Chapter 19: Kind old man

He knew that the threat they faced was serious. In this world he knew that there were only two discovered continents, the one of humans 'Eqoa' and the one of the other races 'Soranel' .

But the book said that in the last 300 hundred years there appeared a new one that they weren't aware of. One that brought all the races a new common enemy.

A new race had appeared and the other races couldn't fight their huge numbers alone, therefore with the prophecy they heard, they made peace with the humans.

Ned once read this knew that something is wrong. Even if the races were hard pressed and even the gods told them to, they wouldn't get past their discrimination so fast. He knew something was up, and that the races were hiding something.

He read that this city he is in now, would in some time be filled with other races reinforcements, to help them pass the attack that will be made by the new race, named Demons.

And there exist a similar city in the kingdom of the other races 'Soranel'. It was also close to their border, and humans would send reinforcements when they need it.

The demons never attacked both kingdoms at the same time, the reason was not stated though.

And once the attack is near, all the surrounding villagers would take shelter inside the cities in the wall. Only now did Ned know why the guard at the gate was so easy going. He must have thought that he was also a warrior that was on a mission, and was returning to help them defend their home place.

He then read about how much strong are people in both kingdoms. It was said that after the first hero that was said to be rank 10, and other similar heroes from the races. There wasn't another rank ten. As for rank 9, there wasn't any after the first generation of each hero decedents.

So right now, each kingdom had at best two rank 8 powerhouses, and a couple 7 ranks. Not a lot of people can reach past rank 6 in the current time. As once you passed rank 4, it will get much harder to breakthrough each coming rank.

You can count the number of rank 7 that are alive in both kingdoms with both hands.

The human kingdom had two rank 8. One was a twin path, and one that was just a swordsman.

The human twin path, is rumored to be on par with the dragon king that was said to be the strongest rank 8 in the kingdom of the races.

He was both a magician and a warrior. Ned reading this admired the old man for his accomplishments. And he made a promise to himself that he'll surpass him in the future. And he was following the right road to doing it.

Getting tired from reading so far, he headed downstairs to the place they told him to come to if he wanted to eat.

He saw an empty table and went there and sat. Waiting for someone to come and take his order.

The same maid that helped him before came to him once again.

"Hi there, what would you like to eat?" she said as she tried to pass the menu to him.

But he just said "Give me your best dish" He was a big fan of tasting food. And he wanted to eat everything that is delicious.

Nodding to him the maid, went and gave his order to the cook. And a couple minutes later, she was back with a plate that had a big steak of meat on it, and just the smell coming from it was enough to get him excited.

and as his mask only hid the upper parr of his face, he didn't remove it.

He said "thanks" and started eating the steak with a fork and a knife. It was just that the pieces he cut were huge.

She, once saw that started giggling and drew his attention back to her.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce myself, name's Ned, what's yours?" he asked her.

"Ned, that's a good name, mine is Lori" He stopped eating and looked at her.

As he said "Lori, are you the inn's owner? I heard that the owner was an old man though?" he was confused as she was named just like the inn's name.

"eheh yeah I'm the owner, and my grandfather is the old man you heard about" she said with a smile.

"Oh" he gave an acknowledging nod then resumed his eating, not bothering that she was still watching him.

The place was empty, and he was the only one eating right now as he had come much later than dinner's time.

Once he was done he left the gold on the table and was preparing to head to his room. When 'Lori' suddenly stood in front of him and he gave her a curious look.

"Ned, I want to ask you something? Can I?" she asked sounding cute, but he didn't care about such acts. But he still nodded his head.

"why are you hiding all your powers?" once she was done she felt the hair on her neck rise up as a sharp intent locked on her. And she saw that he now had on his waist a katana.

"What do you mean? Expla-" he wasn't even finished when he heard a kind voice originating from the kitchen.

"Young man, would you be so kind to forgive her slight, and we can talk after?" after which the owner of the voice got out and started walking in Ned's direction.

Although it may seem that Ned was still standing there heroically, inside he was sweating bullets. Once he saw that old man he knew that if he unsheathed his sword then his head will roll on the ground not even a second later.

even though the old man was just walking.

Even while nervous inside he spoke calmly to him "Sure, why not. But I want to ask you, are you the owner of the Inn? Her grandfather?"

"Indeed I am." He said with a small smile on his face.

"Hoh then I guess the rumors are wrong then" Ned said.

"What rumors?" the old man said curiously, while Lori had already moved behind her grandfather.

"Rumors about you being a rank 5 expert" Ned said and contrary to his expectations, the old man started laughing out loud.

"Hahaha indeed they are wrong, what an amazing perception you have young man" he said while laughing, and then he glared at his granddaughter, to which she came from behind him and bowed her head "I apologize for overstepping my bounds". And then she stepped back with a pout on her face, clearly displeased at her grandpa.

Ned shared a look with the old man, before they both started laughing together. He knew they were not bad people at that moment and so took his han from his katana And sat on the table once again, to talk with the old man.