The victim?

I broke the hug just after a couple of seconds because the temperature was getting hot over here. He , in return tried to maintain the distance in the empty room. I started thinking about the "hug" for just helping in completing the assignments.

There was a knock on the door.

"Is anyone here? Please answer!"

I immediately opened the door and a girl wearing a black jeans and a red hoodie with blonde  hair covering her face with books in her hand was standing in front of me.

"Is this the detention center?"


She was completely a badass ;one can see through her attitude.Even Jk was in a slight shock as if he was watching some sort of punk episode going on in the university.

"So, is it your first time in the detention center?"

The girl didn't replied at all. She didn't even cared whether someone is asking her something, moreover anyone's presence in the room. I coughed a little so she might at least feel our presence.

"Were you asking me something?"

She swayed her long and beautiful blonde hair and we were watching a bruised face. There were bruises on the corners of her lips and on the cheeks also. It really seemed like if she picked up a fight or something.

"Badass". A sigh escaped from JK's mouth.

"Yup, she is!". I whispered.

"I mean that , is it your first time visiting this filthy place?"

"Yeah and I also know that what's going on in your mind about these bruises on my face ,right?"

We both were nodding our heads simultaneously.

"I picked up a fight against the gang of some hooligans in the university,more precisely, my classmates. I was warned of being suspended from the university but due to their pity , I'm in the detention room front of you guys and if I'm not wrong , this is your freshmen year , (slight pause) because I've never seen such dumbass faces past 2 years."

We were extremely annoyed by her statement but our annoyance was of no use, after all, she was our senior.

"So , how did you guys ended up in this filthy place?"

"We both were late to attend today's lectures and due to some miscommunication ,we ended up here."

"What sought of miscommunication?"

"Well , Miss senior, I thought you might have been knowing the problems of the dumbass freshmen.(chuckles) Nevermind. The most favourite student of Professor McCarthy , Kim Jennie has created this "miscommunication " and it seems like we are not the only victim of this biased system."

"Now I got it....wait a minute....what do you mean by "the only victim"...what do you think ....that I'm the victim of this biased system too?"

And her eyes were raging with terror towards us. I tried to settle the situation.

"Leave it guys, mam you didn't tell us your name ..I mean we didn't had a formal introduction"

" Hannah. Hannah Stokes from the SAVIOURS batch"

I was shocked after knowing her name. She was Professor Stokes' eldest daughter. I remember how she used to take care if me when I was a small child.

She snapped her fingers in front of me.

"Good morning, dear. Wake up from your bloody Dreamland."

"I'm sorry, did I miss something? My name is Y/n and he is Jungkook"

I was sure enough that she won't be able to recognise  well and it happened. After all it's been quite long period. Time flies and like this our detention , unfortunately got over. I don't know if it was the stupidest thing I've ever thought. I recollected that Hannah Stokes was wearing a hoodie and her attitude reminded me the latest night incident.