
CHAPTER 2: St Agnes

{Diary entry Samson Walker, Jan 1,2016}

I tore through the streets in Neil's second hand Camaro. I had actually never driven before, I had never even learned to drive. The only knowledge I had in driving would be from the times I watched my dad drive me and Dani to school, it was enough to enable me to move the car but not enough to avoid breaking every traffic law in existence. I was helped by the fact that the streets were in complete chaos and anarchy, there wasn't anyone who cared that I was breaking the law. There were people fighting and killing each other on the streets, people pillaging stores, fires everywhere.

'Please be safe Dani' was all I could think about as I headed to her school. If something happened to her, I don't know what I would do. She's the only family I have left. I have to protect her.

St Agnes High School, a red-brick two storey building with a few cars and a school bus in the parking lot. "A school for the young minds of today to be moulded into leaders of tomorrow" , said the signboard which was it tatters. It had seen better days. There were a group of people, about fifteen to twenty running towards the school building, some of them had come from cars in the parking lot and the others from the surrounds. This would be normal as the building was one of the few I'd seen not in flames but they all had a crazed look in their eyes and some carried weapons like baseball bats and crowbars. 'If they fucking lay a hand on her I'll kill them.' I parked Neil's car behind a couple of trees across the street in order to hide it for a quick getaway.

The front door to the school was locked and the group of deranged killers ran face first into it. Funny, they kept moving back and then running into it face first again and again, ... I'm pretty sure they have screws loose. I snuck around back and went in through a window which I know is always open. Back when I used to attend this school the janitor always left the window in his room open, he said the smell of the equipment was too foul for his nostrils.

I was in. There was nobody in the halls on the first floor. I made my way to the stairs and as I was about to turn a corner an object came bearing down on me in a flash. If not for my good reflexes it would have struck me in the temple. I took a few steps back and went into a stance for a fight. I cocked my right arm ready to throw a punch when I saw who it was that attacked me.

"Mrs Bradbury, why did you try to attack me!"

"Samson....sorry, I didn't know who you were and how you got in, we locked all the doors to keep those freaks out. How did you get in?"

"The janitor's room, don't worry, I locked it as I came in. Where's everyone, where's my sister?"

"We're all staying in a classroom."

I followed Mrs Bradbury to the class, there were five teachers inside, three male and two female ones and about fifteen kids in the class. More importantly in the corner of the class she was there. A young girl with a light build, fair skin, blonde hair and brown eyes. Our eyes met and she ran towards me.


she said as she hugged me.

"It's okay, I'm here."

I replied while hugging her back. She was safe.

"Mr Walker, is that you?"

said one of the male teachers. It was Mr Clayton my former math teacher. He was a short middle aged guy with brown hair ( actually a toupee, he was balding but we all pretended we didn't know) and blue eyes. I remember him a lot for his bad jokes.

"Yeah, it is. Good to see you're still kicking."

I replied him.

"Dani, come we need to get outta here, my car is hidden behind some trees."

I whispered to Dani.

"What about the rest of them?"

she replied. She had an undertone of anger in her reply.

"There isn't enough space..."

"Those guys just got a lot more!"

yelled a kid who was looking out the window.


The sound of the front door breaking open.


said Dani and I in synch.


Extra Entry {Mrs Bradbury}

It was annoying to have to come to school on New year's day because of remedial classes for slacking students. I was going through the motions as I gave out work sheets to the students.

"Be quiet over there, there's a reason why you're here and not in your homes this morning."

I said to some troublemakers in the corner of class. Returning to my seat I checked my watch

"It's 12.15, you have an hou..."


A sound like that of which words couldn't describe rang through my eardrums. The world went white not too long after.

"Mrs Bradbury, Mrs Bradbury, are you okay?"

said a girl who was waking me up. 'Danielle Walker, I'm suprised you're here, I never took you for a slacker' I thought as she helped me up.The other students all had a look of terror on their faces.

"I'm fine, I just have a bit of ringing in my ears."

I said while trying to reassure them.

Outside the windows I could see smoke in the distance and I heard explosions.

I went into the hallway and I saw the other teachers on duty all groggy but they were fine as far as I could tell. 'At least it wasn't a shooter' I thought.

I was the only fully conscious teacher right now so I had to check outside to see what was happening, looking out the window wasn't enough.

"Stay in the class and don't leave. "

I said to the students before I left for the front doors of the school.

At the front door I saw a man passed out. I quickly went to resuscitate him. He finally came to.

"Excuse me sir, are you a parent... do you know what happened, are you ok.."

He lunged at me and started strangling me. I take pride in myself for being one of the few teachers who still tries to keep fit in their forties but try as I might I couldn't shake him off. I couldn't let myself die here, so I pulled one of my marking pens from my skirt pocket and I stabbed it into his eye.

He let go of me immediately as he tried to pull it out. I was shocked as he looked like he wasn't in pain but rather pissed. I couldn't let my advantage slip. While he was trying to remove the pen, I took one of the fire extinguishers and I struck him in the head with it. He fell down but immediately started to get back up again. I don't know if it was adrenaline or fear that caused it but I swung the fire extinguisher at him again, and again and again and again and again. By the time I had regained my sanity his brains were all over the entrance to the school.

I threw up my lunch as I looked at it. The man's body was still twitching, my hand moved but I restrained myself. I pushed his body outside the doors and I locked them. I called down the other teachers to take a look.

"You killed him!!"

shrieked Ms Taylor.

"Shutup, do you want the kids to hear"

I rebutted her.

"We have to get everyone out of here"

said Mr Kumar.

"To where, we don't know where is safe and where isn't. With the smoke coming from the city we can't be sure this isn't a terrorist attack or something. It's better for us to bunker up here and call the police than go off somewhere and get gunned down"

I replied.

"Then we have to lock down, close all the windows and doors, no one gets in. Ms Taylor take the kids upstairs and keep them in a classroom. Mrs Sheila you and I will take the east side, Kumar and Bradbury take the west. Steve close the windows in the gym."

said Mr Clayton.

With all said and done we were bunkered up and just in time as a group of people started to flock towards the school. While the other teachers tried to contact the police, I was standing watch at the stairs. I heard footsteps. There was an intruder. I reached for my fire extinguisher ready to get the jump on this enemy as soon as he got to the first landing on the stairs.