Are you serious?

It was 2:30 pm and I was starving like a hungry wolf. Today was going to be our very first meeting of our very first project. Since, today was our holiday, I focussed on giving my part-time job a full-time.I prepared all the details regarding the case.I took my home keys as my buddies were on a trip to the old age home for meeting her old age buddies and there is a possibility that they might be staying there for a week. It became a ritual for my buddies to give them a visit at least once in six months. They genuinely feel quite satisfied after meeting their hommies. I took the keys went to the restaurant and as expected there was no one in. A perfect, idle setup for a meeting. I sat on my usual place , at the desk and messaged both Jk and Lisa to come over to the restaurant with the last member. I reached the restro earlier so I overviewed some entries of the restaurant. And I heard the noise of the vessels falling  from the kitchen. I got a little scared because no one was there except me.

I took table knives and forks from the adjacent tables and sticked my ears to the kitchen doors. All that can be hear was panting of a person. I strengthen my grip on the forks and the knives and slowly opened the door to have a check. I made my footsteps almost inaudible for the person in the kitchen and carefully closed the door. I ascended my steps towards the straight end of the kitchen. The sound of panting went on increasing as I ascend more and more towards the end. As I turned towards the grocery section in the kitchen my ears got redden , my eyes seemed to loose innocence and my body temperature was as high as if I was suffering from high fever. Because all I can see was a shirtless Jimin sweating and panting hard while having a workout. Never thought that he would have established his own workout centre in the grocery area. I backed off and was going to the dining area, when in an instant I was pulled by a very hard muscular force. Jimin held my arms in both of his hands and in the moment I was pinned to the nearby wall.

'It's not good to have an eye on someone's else business, lady'

His stare wasn't leaving me for a second. His pressure on my hands was exact ,not less to let me go, not more to hurt me. The proximity was the thing which I think just prevented the odd moment.

" First of all I was  never interested in pointing my nose in others' business and second thing you can't have a workout session in the grocery area. The area is smelling filthy because of your sweat."

(Coming too close, just an inch away from my face)"Why so? Is my sweat too hard to handle? Is it turning  you on?"

"No, absolutely not but it is good enough to turn on infections in the grocery ."

A notification popped up on both of our phones at  the same time. We left the steamy session then and there.

***Message ***

JK : I'm here

***End of the message***

I went to the entrance immediately and there stood JK and Lisa. I made both of them comfortable at one of the tables asked Jk about the last member. At the instant, Jimin approached from nowhere.

"Did you missed me man?"

"You are already here, Jiminssi?"


"Yeah Jimin is the last member of the group, the super smart computer operator who will assist you regarding the legalization of documents and also he is my brother!"

"What the hell did you just spoke?"

My neurons got entangled and I wasn't able to accept that I would be working with that pervert for consistently two months with whom I cannot stand just for two hours. Above all of this he would be assisting me.

"Are you serious???...."