Chapter 42: Against the demon general

"You had better be ready to face my wrath humans" growled the demon whose voice was now much more hoarse and sinister.

Along with saying those words everybody got ready to fight. Amelia had her sword drawn, Lucy had her staff, and Yulyas was using his claws. And Ned with one arm holding his flaming sword.

Still they all weren't sure that angering the demon this much was right or not.

Once the demon finished saying his words he simply vanished, and appeared from the shadow of Yulyas and swung his claws at him.

Since Yulyas was a rank 5 expert and was a master at close carters fights he was able to somehow guard against it.

Still he underestimated the attack too much, as once it made contact, it launched him to the back flying from the force.

Amelia who had now reached to help swung her sword but the demon once again vanished.

Still this time he didn't appear for a few minutes, and they all had one thought.

That the demon either couldn't use this technique consecutively, or he was waiting for someone from them to go help Yulyas.

But after a few seconds Yulyas himself came along looking dirtied but not hurt in any way otherwise.

He got in his position without speaking or chitchatting.

And Ned was starting to think that Lucy being here is dangerous for her. With the demon's speed he would likely kill her.

He was able to see where the demon was hiding on his map but he couldn't see it with his eyes. It pointed that he was in a tree and by then he was sure that the demon's ability had something to do with the shadows.

So he thought that the demon was hiding in the trees shadows. And he wasn't able to attack him if he was in the shadows.

But he was almost sure that such an ability wouldn't be able to be used one time after the other. It was probably related to that armor the demon had when he transformed.

"HEHEHE, are you looking for me humans? You'll never find me. And I'll make sure to hurt you all bit by bit." An eerie voice was heard from all directions and confused them all except Ned who was looking at a different tree than earlier.

He was trying to make sense of the technique. He now thought that demon can roam freely from shadow to shadow, but to attack from it isn't possible.

And like had guessed earlier, the demon suddenly jumped from Lucy's shadow and tried to attack her, but was stopped when Ned made and earthen wall in front of her.

The wall wasn't able to stop the attack, but it gave her enough time to step away from the demon.

Once Ned had saw the demon appeared on the map near Lucy he didn't waste time and used his magic of earth to create a wall for Lucy, and several spikes to attack the demon.

The demon tried to continue his attack but was stopped by the spikes.

His plan was to kill the weak link of the humans, but it appeared that one human was able to know where he is.

He decided that he'll have to fight them for real.

When the spikes touched his body they were destroyed immediately. With no damage inflicted.

Such was the power if the armor he had.

"It appears that one of you here is a competent warrior, too bad you would die just like your friends." The demon said while looking at Ned.

Ned was slowly regaining control of his left hand, however it wouldn't be usable by the time this fight was done.

Ned jumped near Amelia, and the demon seeing thus thought that Ned was scared as he was just a rank 4.

"Too late for that" the demon said as he remembered that Ned had killed his brothers, it wasn't that he loved them a lot, but that Tralgul was a genius of his clan and once he gets back and tell them he died he was sure they'll kill him too.

But Ned just ignored him and whispered in a voice that only Amelia could hear.

"Is it possible for you to get me an opening?" Ned asked her.

And she who was feeling guilty towards him nodded her head instantly.

And stayed there as she coordinated with Yulyas, and both jumped at the demon.

Yulyas's hands were shining in a yellow light. That was the color of the mana attribute of earth.

He swung his claws at the demon who kept dodging him with ease. But he couldn't do the same for Amelia, since she wasn't weaker than him by a lot.

And Ned was surprised when he saw what she used.

She pointed her sword at the demon and kept thrusting her sword from afar.

After which many gales have appeared and started to attack the demon who was barely dodging.

Yulyas since he knew what Amelia and Ned were doing, chose to further help, as he gestured with his hands for Ned and the rest to close their ears. And then he opened his hands wide and released a loud yell that made the demon flinch and freeze for a second.

And once he froze he was attacked by three gales of Amelia that made him fly in the sky from the power.

Ned not wasting any time, used both his techniques of the sword and of speed.

And he almost instantly appeared in front of the demon swinging his sword at his right shoulder giving him no time to react.

Since his left arm was hurt he wasn't able to fully exert the power of his sword skill.

Still it was enough to chop the demon's arm from the shoulder, and since he knew that the demons have a higher regeneration he took the arm with him and once he was in front of Amelia he dropped it and burned it after which he started breathing heavily.

Using both techniques when he is injured took it's toll on him.

Suddenly they heard a roar and the demon had vanished from where he was, only to appear near Ned, and completely bypassing Amelia.

"ARRGHHHHHH" the demon yelled before clawing with both hands at Ned.

And Ned used his movement technique to jump backward even though it will add to his burden.

But the demon was frenzied and was determined to kill Ned this moment.

Luckily, someone who was almost forgotten stepped up to help.

A fire chain was suddenly launched at the demon and held him and threw him to the back still being chained.

It was Lucy using her fire magic.