-100;worship]

'Wow, we're already friend, huh? I guess horses one of the first animals to get domesticated not for Show only.' After this, Black looked at the stats of the other 8 horses. There are 3 female adult and 5 young with 2 male and 3 female. One of the males and females over 1-year-old while the other 3 only in their month. Black started to tame them too, Because the alpha tamed, they're more easily tamed and, lowest closeness 50 while highest 60.

After taming the horses, Black opened his missions to get his rewards.

[Main mission (2); (comleted)


Tame at least 5 different animals to do your things.

Rewards: Reward be given according to your performance. (1 reward packet waiting to collect.)

Daily Missions:


Craft a bed. Although you're in a primordial tribe, you don't need to sleep on a wooden floor, Right?

Rewards: Reward will be given according to your performance.

+ Overcoming Difficulties!

Beat someone stronger than you or hunt an animal stronger than you.

Rewards: Reward will be given according to your performance.

+Steal! (completed)

Steal an animal's egg or cub to raise. You can choose own way of doing.

Rewards: Reward will be given according to your performance. (1 reward packet waiting to collect.)


Find some herbs. They can come handy in the future, who knows?

Rewards: Reward will be given according to your performance.

+How're you? (completed)

Look at your stats to see how much stronger you get.

Rewards: 500sp (Waiting to collect)]

'Collect the rewards and open the rewards packets, system.'

[Your rewards collected and deposited to your inventory, host. Do you wish to open 'Rewards packet' x2?]



['Rewards packet' x2 opened:

+Lust Aura (passive, directly activated)

+Share! (You can share your own cultivation technique with your tamed animals to not buy them cultivation technique further)]

'The second reward came timely, but what is this system? This rewards going haywire. First lust meter and now lust aura. I will start to call you a sex system or something like that. And I don't need for a few years to these rewards.'

[I am called Personal System, host. And rewards go along the lines of 'reward will be given according to your performance' will take Accord what you need and what will you like. You can understand from my name. And you don't take the cultivation in your calculation, host. Even in your past World, there are people who stopped growing in their 16-17 and others still growing way past their 21. You're already 140cm, you will grow to your peak and stop growing, this can be while you're 8 or 18, and with your cultivation, you can use them in a little while ;)]

'is this real? This will be the number 1 news on my list, at least a year!' After Black get excited a while, he looked at the horses and thought to teach them. But before that, he needs to look at his missions to see his new main mission. 'open the missions, system.'

[Main mission (3);

+Comes Riches with Strength!

Became a (Beginner) Foundation laying cultivator.

Rewards: Rewards will be given according to your performance.

Daily Missions:


Craft a bed. Although you're in a primordial tribe, you don't need to sleep on a wooden floor, Right?

Rewards: Reward will be given according to your performance.

+ Overcoming Difficulties!

Beat someone stronger than you or hunt an animal stronger than you.

Rewards: Reward will be given according to your performance.


Find some herbs. They can come handy in the future, who knows?

Rewards: Reward will be given according to your performance.]

'This is hard. For completing this main mission, I will need to cultivate a lot. Hmm, Whatever, system, How can I teach my cultivation technique to my pets?'

[You need to talk about everything in your cultivation technique and use in front of them. They need to hear and see you. After that, the system will place the cultivation technique in their instinct so can cultivate whenever station gives permission.]

'This is like a half-system for them. I am receiving everything about the skill in my mind, while they will gain in their instinct.' After saying the obvious to the system, Black sits in the ground while horses around him and clapped his hand to take their attention. And started to speak in a clear voice.

''Okay, guys. Listen here. I will talk about cultivation to you. Cultivation is all about strengthening yourself to gain longer lives. There is Qi in everywhere in the World. İn air, water, plants and you can imagine and can't imagine, everywhere. Qi is an energy we can only sense with our sixth sense. As a cultivator, we need to take the Qi in our body to strengthen, getting stronger and have more healthy and longer lives. Now I will talk to you about 108 hammer foundation laying body cultivation technique. İn this cultivation technique…''

''…After completely getting rid of the impurities in your body, you will start to really cultivate. An iron will get stronger and more compact with every hammer hit. This is the same, you need to…''

''… after a while you need to quench. İf not, your body starts to get brittle, at the same time, you need to stop cultivating when quenching and takes nutrients to fill the gap in your body…''

''…then, you will be finished foundation laying cultivation and started to go to the next stage. Now I will Show you how is done. Watch carefully, okay? Now we're taking a few fruits as nutrients and eat them…'' After talking an hour without stop, Black finished over-detailed explanation and started eating a few pears. Then without stopping, he started cultivating. Although his eyes closed and he can't see, İf Black see around himself, he will be shocked. Horses placed themselves side way to him, sitting or standing, and watch him cultivating with full attention.

After finishing a session of cultivation, Black sighed with tiredness 'Sigh, giving my full attention to make not even a small mistake over an hour became strenuous to my mind.'