Chapter 60: Two Tailed Leaper

Since Ned wanted to go on an adventure rather than stay and take part in someone's schemes, this forest was the best thing around according to Eline.

She had said that there are many powerful beasts inside, ones even strong as much as her. But the main thing she said was that there are two secrets that are not known for the humans and the other races in this forest.

But she refused to say anything else.

"So I need to find out what these two secrets are then?" He said asking her as he floated in a moderately fast speed into the inner parts of the forest.

And from beside him Eline replied, "Yes, you wanted an adventure. This is all that the forest of secrets will give you."

Since she was refusing to elaborate any further he refrained from asking anymore.

"Once inside an overlord's beast territory it will come and attack you. At that time you need to do your best to kill it before any other beast comes" She said.

And Ned nodded his head. And when Eline saw him nod his head, she added:

"You have an amazing amount of mana, but you need to learn to control it perfectly. Also i will teach you all the magic that you need based on each situation on our journey." She said.

After all she already said she was going to train him. And he knew she was right, his spells were not many.

"I will also not interfere even if you are injured extremely. This your adventure and I will only guide you from the side."

With that said they continued on their journey into the inner forest.


After an hour of speeding around, they finally reached the inner sides and there was no need to search for a beast to fight.

As it will come itself. And Ned was preparing to intercept it. As for Eline she simply went invisible by some magic he didn't know. If she didn't then the beast will run in the opposite direction instead.

Ned was wearing a glove instead of his normal gauntlets, and there was no armor on his person, rather he was wearing a unique pant and shirt all mages wore. And above it there was a good looking robe.

All this clothes he had got from Eline. And it was enchanted to withstand blows/magic up until rank 6.

He brought out his staff, and noticed that it didn't change much outwardly, but he can feel that it had doubled in strength. As his rewards had upgraded all his equips.

Eline was his magic teacher. So she forbade him using anything other than magic in any situation apart from a death battle.

Soon the beast or monster had came running at him not even bothering to stop a bit and see it's surroundings.

Since Ned was ready a while ago and already knew from where it was coming using his map, he with the help of his staff made several earthen chains that had spears at their fronts, attack the beast that he now knew to be a two tailed leaper.

It was huge at almost 3 meters tall and looked like a dog that was much thinner but it had two tails instead of one and each tail was much harder than steel at the end and therefore was used as a weapon. It's teeth were said to have a poison strong enough to leave a man half dead with but one drop.

It looked so hideous that he had second thoughts about fighting it.

The leapers were a species of beasts known for their flexibility and long distance jumping and high durability skin. They were generally all in between rank 5 to six. And this one was a rank six.

[Name: Leaper.

Rank: 6]

The chains as predicted by Ned was not able to penetrate the skin of the leaper beast.

But that was not why he used them. He wanted to hold the beast in place while he casts his second spell.

The chains coiled around the beast and constrained it to the ground.

Even if the leapers weren't know for their strength, it was still quite high. Therefore the chains would at the most hold it for a bit.

His second spell was a fire type. The known weakness of the leapers. He casted a great fire ball at the direction of it, but it appeared he had underestimated the beast and overestimated the earthen chain.

The beast once it saw the fire ball, put strength in all its four legs and jumped forward dodging the fire and tried to bite Ned.

Transforming his legs into wind mana Ned's speed doubled, and he jumped sideways avoiding the bite, and then when he was a good distance away, he once again changed his hand into fire mana and readied himself.

He was thinking of what spell to use as his spells were limited.

He soon used his magic and conjured 6 fire chains, that went straight for the leaper who was readying itself for another attack.

Now even if it's skin was highly durable, the leaper will still be hurt as fire is it's weakness.

And once the chains wrapped around the beast it howled in pain but couldn't break the chains.

He then made several spikes attack from the ground.

But it wasn't earthen this time. Rather crystal spikes. And they left deep wounds once they reached it.

But the beast was able to run after using it's signature move of jumping with a fast speed.

It looked at him with maliciousness in it's eyes. But all Ned felt was excitement. As even if he was constrained to use just magic, and knowing that he could have ended the beast with a single slash, he still enjoyed the thrill of fighting.

The beast after glaring at him tried to run and jumped a huge distance, but he teleported in front of it making it roar angrily.

He started running in circles around it while firing fire balls. But with each step he took he planted a fire bomb as he called them in the ground.

With his training done, he was able to change both his hands and feet into one element. And now he was using it to attack the leaper while planting mines for it.

Once done he stepped outside of the now fire bombs filled ground and taunted the beast to attack him.

"Why are you so weak? You can't even hurt me." He knew that beasts had a certain degree of understanding human languages. And so he knew the beast will be aggravated.

And it did charge at him angry beyond words. But it stepped on the bombs which had it injured badly and when it wanted to move Ned launched a fire ball at it making it roll on the ground until it stepped on another fire bomb.

Once he distracted it, he changed his hands into crystal and conjured a huge spear that was three meters tall and launched it at the beast.

Due to the momentum of the spear, it impaled the leaper and continued until it pinned it on the ground.

Since this was a rank 6 beast it would come to many as a surprise that he took it this quickly. After all it was known that the beasts were much stronger than a person at the same rank.

Ned stored the beast's corpse in his inventory, as he can sell it at the guild. It was used to get many ingredients for the potions.

Eline soon showed herself and stood next to him.

"You did well kid. But I think you know as well as me that you don't know many spells to use. We should work on that. Also I noticed how you can change your body into the element you want to use. As far as I know this has never happened before." She said.

He agreed with her about lacking in spells to use and then told her that he had a special type of body called elemental body where he can change parts of his body into the correspondent element.

She told him that she'll devise a training schedule for him to master this elemental body of his along with the other things.

[ A/N: This chapter is much longer in compensation for the short one I wrote yesterday. Also this is the first chapter of the second volume.

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