Chapter 48: The Existence under the Lake

Once they reached the city, just like he thought, Lori was there and looking among the warriors for him, until she spotted him. Even if he was wearing a helmet now.

He could see on her eyes relief, but it was momentary lived as it soon changed to a look of hurt and anger.

She was coming to him, but then she stopped, and didn't know what to do, until he got out of the cart along with Lucy and went to greet her.

"Hey Lori, how have you been?" Ned asked her first.

"I-I'm fine, but more importantly are you okay, is your injury serious?" she was brought out of her momentary stun, and then saw his arm injured.

"It's okay you don't need to worry about it" he said while internally thinking that it was already healed.

"This is my friend Lucy, and Lucy this is Lori also my friend, first friend actually" Ned then introduced the girls to each other.

Lucy brought her hand to shake Lori's and Lori did the same. While internally Lori felt relieved that Lucy was just a friend.

"well then I'm tired and I want to rest so let's go. Lucy let's meet again sometime" Ned said to Lori as he grabbed her hand and started walking to the inn, while bidding Lucy goodbye.

"Until next time then" She replied even if reluctant to.


Meanwhile the humans were walking back to their homes with their heads up.

In the place where the demon general had died, and even if they had collected his body, shadows converged and twisted until they changed shape to a black crow.

The crow then flew in the air in the direction of the inner forest.

This crow was the ability of the clan of the demon that had died. When they die, all the shadows near would change into a animal, and bring the news of those who died to their families.

The crow would travers the forest and then head to the ocean and into it's home continent.

Usually to exchange news everybody would use magic scrolls, and the surviving few demons would have done it already the very day the demon died.

However, this ability of the clan, wouldn't just exchange news but it would rather show the image of who killed them.

And since the clan's ranking and prestige would be lowered with this defeat, Ned and his company who killed the demon would suffer from the clans endless pursuit of redeeming their honor.


Deep inside the forest of secrets.

There was a beautiful frozen lake, where even the surrounding flowers and trees were frozen, giving the place a sort of enigmatic charm.

At the depths of this lake.

A being that was slumbering for the last centuries, was stirring awake, because the time had come for it to do as the prophecy detailed.

With a closer look the being turned out to have female features.

She had already perceived the existence of the destined one, and it was now time for her to fulfill her duty.

With the opening of her eyes, all of the frozen lake melted like it was never there.

Everything changed in but a second, to a forest full of greenery and life. Along the change came the cries of many beasts who looked in the direction of the lake, beasts that even the strongest person among the humans wouldn't dare to cross, but the said roars held nothing but absolute submission.

It was not just the strong beasts though as many humans, other races that were in the forest, all looked at the lake with a gaze of reverence and fear.

But the owner of this whole phenomena merely shrugged her shoulders and exhaled, even while still underwater.

With a thought she had vanished from the lake, and the forest was returned to it's tranquility.


Ned by now, along with Lori, had reached the inn, and went to the hall where he can eat the delicious food of the old man. He had talked with Lori until she was satisfied.

"You're back, how was it? Did you fight to your hearts content?" Alaster asked as he brought a plate of food and sat near Ned.

On the plate was a well cooked stake of meat, and a few vegetables. And Med was excited about eating the meat.

While stuffing the food into his mouth, he replied " I fought to my bones -content-" while indicating with his eyes to his left hand.

The old man being a rank 8 was able to tell that the hand wasn't hurt. And so he was confused.

But Ned quickly said "it was hurt, it just healed fast" he wasn't afraid to tell the old man, and he also didn't about anyone listening on them.

Someone listening in on them, heh on a rank 8? Impossible.

"Hoh, interesting. However, what did you think about my proposal?" the old man was intrigued but still shook his head to ask Ned.

"Once I take a shower, I'll tell you" Ned said, after which Ned just ate his food in quite.

While the old man was drinking some tea, Lori had brought.

Once he was done he went to the bathing are, and took a nice long and relaxing bath.

After he was done he wore some normal clothes, reattached his sling on his left arm, and then headed to the old man's study.

He knocked and got it inside once he was told to.

"Well then Ned, what is your decision?" Alaster asked with a friendly tone, but it couldn't hide the hopefulness in.

"I accept" Ned said and added after, "However, I need to tell you that I am not restricted to mastering a technique to reach the upper ranks, as you can see I'm already rank 5, without mastering any technique"

The old man was surprised, but then rationalized it that, if Ned was going to someday save the world he would need to be different than the rest.

"That is rather convenient then. However you still need training in the sword and sword arts. Since you agreed, then I would devise a schedule for you once we go back to the royal capital" Alaster said.

"Royal capital? Why would we need to go there?" Ned asked.

"because I was only staying here for you young Ned. Plus the capital has many delicious food, and my castle there has the equipment needed for your training."