
When people are focused to their goals nothing can come in between their way to distract them from their paths. The firm determination of both Jimin and y/n had open the gates of the uncertain clues.

Soon the night yielded into a bright day ,Y/n and Jimin were having a sound sleep at their respective chairs. The sun rays glided through the big window of the workplace. A tingle sensation felt at y/n's cheeks and brought her back from her Dreamland into the reality. Her eyes averted towards Jimin, his looks were indeed of a fairy. Pale white skin and plumpy lips. Y/n grinned involuntarily.

"Stop staring me like that. If you continue like that than I don't know who's gonna be responsible for it".

"Staring....my foot. Who said I was staring you?"

"Your blushing cheeks and smile can tell that kitten. Anyways,I think we should investigate the major bus stands of the area. We are quite close to it."

"Yeah, well it's 8 am now. If we hurry up and don't stick to your nonsense talks I think  we will surely get to reach each and every bus stand."

Y/n got excused and went to the restroom. Just then, Jk arrived at the workplace. He literally had no idea that y/n and Jimin were already at the workplace. Jk opened the door with the duplicate keys he had and was really unexpected to see Jimin at the workplace. Jimin was laying down his head on the computer table and smiling all by himself. Jungkook shook him hard yet he didn't respond back. He yelled at Jimin and heard the sound of something falling from the restroom.

Jimin's eyes turned into large buttons when Jk moved his steps forward to the restroom. He stopped Jk then and there.

'Jk, how come  you are here ? I mean, so early in the morning?'

'Well ,hyungnim I'm really shock to hear that you are telling 'me' of waking up early in the morning. The person who never tried to wake  up  early in the morning is telling me that how did I woke up early in the morning?And what are you doing here hyung? Wait a minute you were here since last night ?'

Jungkook rushed to the main entrance and found out and extra pair of sneakers.He understood that y/n was also present in the house since last night.He didn't utter a word and also covered Jimin's mouth when he got the opportunity;took Jimin and now both were hiding at the entrance.

Y/n thought that Jimin took Jk with him and with this belief she went out of the restroom and took a deep sigh. She took all her belongings and was about to head out, Jungkook blocked her way and she was well aware that he caught her red-handed, though both Jimin and y/n had done nothing wrong.

"I see. What are you doing here y/n? At this early hour?"

"Well..ummm...I came here to take my...my...journals back."

"I agree and where are there?"

"Here you go".

Y/n showed her journals which she accidentally brought yesterday and was relieved.



"I would be very glad if you just give me a true reason ...WHY THE HELL THERE ARE TWO CUPS PRESENT ON THE COMPUTER TABLE???"

"Well, I was feeling like I shouldn't be lonely and I just drank it by myself"

"Stop it guys!! Yes I and Jimin were at the work place since yesterday and we got some clues".

"You could have told me that y/n."

"I know Jk,but I thought you might get us wrong."

"I got you. It's all fine. Hyung at least you should know I don't make useless opinions".

"Yes,yes. That's why you said gibberish on the phone yesterday."

"Well I only said the-wait did you listen yesterday's conversation on phone?"

"Unfortunately,I did".

Jk called Lisa at the workplace and all four of them got divided into the group of two:

Jk and Lisa headed towards the vehicle registration office.

Jimin and y/n headed towards the major bus stands.

The pair visited the last bus stand where they were able to detect the number plate. They were dumbfounded by the posters. Y/n got confused because the posters were of the pickpocketers. She got a sudden realisation that she had already seen them before. Jimin had ripped off one of the posters for examining it later.

Y/n's phone ranged and it was Jk.


"Yes,Jk?Did you find anything?"

"Y/n,are are you sure that (SC2412) this number plate exist?"

"Why? What happened?"

"There are no such vehicles with such kind of number plate."