Chapter 50: Confession

A couple days went just like that, with Ned touring the city with Lori and eating food from various stalls.

Since this was a celebration, nobody had to pay anything.

Now it was the last day of the festival and tomorrow they will be heading to the capital city. And as he didn't train this week at all he was eager to learn from the old man. He was weak at sword arts after all.

And he also had to tell him his decision of going around the world in an adventure. He didn't want to say it only after he had trained with Alaster as that was taking advantage of him.

Felling that someone was shaking him he was brought out of his thoughts to see an pouting Lori glaring at him in mock-anger.

"What are you thinking about that you can ignore such a beautiful lady in your company?" Lori said sounding annoyed at him.

She had for the duration of this festival, kept saying remarks like this. And he would be stupid if he didn't know what was on her mind.

Especially since he saw her feelings.

With the upgraded map now looking 3D in his mind, he saw her 'feelings'. That's what he was calling it.

Previously it said [Friends] but it had now changed to [Love].

He didn't mind however, as although he would be traveling for a time, he would soon be a master of teleportation, as such he wouldn't reject her advances.

Even if he at first wasn't ready for relationships, when he thought about it hard, it wasn't really a bad thing, he might as well just enjoy it.

"I was just thinking that the festival was going to end, and then we wouldn't be able to tour together" Ned said, looking disappointed. And he really did enjoy her company. Even if he lied about the reason of why he was spacing off. He liked training too after all.

Lori broke into a sweet smile as she giggled happily.

Since the day Ned had returned, she had been doing her best to appeal to him, and her efforts were paying off, but she knew she needed one last push.

Lori was a bit older than Ned, and it affected her confidence, but today she was nothing but determinant. As she knew someone like Ned who was destined for greatness would have many wives and she wanted to be his first.

"Well let's go to somewhere less crowded?" Lori said smiling at Ned.

And he instantly felt the atmosphere change, but he still replied to her with a "Sure, let's go."

After a bit of walking, they reached a sort of empty location.

And Lori stood facing him.

"I want you to answer me truthfully" Lori said and saw him nod so she added "Do you have someone you love?"

Her cheeks reddened a bit but she didn't become a tomato.

"Hehe you mean beside you?" Ned said teasingly.

And it got him a serious look from her and a smack on the head, even if she was feeling embarrassed at his remark.

"Be serious" she said.

"I was" he replied and she was flustered.

Truthfully Ned had guessed what she was trying to do and since he liked her too, he tried to help her by confessing first.

He knew it was hard for a girl to do the same.

"A-Are you serious?" she asked him hopefully and saw him nod which made her feel butterflies in her stomach.

"Yes, do you like me too" He asked her back.

But she jumped at him to hug him and had tears in her eyes.

"Yes, yes, I was so anxious to know if you like me too, I mean I am older than you, and not so pretty like Lucy, and sometimes I can be annoying…." While hugging him she was releasing all her pent up stress on him.

He didn't know that she was so stressed out. And so he grabbed her shin with his right hand and raised it so that they can see eye to eye.

Then he came close and kissed her cherry lips, and invaded her mouth with his tong and tasted her sweet saliva.

It was his first kiss in this world, and he enjoyed it as much as the inexperienced Lori did.

After the kiss ended, he saw that she calmed down and was a bit embarrassed.

"you have got no reason why to not feel confident in yourself. Besides I do not think Lucy is prettier than you I don't know why you mentioned her" Ned said to her as he smiled.

She nodded her head and smiled, after which she just held his hand while they toured the city.

And Ned felt that she was just so cute. So he vowed to never hurt her.


"It appears that the young man has a pure heart. I can tell his feelings are genuine" Said the mysterious woman who was floating in the sky high enough so that nobody can see her.

Since she was a child, she had a gift to see, how pure ones thoughts are. And from watching Ned she knew he was good young man.

Which was a positive thing considering the prophecy concerning him.

Shaking her head, she left them to their business, and stopped watching them. She had in the first place looked only because she felt his emotions had heightened somehow.


Soon the day ended and Ned an Lori went back to the inn, in which they met Alaster, and he saw them holding hands, but he just smiled at them gently.

Heading to eat together, Ned noticed Lori was tense since they decided to get back to the inn.

And he knew why.

"You don't have to be so tense, okay? Since we just got together, we have all the time In our hands, no need to be so fast about our relationship." He said to her. And he meant it, after all a relationship was not about just having sex.

And she was tense since she figured that a couple would want to do 'that' and she was scared Ned wouldn't want to stay with her because she refused him.

But once she heard him she was happy, and visibly relaxed. Before gathering herself and saying, "I'm sorry Ned, although I really like you, I am not ready for that step just yet" she said with an apologetic smile

"No need for that, hon, otherwise it would be weird if we go that fast, don't you think? I mean I already stole a kiss from you haha" he shook his head at her, before he teased her in order to change the mood. And he succeeded as she smiled.

Once they ate their food they retired to their respective rooms, and waited for the next day where they would reach the capital city and Ned would start his training.

(A/N: Nothing would happen in this time apart from Ned training, until the next volume where he will go on an adventure)