Chapter 40: This isn’t what I signed for…

Ned disposed of the rank 5 expert and soon went to join the rest in killing all the demons.

He had at first wanted to leave the rank 5 expert alive to interrogate him, but as the fight continued on, he found it hard to do so, without exposing his abilities, and so he just killed him.

Ned wasn't about to use all his cards in this war, he didn't want to stand up too much, and those cards were for dire situations. Some if exposed could bring him endless troubles. Such as the lost magic.

When Ned joined the fight, everything went smoothly and they were soon done.

Not many had seen Ned use his magic without a chant. Among those that had seen it were Yulyas, Lucy, and the rank 4 expert swordsman, who was named Brian.

Ned motioned with his hands for them to come, and once they did he said with a low tone, "If you would please keep what you saw to yourself, I would be thankful, as it is my secret."

Although there were some exceptional mages, who can use magic with but a keyword, none could use magic without a chant. At least it was not known.

Yulyas considered Ned his friend and so he said " Ray, I would keep your secret, I would swear a vow upon it if you'd like."

Ned shook his head at him "It isn't necessary".

Lucy said she'll do the same as Yulyas but in her heart she wanted Ned to trust her too.

Ned saw the hopeful look in her eyes, and felt weird, as his opinion of her wasn't so good, still once he saw that hopeful look he decided to give her a chance.

Although it would bring him troubles, he was soon going to be the old man's disciple, and he would see who'll give him trouble then.

"No need" He replied indifferently to her, not even glancing at her. He wanted to see if she would act like she did at the beginning if he disrespected her.

But against his expectations she just smiled happily and he could tell that she was sincerely happy.

"With my magic as a binding, I swear that I'll keep what I saw in this fight against the demons to myself" she made a vow even after he said it wasn't needed. What mattered to her is that he trusted her enough, but she still wanted to show him that she was trustworthy.

Shaking his head, he looked at Brian, the only one he was unsure of, as even in the map when he clicked on his dot, it said [thankful].

Brian didn't give anytime for Ned to think and started saying his vows.

"On my battle force, I swear that I'll keep what I saw in this fight at the demons base only to myself, never to tell another soul" light swirled around him, and the vow was done.

Everybody had their own way to say a vow, but the key words were always, either using magic or battle force as a binding.

He had said a soul, as every creature in this world had a soul.

"You didn't need to, my friend" Ned said as he looked at Brian. But Brian said "It was needed for you to trust me, as in the case this information was leaked from somewhere, I wouldn't be clear"

Ned nodded his head, and said " Now then, it is apparent that the demon general, isn't here. And since Amelia isn't responding we can only assume that she is engaged in a fight against the said demon."

They all turned serious at that, and they knew that they had to search for her base.

The reason Ned had never gone t help Amelia was coincidental, all the guild cards that glowed red, always turned out to be owned by people from Lucy's and Yulyas units.

There were some that glowed but when he wanted to go there the glow dimmed out.

He guessed that some of them should be of Amelia's but maybe she didn't need help.

But now since all units were together then if card glow, it was guaranteed that it would be of Amelia's unit. It was their best shot at finding her base. But in the meantime they would just search randomly.


On the other side, in the place Amelia had chosen for he base.

She was outside, leading her unit to fight against the demons.

Since she had yesterday thought that they would attack, she told her people to be ready for the fight. Even if she didn't trust any of them, she knew that not all were demons.

And she needed them to fight against the numbers. And by the morning just like she thought there was an attack.

The only thing was that the number of the demons attacking her base was humongous, she guessed that it was probably a third of the whole army that had came this time.

For her unit alone this number was huge. She needed her allies assistance, but she wasn't able to trust them. And so she exerted herself more in the fight.

She knew the demon was the one ordering these demons. Only he could lead this much of them.

Yells, blows, cries, blood, the place was chaotic.

Swordsmen kept killing demons left and right, mages were spamming magic in all direction, and the fight continued on with no end to demons numbers.

Amelia knew that at this rate, they will tire themselves out. The fight had been going on for almost two hours.

By her side Trevor was taking care of demons that slipped past her. She was grateful to him, as she thought he was the only trustworthy person here.

She was relaxed leaving her back to him, and focused on fighting the demons.

As for the person himself, Trevor, he was waiting for the right chance to stab Amelia with his dagger in a way that wouldn't arouse her people's suspicions.

As unlike what she was thinking, he didn't have many minions disguised as humans. He had only five minions disguised.

Soon he found an opening.

Loud yells were heard suddenly, and Amelia raised her head to look at the source of the screams, while hacking three demons with her sword, creating some space and retreating to Trevor's side.

She was panting hard, but saw that reinforcements were here, but she wasn't happy with them coming, as she didn't know if they were demons or allies.

Trevor took advantage of that one moment of her spacing out to attack.

But sadly he wasn't able to finish his attack as he jumped to the back avoiding a sword slash from the new human joining the fight.

It was Ned, as when the were searching for Amelia's base, the guild card suddenly glowed red and they followed it until reaching the camp and he saw that the rogue near Amelia was pointed as a red dot on the map.

And so he used his movement technique almost jumping 200m to attack him and stopped him from sneak attacking Amelia.

The demon faked being surprised as he said loud enough for Amelia and the people nearby to hear "What do you think you're doing sneak attacking me Raymond?"

Ned knew what the demon was playing so he replied, " I'm doing what I came to do when I joined this war. Kill demons."

"Are you saying I'm a demon?" he faked a look of shock on his face.

"Stop pretending, I know you are the demon general in disguise" Ned said as he yelled, and started rushing at the demon but was stopped when Amelia appeared near Trevor and glared at Ned.

She was pointing her back at Trevor in a protective way.

"You dare to frame him? When you are the most likely person to be a demon, I knew it. You are a demon." Amelia said glaring at Ned.

Ned was perplexed with what he heard, but he got his guild card from his pocket and said " My guild card proves that I'm a human" only to hear Amelia laugh at him.

"You are only making yourself look like a fool, we already saw that the guild cards can't prove anything" Amelia said, and then glared at him with killing intent.

By now Yulyas and Lucy had come near them and heard what was said and so Lucy stepped up to say. "Amelia Ray can't be a demon, he had saved us all on multiple times, he just can't be"

"Lucy he was lying to you all along, step away from him." But Lucy stayed her place making Amelia enraged.

Ned said before the situation got out of hand, "I can swear using my battle force and magic as a bindi….." when suddenly Amelia jumped at him swinging her sword and saying "No more of your lies".

A rank 6 was so fast that nobody saw what happened until Amelia was near Ned and following her was Trevor who had a grin.

Ned in that short time, had two options to take, either dodge or take the hit. But if he dodged Amelia would die from the treacherous demon.

Gritting his teethes, he brought his left hand near his chest closed, to alleviate the damage.

While grabbing three knifes from his pocket using his right hand and infused them with wind mana, and launched them past Amelia, straight at the demon.

Everything that happened so far was so fast that the people watching only saw Amelia swing her sword at Ned's left hand.

And then they saw that Trevor who Amelia was protecting from Ned, was plunging his daggers at her left side and heart from the back. But was stopped by the knifes thrown by Ned.

Even she knew by now That Trevor was the real traitor.

She was a rank 6 and saw everything perfectly, how Ned instead of attacking her, he threw the knifes at Trevor, and how Trevor was trying to kill her.

Although she saw everything she wasn't able to retract her swing or guard against Trevor, but she tried her best to lessen the blow against Ned by turning her sword to the blunt side.

Once all this happened, Ned was launched from his place like a bullet due to the force.

As for the demon he had to dodge those knifes as they were dangerous even for him. They weren't lethal but they would injure him enough to lose against the now ready to fight Amelia, Yulyas and Lucy.

Despite his speed, he was still hurt by one knife, while dodging the other two.

"Goddamit you stupid human, I will tear you apart once I get my hands on you" growled the demon who took a knife to his right hands joint, making it harder to swing his dagger.

He was looking at the direction of where Ned had crashed. And all the others did.

Ned was getting up from the ground with difficulty, he was dizzy from the hit. And he had blood trickling from his mouth.

His left hand was hanging limply while he clutched his ribcage with his right hand where blood was flowing.

He walked at the direction of his friend Yulyas and Lucy, while mumbling "This isn't what I signed for…".

(A/N: Extra extra long chaptttttter)