
The White Whistle

Uteu left the twin's room feeling slightly unsettled. He closed the door quietly to not disturb Minh from story telling.

He scratched his head as he leaned against the twin's door. When it came to their mother, he didn't have the slightest idea as to what she looked like or even who she was. There were never any photos of the family anywhere in their old home.

Then add on the whole confusion of having multiple other siblings out there and that Undel and Uteu supposedly were the only ones blood related to Tykol? Uteu wanted to bang his head against the door. There was just so many things that man needed to explain.

With an exhausted sigh, Uteu turned and walked down the hall. He had only walked a few steps before he encountered Lia, the head maid. She had just turned the corner.

She adjusted her glasses as she looked at him with indifference.

"Master's guest." She had finally greeted him, but it was in such a way that left him feeling unacknowledged.

He nodded at her and asked, "Grello told me you would assign a maid to me. Could you make sure she's a dove?"

Lia wrinkled her eyebrows in distaste to his informal way of calling out Grello's name and humphed. She didn't disagree, and didn't bother to answer him either.

Uteu was left wondering if he'd receive a maid later. He couldn't help but sigh. He really couldn't handle types of people like Lia.

He realized he didn't get the chance to ask her where his room was and cursed. He didn't want to wander around in circles around this place again.

Luckily he didn't have to go too far before he encountered another maid. She was by the staircase in the main living room.

She greeted him with a polite bow.

"Master Uteu. Head maid Lia assigned me to you. I will be attending to you during your stay at Lord Mandleton's home."

Uteu was surprised at how quick Lia had gotten hold of a maid and sent her his way. Though he really wished the woman could have sent her directly to him.

"What's your name?" He found himself asking.

"Feel free to call me Julie."

Uteu took in her appearance. She had short black hair and brown eyes. She was also a bit on the shorter side compared to the other maids.

"Could you lead me to my room?"

She nodded and led him up the stairs. With a couple steps and one turn, she stopped and gestured to the door with a small wooden plaque with his name on it.

"Thank you, Julie."

She nodded politely and reached into her pocket, revealing a white whistle with a thin rope tied to it, similar to the one Uti held.

"Please use this to call me should you ever need me."

Uteu held the whistle gingerly with his fingers.

Why couldn't he just call her with a phone?

As if reading his thoughts, Julie said, "Phones can be tracked, these can't. Our jobs would be much more dangerous if people could track us easily. Only people with a hint of Psyche magic, or are linked to one can use these."

She turned the whistle over in his hand. A small golden dove decorated the side of it. Along with the dove, he noticed that the pattern of the hole was different from Uti's.

"Every whistle is pitched differently for every dove. This whistle will simultaneously send a notification out to our headquarters under our name and also ping us directly. Blow on the whistle 3 times if it is an emergency and need us immediately."

Uteu was in awe and took the thin rope and put it around his neck.

He looked at Julie worriedly and she seemed to shrug it off.

"Keep in mind that every dove is trained for most situations. You met Harlin didn't you? Though Harlin isn't a great dove, she's still a dove."

He was impressed. He felt like Harlin was pretty strong and felt reassured that they'll all be at her level if not stronger.

"Could I ask you to find out my father's whereabouts? Tykol Drelden. That's his name." Uteu really hoped she wouldn't be too busy.

She nodded and asked, "Information only?"

Uteu replied, "Yeah, he's... usually hard to get a hold of. So I'd just like to know where he currently is. You don't need to talk to him or see what he's doing. Just let me know when you find him."

"I will not be available for at least 1-2 days if I take on this mission, is this ok with you?"

"Yeah, take all the time you need."

Julie bowed and walked away. Uteu was kinda disappointed she didn't vanish before his eyes to do her mission. He wasn't really sure why he even thought she'd do something like that anyways.

With Julie's full disappearance from view, he exhaled and opened the door to his room.

Looking around it surprisingly looked a lot like his old room at his apartment. Similar bed and sheets, except a whole lot newer. There was a desk with a laptop on it and his phone!

He shut the door and scrambled over to his cell phone. It had completely slipped his mind to ask for his phone. He was grateful someone had thought to bring it over.

He tried to turn it on, but sadly it was dead. He looked around, and sure enough a charging cable attached to the outlet was there for him.

He charged his phone for a few minutes as he looked around the room. He checked the drawers and saw his clothes along with some newer sets he assumed someone must have bought for him. His closet had a few jackets and shoes lined up for him and another door attached to the room revealed a similar bathroom to the twin's.

Returning to his desk, he checked to see that there was some stationary and school supplies in the drawers. He found his backpack on a hook to the side of the desk as well. His school books and notebooks were all in there. Just like how he had left it.

His phone made a sound as it had gotten enough energy to power on. He went over to it and waited for everything to load.

He was surprised when it pinged nonstop. Many texts and missed phone calls making themselves known. After the pinging died down he checked to see who they were from.

He smiled when most of the calls and texts were from his friends from school. He cursed when he saw a few missed calls from his part time job. They probably weren't too happy with how he had disappeared on them.

He was equal parts happy his friends were looking for him, and worried about his job. Actually now that he thought about it. He and his siblings missed a few days of school too.

Uteu sighed. Would their normal lives be alright?