Chapter 54: Eline

What Ned didn't know was, that when he used the function scan on her, it had alerted her, but she had never seen a type of mana so pure, even the light type.

But she now knew something was wrong when the energy tried to probe her. Just when she wanted to try something, a voice spoke from nowhere in particular, perplexing her.

"Who are you?" Ned spoke from the space while watching her reaction in his mind. Which he still had trouble to do even now.

"You don't need to know who I am. Now tell me where is the boy, and what have you done to him?" She spoke calmly but with a commanding voice. And the last part of her words had a dense killing intent packed in.

"Why are you looking for him." Ned asked indifferently while internally getting nervous.

"He is under my protection, anything else I would tell him himself. Now what did you to him, I can't feel him anymore." She said and he noticed that she was trying to protect him.

she thought that she was talking with the one who hid him. perks of his mask of disguise.

And after a while of silence, to which the woman started getting irritated and anxious, Ned stepped out of the space.

"Well, I don't know who you are, but here I am." He said looking at her. He didn't dare to look at her body, otherwise he was sure she would kick his ass.

"Is this an ability of yours? Well it doesn't matter. I had thought you were kidnapped. I didn't plan to show up now, hah" She asked at first but then just shook her head and muttered to herself while sighing.

"Who are you, and why did you say I'm under your protection, I mean I don't even know you?" Ned asked with a perplexed tone.

"Well my name is Eline. You are under my protection, because you will be my disciple after that old man train you. I will teach you everything about magic." She said like an emperor dictating rules and laws. She gave him no room to refuse.

"I want to tour the world for an adventure, so I will have to decline" He was angered at how she talked like she can order him. But he still calmed himself to utter that politely.

"I know, and I would tour it with you. Otherwise you will be dead the moment you begin your journey." She stated with a blank look on her face. And when she saw his lips twitch and she knew she had hurt his pride so she added.

"What rank do you think I am?" And Ned turned back serious. As even without the scan function he can feel she is much stronger than the old man who is already at the peak of the 8th rank.

"Much stronger than the old man, my guess would be peak master rank."

"Interesting perception you have there. Then what if I told you, there are things out there I wouldn't dare come near at all, due to their strengths." She said. And she was true to her words.

Ned once heard that drew a sharp breath. He now knew she wasn't trying to hurt his pride or belittle him rather she was thinking for his safety. And he knew she had a purpose as to why.

But the fact that the rank 8 isn't the top of this world, got him anxious. As although he knew that the possibility existed he was still ignoring it.

But the moment his mind turned chaotic, a gentle voice spoke in his mind, "(You don't belong to this world. Things like ranks will only shackle your future. As even though you can train the same like them you are not limited in your options.)"

When he heard that he finally rationalized what she said and knew she was right.

With his confidence back, he spoke with the woman named Eline.

"In time I would be sure to surpass you all."

And she actually laughed a bit.

as he didn't know if she was ridiculing him or not. Plus her voice when laughing was pleasant on the ear and coupled with her beauty, it got him frustrated.

But she soon stopped and said "Indeed you will. However not alone. I had heard you fought against the demons, so you can see how fights go. Against rank 7, 8, you wouldn't survive, much less fight back."

He nodded his head and asked her, "Why do you want to train me?" this question was important to know, but he had a guess that it was some prophecy or something once again. By now he was starting to think that the whole reason he was in this world was for this so called prophecy.

"I swore a vow to train someone worthy when the time comes. And I have felt that you are." She said, and he was a bit happy at the praise.

"Now I would leave you to continue what you were doing, and don't worry about the old man, as nobody can detect me in this kingdom, and no need to be tense, I don't watch you all the time, but when you are in danger I'll help you." She said before simply vanishing.

He gave a sigh and re entered the space. He needed a few minutes to organize his thoughts. And then resume his training of magic and his movement technique.


Soon the morning came, and Ned had done all he wanted. And now he was ready for a new training day.

When he though about it last night, he knew he needed someone to teach him about his magic.

As he wasn't using it in a normal way, someone was necessary to tell him how to. But that someone would need to be trustworthy, he would wait and see if he can trust Eline.

And he was relieved last night when she didn't continue asking about how had he gone from the room. she had atleast respected his privacy.