The beginning of a not so “fun” adventure

Dagger opened his eyes from the darkness to find himself in a vaguely familiar room.He slowly stood up from his spot on the floor just to spot a nightmare, a monster stood just a few feet in front of him.The monster was what is commonly called a god d*mn zombie,it was a gruesome creature that vaguely resembled a human albeit with decaying flesh and a disgusting mix of blood,puss,and mucous that could make anyone gag from the sight of it casually leaking from every single opening in its body.

However for whatever reason that Dagger couldn't piece together this disgusting creature was dressed in a fairly trendy outfit of a hoodie and black ripped jeans which confused the hell out of him and also caused him too become more confused as he realized he didn't know how the hell he knew what "trendy" was.

Regardless of how trendy this thing was it still was not a pretty sight,and before Dagger could piece together what was happening or begin to think about his lack of memories and the fashion sense of what he remembered to be the 21st century the zombie unfortunately for Dagger,sensed Dagger's stare.The fashionable zombie immediately reacted by roaring and swiftly leaping at him with incredible speed scaring the hell out of Dagger.Dagger,about to sh*t his pants stumbled backwards luckily dodging the zombie's leap however,the f*cking thing's assault wasn't over yet.

The zombie recovered from its miss rapidly and with a primal gleam of hunger in its eye smacked Dagger with a single arm containing enough force to knockout even the most seasoned of boxers,throwing him into the wall of the dorm room.Dagger coughed up a mouthful of blood as he slammed into the dry wall,glazing his eyes and putting him on the verge of going unconscious as he spewed a string of profanity the could make a sailor blush.

He dazedly looked up from his collapsed position and the first thing he saw was the zombie clumsily staggering to where he lay,and Dagger with a zombie approaching him said the first thing that came to his mind since waking up.

"I'm so screwed ".

Dagger felt panic race in the back of his head as the zombie had already repositioned from it's ridiculously strong swipe and prepared to leap mouth first,open with disgusting rotted teeth onto him.Dagger,just as he thought he was going too become food for this filthy creature,let his survival instincts take over as he decided to fight for his life.

He grabbed the closest object he could find which was the mostly metal chair next to the desk he was thrown too.He,with adrenaline pumping through his veins took a clumsy yet determined step towards the monster as it pounced on him with it's unreasonable athletic ability for a rotting bag of flesh.Dagger firmly gripped the chair and with his muscles straining as well as the momentum of his step,swung the chair and fortunately connected with the foul yet admittedly fashionable thing's head.

The sound of contact was a sick crunch as the fairly straight neck of the zombie became became horizontal and the chair decimated the rotten head.Puss and foul blood splashed all over Dagger and leaked from the destroyed head as the monster in fairly trendy clothes collapsed on the floor a few feet from the collision.

Dagger, breathing heavily with a pale face and wide eyes looked over his triumph with a disgusted expression as a foul smell permeated the room.He immediately emptied whatever was in his stomach as he vomited into a corner of the room.Dagger breathing heavily angrily yelled,"what the hell is going on in here"!

After letting out a vent of emotions Dagger bent over in exhaustion and attempted to calm himself down with steady and even breaths as he tried too figure out what as he said earlier the hell was going on now that he had calmed down.

He decided to go through it in a systematic approach and the first thing he did was lock and deadbolt the f*cking door leading to the hallway.Dagger exhausted from his near death and experience was going to sit down in his chair only to realize it was covered in rotten bodily fluids and decided to stand for the moment.Then he went through what memories had flooded back to his brain and admittedly it was not much.

He attempted to remember his identity and his past.He already had remembered his first name "Dagger" as soon as he woke up which Dagger thought,not to brag was a pretty cool and bold name and then he searched through the rest.Dagger was 18 and he remembered being athletic,that he was currently at a boarding school,basic knowledge,and some things about himself and that was about it.He remembered it was Friday and he and his roommate were hanging out in his room before he had to go to his first classes only to see his roommate collapse to the floor and Dagger had yelped in surprise only too follow soon after.

He easily pieced together that his roommate must have been the fashionable zombie that attempted to f*cking kill him.Killing his roommate even though he felt little connection with him weighed heavily on his mind and heart.Even if he became zombified,attempted to kill him,and smelled really f*cking bad.Dagger's pupils dilated and he began to hyperventilate as he hurriedly yet mostly unsuccessfully attempted to wipe off his former roommates blood off his body.After a few moments of panic he was gradually able too regain his calm and steel his mind trying to convince himself that he did what he had too do.Dagger was mostly unsuccessful and so he attempted to distract himself and conveniently was smacked with the realization that he had no idea what he looked like and with his curiosity piqued,Dagger tried to figure out what the current him looked like distracting himself from the emotions and thoughts running rabid through his mind.

From what he remembered of the layout of his room,it should be connected to a bathroom containing a mirror and so Dagger began to scan his room.The room was fairly small fitting a desk,a bunk bed,a drawer filled with clothes,walls filled with posters of things and people he had no memory of,and also his goal,an open door to a cramped bathroom with a shower,sink,and a toilet.As he slowly dragged himself to his bathroom he realized in the back of his mind that his family or this school at least must be fairly wealthy to afford a dorm like this.

Assuming he had a family not that it mattered anymore as he joked in his head,"The world should be pretty f*cked up if there's godd*mn zombies now".Dagger made his way into the bathroom was pleasantly surprised by what looked back at him when he looked into the mirror.Dagger was fairly tall at a height of what looked to be around six foot with an athletic build that he attributed to his athletic backround that he vaguely remembered.Dagger was fairly pleasant to look at with a head filled with jet black hair styled in a casual now messy hairstyle from his scuffle,hazel eyes,and a defined yet symmetrical face.Dagger with a cheeky smirk muttered into his reflection as he touched his face,"Hey atleast something's going right for me huh".Dagger with his vanity satisfied turned to look at his clothes which he felt suited him,just a simple gray fitted long sleeve shirt,a pair of fitted jogger pants,and a pair of what he remembered to be running shoes.

He immediately spotted a bulge in his pocket that he hadn't noticed during his life or death struggle with his Fashionable Roommate Zombie.As he checked his pocket he realized it was his phone but when he excitedly attempted to power it on the d*amn didn't function at all.he tragically realized that for some reason technology must not work.Dagger immediately felt panicked and to verify he ran back out into the room and found his computer from memory which was sitting in the top bunk of his bunk bed.Dagger desperately prayed for a miracle as he powered it on while thinking out loud,"Come on,come on COME ON...f*ck".Needless to say his prayer was unanswered as his computer couldn't power on.

That was the moment Dagger realized his joke about the end of the world earlier was not funny at all and he needed to start thinking like a survivor If he was legitimately in an apocalypse.Not however,before he washed the off zombie gunk plastered on himself of course.Unfortunately,as he exited the bathroom Dagger spotted the two pairs of toothbrushes which once again threw his mind into turmoil as he thought about his long dead roommate.Dagger questioned the fairness of this world and why his dead roomie became a zombie and Dagger didn't.

Dagger as a former athlete was experienced with fighting negative emotions before competitions and managed to keep his emotions at bay as he began to analyze his current situation.He figured his unfortunate roommate can't be the only person to become a rotten bag of flesh and thought to himself that at least half but most likely more of the population became zombies.He also knew that technology didn't work he thought out loud after his analyzation,"all in all it's not lookin' to good for us huh".Now that he had roughly guessed what it might be like outside his little dorm he began his preparations to find others.

He checked off what he thought he would need to venture out and survive in a zombie f*cking infested world without technology.

Dagger started his preparations by finding the stash of food he and his roomie kept in the dorm,a heavy yet decently stylish bomber jacket he found laying on his desk , and some pairs of athletic clothes and warm clothes from his drawer as he distinctly remember living in a fairly cold climate and last but not least,his metal water bottle which he had fortunately refilled earlier today.Or at least he figured it was the same day as the blackout because of his lack of hunger.

He stuffed all his supplies in a backpack he found hanging on the edge of his bunk that was stitched with the acronym USATF which he had no idea about what it stood for(Authors note: USATF stand for United States of America Track and Field which gives some hints to the location of the story and a sport he did ;) ).Then looking back on his fight with his roomie he realized he needed a weapon.

After searching for a few minutes Dagger discovered nothing suitable and decided to jerry rig something.Dagger, inspired by some random ideas he came up with grabbed the 4 foot ladder he had to help him up into his bunk and with the help of some persistence and muscle he managed to snap off one of the the two long pieces of wood that ran down the ladder.

After pushing out all the nails with the help of his now damaged metal desk and cutting off about a foot or two of material with a pocket knife Dagger found in that damaged desk he ended up with a fairly sturdy 3 foot staff.Dagger figured in his head that he was probably forgetting something but shrugged after going through his checklist.With his bag packed and a fairly sturdy staff that he affectionately named Long Boy he was about to head out after having relieved himself in his now messy bathroom when he heard a ear-drum splitting scream.

Apparently others were just now waking up.