Chapter 68: Confusion and Frustration

After he fell from the tree due to his master interfering, he made a sound and all the dwarfs looked at him.

He too took a look at the now battle ready dwarfs. He saw that they were buffed and packed huge muscles even if they were short now that he was standing next to them he felt that they had a strong presence.

"Who are you human and what do you want?" The biggest and tallest among them raised his double axes and spoke to him. And Ned could see the wariness they held against him.

"I mean no harm, I was just passing by and then chanced upon you." Ned said and pointed at himself to show that he didn't have any weapons.

"That is fine. But you should never speak of us to anybody. Can you swear it?" The largest dwarf said.

"Yes. I swear using my magic as binding, that I will never disclose the things I saw about the dwarfs to any body they don't want me to." Ned said as he was enveloped in a golden hue for a few seconds.

"Now that I swore as such, is it possible to get to know your way of living?" Ned asked, he so much wanted to see if there will really be a city underground just like the stories.

The dwarf who spoke earlier seemed to consider with others for a few minutes, before finally lowering his weapons and nodding.

"We can talk to our chief about it, as you already swore a vow to not talk about us I am sure you would be allowed to visit. Come tomorrow at this time and I'll have an answer for you" The dwarf said.

Ned nodded his head and then walked back from the river to the inside of the forest.

He knew that his master was responsible for his fall but he couldn't glare at her or even voice his disagreement. As he didn't plan on meeting them at first.

From the time he started his journey with his master Eline he notice that he had an attraction to her. And as he was in a relationship with Lori he was ignoring it as best as he can, but as a result he couldn't say no to her requests and he couldn't get angry at her. Even if he knew Lori said it was okay to fall in love with other girls he was confused with his feelings.

From the knowledge he had in his past life, it was not possible to be in love with two persons, you may cheat your lover but you won't love two at the same time.

He even noticed that his master was spending less time with him. Probably due to her ability of seeing feelings. She most likely felt how he changed. For the last few days he was really embarrassed to even raise his head and look at her.

Shaking his head, he went to look for other secrets to unveil while awaiting the time he would see the city that the dwarfs may have built under the ground.

In the sky Eline was looking at Ned in amusement.

She saw how his feelings were a variety of colors that represented , love, confusion, sadness.

She herself knew the reason why he was feeling like this. But it appeared that Ned was confused why can he like her if he already liked another girl.

She had no reason to refuse Ned's love but the monstrous age difference. And she doesn't see him that way. He was her disciple and she liked him the way a master does like his disciple.

So until the day her feeling may change and be similar to him, he would have to contain his self.

With a sigh, she thought of how she would need to avoid the subject every time they talked.

Ned while passing by in the forest was ambushed by a huge humanoid beast which he avoided by jumping to the back.

It's smell was terrible and it had a disgusting visage.

He recognized it as being a troll and a rank 7 nonetheless. Known for their thick hide and regenerative abilities.

Still under the restriction of using only magic, he brought out his staff from the inventory.

This fight was good enough for him, to release his frustrations upon this beast.

With it charging at him he made his quick decision to use it's weakness.

Using wind magic, he released hundreds of wind blades at it from all directions, followed by a much more concentrated fireballs then usual.

The wind blades left wounds that were healing at an astonishing rate, but the fire balls that targeted those areas that were wounded canceled the regeneration.

Fire was the beasts weakness, but it only worked internally. As it's hide was quite durable.

If he had used fire at first than he would have barely hurt it, while his wind blades are much more dangerous than normal. And still they left only small wounds that he took advantage of.

With the troll hurt and trashing about while charging at him furiously, he used his gravity magic to slow it, and made it look slow moving.

Then he cast an earthen spell to summon a golem, but only he refused to let it fight by itself and took control of it using his magic manipulation.

Soon it turned into a boxing match with him controlling the golem to punch the troll with a straight followed by a left hook, and finally an uppercut.

Leaving the beast falling to the ground disoriented.

After a few bouts of fighting, Ned was getting tired of the horrid smell of the troll, and decided to finish it.

Jumping over to the golem's head he controlled it to wrap the troll in a hug, and then he pointed his staff at the now trapped troll and released a fire made spear that burned a hole from it's eyes to the back of it's head.