Don't Run with the Money

Yang Yun almost burst out laughing. Even the secretary noticed the suddenness when his serious face derailed for a moment.

'This author, is she mentally retarded?'

Yang Yun really doesn't know if she was brazen or just dumb. His fingers itched to ask her that question, but then he deleted those words and instead sent:

Yun: >Are you trying to joke?<

Her answer came promptly.

Jie²: >It's you who started to crack up a joke.<

Yang Yun picked an eyebrow at her words. She thought he was joking with her? Why would he have that much time on hand?

Turning to his secretary, he asked: "Secretary Ming, if someone were to offer you money for your work, what would you think they're trying to do?"

As a serious and hard working person, secretary Ming puts his hand to his chin with a deepening gaze before asking prudently: "How much money are we talking about?"

"How much you want. Be honest." Yang Yun said with a serious face.

Secretary Ming was petrified. What is this sudden kind of talk?

"I... I would think you are plotting something against me." After thinking about it, he also added: "But depending on what I would have to do, this offer is indeed tempting?"

Yang Yun nodded in understanding and went back to reflect over his phone, leaving a slightly confused secretary contemplating by himself.

Yun: >Do you think I have the time to joke?<

Jie²: >You were serious? °A° <

Yun: > ... <

If he wasn't serious, then what was he? Was he throwing money away? Wait, why did he suddenly have the feeling he was throwing money into a rubbish bin?

Jie²: >Then... the offer... you mean it?<

One Million! Jie Jie resisted the urge to throw her arms up in the air and jump around. She had just thought how beautiful it would be if she could go back in time!

Yang Yun also felt satisfied. By that answer, she seemed tempted at least. One Million was nothing to scoff at - for ordinary people. She must have thought about it and regretted her rash decision. If he was any meaner, he could have lower the reward, and she would have no ground to complain. But Michael Yang wasn't this petty.

Jun: >Yes<

Jie Jie took a screenshot of the conversation. "In case this guy wakes up and rethink his life choices!"

Yun: >How long would you need to be done with the story?<

Jie²: >Probably a year.<

What? Still a year? If he hadn't intervened, his sister would indeed be old and grey the day it was finished.

Yun: >Half a year!<

Jie²: >Impossible! I still have work! D: <

Yun: >Quit your work.<

Why does she think he is sponsoring her anyways? It's so she could concentrate on writing this novel. Unless she makes more money with that work of hers, she can't complain about losing money in this deal.

Jie²: >My future depends on it! >__< <

Yun: >Think about it again.<

Yang Yun did not need to rush her. If she just thought about it, this deal was a no brainer. Actually, he was the one on the losing end. Apart from making his sister happy, there was no gain for him.

But Jie Jie had a thousand thoughts running through her head. On the one hand, he was right. She wanted the money badly. Who wouldn't? On the other hand, she had all the right reasons to refuse.

If she quits being a bestseller author to write an unknown online novel, would she still be an author? Jie Jie was reluctant to risk her hard-earned pseudonym. To be an author or not to be?

Mari was right; the money was right in front of her eyes. She can put her book on hold, go for the fast money option, and come back to work to serialize her book later. But would they still be interested in the book after it went cold for some time? And the film deal, she doubted they would want her a year later or even half a year. They would have settled with someone else's book by then. She might have to start from scratch. Time was also money.

If she were to give all the rights of her book to the filming company and their screenwriters, they would butcher the meaning of her book until even she couldn't recognize it.

"They especially asked me to join the scriptwriter team in the background. Although I won't be on the set, I can't let those guys screw over my baby!"

Since the future of her work is neither written nor finished, they would have to ask her opinion on many details or do however they pleased. Either the book and the film get's different endings or the author and filmmaker work together as closely as possible. Since many fans have been fed up with carelessly produced series of their favourite books, the industry has gotten many complaints, and authors as well were often afraid of having their stories reenacted because they never knew how thorough their work would be treated. Greedy or naive authors often lose face at the end, when a live-action adaption turns out to be too poorly produced. All their hard work would end up being laughed upon.

A renowned author, who was her former college professor and mentor, had publicly declared that he would rather eat dirt than having his work taken by the film industry since they were so unreliable and lacked the heart and soul of storytelling, only craving to make money with mainstream adaptions and easy to digest cheap flicks. If she were to sell her book out carelessly, he might remove her from the list of his protégés and never acknowledge her again.

Honestly, with enough effort, she could write that online novel and help out the screenwriters. The real challenge was the next installment. The publishing company has already signed a deal for a continuation, and a deadline was drawn. Doing all three at once was impossible. Would she be able to delay the due date for the second book? Totally not.

"But they pay less for the next installment than this guy for the online novel... even if I repay them for breaking the contract I would still make a profit."

She took a reluctant look at the printed copy of her book, which she has treated like the apple of her eye until now.

"My dearest, I am about to disappoint you."

The appeal of money was just too strong. Unless she has to sell her body, Jie Jie could not confidently say no anymore. Selling one's skill, that's what people do if they want to survive in this world.

Jie²: >I can do daily updates. But I need all the holidays off. Also, I will have to take leave once in a while on multiple occasions.<

Yun: >No wonder you took so long updating. Your working morale is genuinely questionable.<

Jie Jie almost shattered her phone on the spot upon reading that line.

"This b-...! Does he think I'm lazy! Crazy bas-...!"

If it weren't for the money, she might have deleted him right away. With trembling fingers, she typed back:

Jie²: >Mr. Yun, don't get me wrong, I will not slack off and make sure the number of uploads and quality will be to your satisfaction. But there are personal matters I have to attend which are indispensable ^____^ <

She was so angry that she wanted to sit down and write the whole story in one go now, paid or not, to show this guy how good of a writer she was.

Jie²: >I will try to finish it the fastest way possible as well, to show you my sincerity!<

Although she had wanted to take things slowly, now that her success is within reach, taking in this job was somewhat ludicrous. So much money just for a story she hadn't thought of that much in the beginning. She started this story on a whim and as a fangirl. It was still hanging in the air; it's plot and ending still at her mercy. Although there was a rough draft for the next few chapters, she has no backbone to tell this man that he was investing in hot air at this time. Who told him to anyways? He doesn't sound like a fanboy. He hasn't asked any question about the novel itself and showed no interest whatsoever - aside from how fast she could write.

"I can do it; I can start seriously with this. Since there is no plot, I can develop one. If there's no end, I will think of one. Since I don't know how long it will take, I will adjust it to the shortest time possible!"

Although she had a guilty conscience deceiving him, this was what negotiation basically was. You try to get the best out of it. He said he wanted the story the fastest way possible. Jie Jie had said a year, but a year was an estimate she picked out of the blue. Half a year as he demanded may or may not be enough, but since she only has a rough outline, anything was fine - she can adjust the length of the story. If she was stumped for time, she could leave out some subplot. If she has too little content, she could add some fillers.

Yun: >Don't you dare cut the story short. If you lose content or your writing quality drops, I will know.<

Jie²: >What do you think of me, I would never do something like that! You should have more trust in people! ^__^' <

Ah, she was just thinking about it, ok? Just thinking! In the end, she was still a professional. She would not slight her story, even if it were an online novel. Now that she was paid to write it, she would give it even more thought than before. That's a given!

Yun: >I will change the conditions and prepare a new contract.<

Jie²: >??<

A little caution never killed somebody. After talking with this person, Yang Yun decided to change the contract according to a hunch. The more people tell you to trust them, the less they were trustworthy.

Yun: >You will be under a personal contract with me. I will pay you in monthly instalments. Once you're done, the rest will be paid at once.<

Jie²: >Are you perhaps thinking I would run with the money?! +___+ <

Yun: >Yes<

Jie²: > Q___Q <

And thus the two of them spent the longest time arguing about the contract.