Chapter 56: Learning Advanced skills

Now the time to train in the advanced sword skills had come, and Ned was more than ready and excited at the idea.

Paying attention to the what the old man said, he knew he was right. But that was a given, as he for one, was going on an adventure soon.

And second, he loved fights. Something he had noticed about himself is that he loved the thrill of the fight.

But the very reason he was mastering the sword was, in the case that by some bad luck he wasn't able to use magic, he wouldn't be left weakened. But he still wanted to specialize in magic rather than the sword.

And so he made the decision to fight using it in his journey only until he master the skills he was about to learn. After that he will learn magic from Eline.

It wasn't like he could run from her anyways. Besides it still said [Protective] as her feelings. And it must have turned to overprotective that day because she was worried about him. He couldn't find anything to not trust her.

Someone that strong going to out of their way to protect him, which in this case will be like babysitting him. As he guessed she must be quite old, not that it shows on her face.

Getting back on track the old man handed him a manual, but unlike his, this one had to be read.


In the space high above the Alaster castle, Eline was sleeping or so it would seem.

But she was merely closing her eyes and floating there relaxing. It was always calming for her and she enjoyed it.

When she had met Ned, she felt the turmoil of feelings inside him, however she was surprised that non were dark.

Usually she would feel envy, jealousy, lust, hate, but she only felt a small amount of anger and doubt.

The anger was understandable she had thought. As Ned was probably the type that didn't want to be ordered around.

As for doubt, it was probably that he thought she had something she needed from him. Which was true. She wanted him to do something for her. But it was not anything hard at all.

She had heard the prophecy but she didn't care about it one bit. She was not apathetic at all, rather, she had fought her share.

But she was tasked bybher dead master, to pass her knowledge to a worthy person. And Ned had the highest affinity she had ever saw.

What she needed from him was simple once he reached high enough strength and age, he would teach a person from the new generation and so on.

With the months passing on, the doubt lessened until it turned to trust, and the anger subsided until it became gratitude. And with her eyes that were able to see those feelings, she admired how pure they were.

How it happened she didn't know. But she observed with a small smile, how every time he exited the castle into the training field he would bow to the sky. She knew it was a bow in gratitude for her.

She considered meeting him again. To ask why the change, even if she had already half guessed it.


The old man let him read the manual, and see each rank techniques.

For the warriors, they had to master the main technique per rank, but there were many techniques to learn from the manual in each rank. It was just not that strong.

Ned of course was not going to try the main one just yet. He would master some small ones first.

And so he asked the old man to demonstrate any technique he liked, and started practicing it until he got a basic mastery over it. Then he passed on to the next.

Each stage of the technique had about three or four skills.

Just like thut the days passed on. And to say Ned was happy would be an understatement. He was jubilant, ecstatic.

He was currently sitting in his room on his bed grinning like a fool.

And the reason why, was because he found out that the old man's technique centered around using speed even if he was not a rogue. There were many techniques in it too that were like his void slash.

All in all, they were all extremely compatible with his movement technique.

Just imagine a technique to use the moment your opponent is distracted to launch an unavoidable blow plus using the blink, as he named it, or first step of Hermes.

You would beat your adversary in a second. Almost instantly. As such he was extremely happy, for he had just reached the stage three of the technique manual, and he was already rewarded handsomely.

Another thing to note was that, Ned had grown a bit taller reaching 192cm and his muscles looked more compact than before.

That bit added to his height made him a bit taller than the old man. Something he was gloating about.

Another thing was, that Ned was using the heavy sword the old man gave him for training and enchanted it with three times the gravity. Showing how much the sword is durable, and how much Ned had grown strong.

He would probably be able to bring out half the power of the mountain splitting slash if he used it now. Something that was equivalent to a rank 8.

As for his speed he was getting there too.

Using his method of training, he was steadily reaching the speed of a rank 8. But that was for regular speed. As if he used blink, than he knew no one can see him, well apart from Eline that is.

He also almost mastered the second step. And with the months going past, he felt more and more close with Lori. So now he made it his goal to reach the step three and visit her frequently.

And they did make out on a couple times and feeling each others body, but not anymore than that. She wasn't ready for that.

And unlike some other girls, she still kept her purity, and even if she decided that she would give it to Ned, relationships were never meant to be fast.

Ned too wasn't ready. If she wasn't still a virgin he wouldn't have minded at all.

But as it stands, he needed time for things to take their natural course. But he wanted their first time to be before he went on his journey.

Thinking of Lori wiped out the grin and replaced it with a warm smile. When all of a sudden he adopted a serious face and his katana out ready for a fight.

But it turned out to be Eline who suddenly appeared in his room.

"Brat, you are getting better, to be able to perceive my coming." She said with not so much facial expressions.

This was true as he had trained his instincts in a room enchanted to blast magic from out of nowhere in his Direction. Dodging that was easy at first but it was tiring so he had to learn to know where it will come from before it reaches him.

This was all in order to learn a technique called instinctual sword. Where you let your instincts guide you on a counterattack.

"Thank you for the compliment, err,?" Ned replied happy, but also perplexed as to what call her.

"For now just call me Eline. Now I have something important to say. I noticed that you no longer are angered at me and I would go so far to say that you seem to trust me. If I may ask, why so?" She said.

Ned was surprised at first, but still answered truthfully.

"I can see the feeling of people to a certain degree. Yours felt like you cared about me and was protecting me. Someone of your place protecting me, was a blessing for me, therefore I knew I shouldn't be angry at you, but rather thankful. Even if you'll ask something from me later. About how a prophecy says I would save the world and stuff."

"Haha no such thing brat. You are free to do what you like. But once you reach an old enough age, I want you to teach someone the same as I will teach you." She was at first surprised that he had an ability similar to her, but then she laughed in her silvery voice before replying.

[ A/N: Please leave a comment or a review. The chapter is twice as big as the one of yesterday, as i feel a bit better than yesterday :) ]