Chapter 38: Problems

The demon was gritting his teeth, probably from how much pain he was in, and Ned could see that Yulyas had poured a potion over his wounds.

Usually if you pour a potion over a lost arm, it would just close the wound. You would need to bring your detached arm, to a mage that specialize in that sort of thing, to be able to get your arm back.

But if you pour the potion on the wounds like in this demon's case, then he can kiss his arms and legs goodbye. Not that Ned cared.

"What do you have for me?" Ned said.

"I-I know where the general is making c-camp, I only have one request in e-exchange" the demon said with difficulty due to the pain he was feeling.

"And what would that be?" Ned said as he glared at the demon.

"W-when you kill me, I want it to be painless. And I want you to kill the general" The demon said and everybody in the room could notice his hate for the general.

"Hoh, this is new, aren't you demons like family? But you wish to kill one of your people?" Ned said and looked at Yulyas for confirmation before looking at the demon again.

"The g-general used all my brothers as disposables. He's no f-family to us. Although we share the common hate for h-humans we always pay respect to those of us who died." The demon said venomously.

"It will be done, now tell me the location." Ned said, and the demon, closed his eyes for a bit, and when he opened them, a crystal core had got out of it's chest. And landed on his hands.

Once it had got out, Ned had noticed that all the other demon captives, were yelling at the top of their lungs. Saying things like traitor, blood traitor.

Before Ned even asked what this crystal is, the demon said "This crystal will glow brighter when you move closer to the camp, every demon has one, so that they can know their homes. Once it gets out of their bodies, they would die slowly, as such the reason for my request of dying painlessly"

Ned gave a nod, and unsheathed his sword, and looked at the demon, once it gave a nod, he swung his sword and his head was soon falling to the ground.

"We got our information, dispose of the other demons" Ned said as he went to his tent.

After a bit every group leader, including the group that stayed in the base were at his tent.

"We have our needed information to take down the demon general, and by no means should you underestimate them and think that we are enough to kill him in his base. We need the other units." Ned told them.

And they all nodded and agreed. And so, they packed their stuff, and had their mage communicate with his friends at the other group. It was done using some sort of scroll.

However in a fight it wasn't practical to be used as it had a time delay of 1 hour until it reach it's destination. But Ned now can spare that much.

Exactly an hour later, the replies came from two groups.

The first group being the one that Lucy was leading, and the second group being the one lead by the rank four that was relieved when Ned was chosen to represent the swordsmen.

They had agreed to meet on a creek that was on the forest, since almost every group used it as a source of water.

When Ned reached it he knew he was the first. As there wasn't anyone there. And a couple minutes later Lucy's group had come.

She stationed her unit, and went to greet him.

"Hello, Ray, how are you faring against the demons?" She asked with a smile on her face and a polite tone. She even said Ray and not Raymond, as if they were close.

Before this war had started she gave him looks of disdain but now she was treating him with respect.

Something she ought to, considering that he and his group had saved them on multiple occasions.

But Ned didn't need respect form such a hypocrite.

And so he replied indifferently "I killed and I killed until I got the information that I need. The demons general's base"

This had shocked her, and she finally knew why he had gathered all units here.

"Our general had had some small night raids, and her unit had got hurt at the time, I think that the mages with her were hurt too. And so she wouldn't be able to come" and she knew that her friend with all her arrogance wouldn't come even if she knew this information.

"Do you know where she had made her base, we can send someone to report the news" Ned wasn't going to reveal all his trump cards at this war, therefore he needed Amelia to kill the rank 6 demon general.

Lucy shook her head "She didn't trust anyone with that information"

"Weren't you friends?" Ned asked as he looked at her weirdly.

"Friends, but not best friends, we were not that close". Lucy said, and she realized that she actually hated a lot of things about Amelia, it was just that she didn't have any other friend. But now hopefully Ned would want to be her friend.

If only she know that Ned's opinion about her is so low to the point they can never be friends.

"This is getting problematic, we should wait for the third group and decide what to do then" Ned sighed as he said.

And so they waited for the third person that was leading a unit.

And soon he too had reached the creek, and saluted Ned as he was also grateful to him for saving his unit a lot of times. Ned briefed him up about their situation, and they waited for Amelia to come.

Since it was already close to getting dark, Ned told them that they'll wait for her until the morning, and if she doesn't come they will attack without her.


At Amelia's base. Inside her tent.

She was getting angry and frustrated, because of the problem she was facing.

Her unit had got attacked a lot of times, but what infuriated her the most was that one of her people when he was attacked and died, had turned into those filthy demons. She wouldn't have noticed it if Trevor, the rogue she had chose, didn't point it out.

He had notified her that two people were trying to cover the demons body, and she knew they were traitors. And killed them, and they turned to demons.

And she knew that all her people had been checked using the guild card, and so she hurried and took their guild card and saw that it had human in the race, but a couple seconds later it turned into demon.

She knew they were screwed as this had proved that the demons had found a way to bypass the guild card. Now she didn't know who to trust anymore except her helper, Trevor.

But he at this situation, wasn't anxious at all, rather when he saw that he was alone in his tent, he laughed to himself in an eerie manner. And if you focused on his eyes, you would see the craziness in them.