
The Dome

As if feeling Uteu's gaze, the man turned back and quirked his head in question. His long platinum hair slipped from his shoulder.

Not saying anything, Uteu turned his head down and looked at the floor. Uteu found that they were both standing on some sort of platform once the barrier completely vanished.

As he approached the walls, he found that they were not actually there. It looked more like a type of light screen, similar to an illusion. Perhaps it was to prevent anyone inside from seeing all of the other platforms. Either way, they were now filled with holes from whatever the green eyed man had done to it.

Both of them stepped onto the other side of the light screen walls. He and the platinum blonde, took in the sights of various sized platforms all raised at different heights. They were all still covered in a blue bubble, he wasn't able to see inside of them from where he stood.

Looking further ahead, he realized that they were all within a huge blueish dome. The dome covered the entire radius for all of the platforms with room to spare. Observing it more closer, Uteu could tell it was similar to the jelly bubble barrier that had locked him in earlier.

At the edge of the platform he looked down at the steep drop. He could make out some lights coming from deep below, but couldn't tell what they were. Looking around, there seemed to be only one way out from the platform he was on, a straight path connecting to a spiraling ring of a staircase around the dome. All of the platforms were connected to it, it was probably the only way to get to the different platforms, using that one spiraling staircase.

It was quite curious as to how they were managing to have all of these platforms raised without them falling from the uneven weight.

A dark figure dressed in dark blue and yellow was suddenly on top of them, he aimed towards the platinum blonde with a swing of his fist. Uteu was taken off guard seeing as how the person had literally dropped down from a platform above them.

"You! You can break my barriers! How dare you break my lovely cells!" The man snarled, the scars on his face looked quite jarring. Without those scars, the man would be incredibly handsome with his dark black hair, nicely toned body and smokey blue eyes. Not deterred by the blonde's elegant evasion, he took out his whip to continue his assault.

Cold, pale green eyes carefully watched the trajectory of the whip and once again, evaded.

"You're the cell warden."

Uteu frowned and stomped down on the very strong feeling of wanting to form a Chain. The blonde's voice was cold and soothing and he seemed strong and level headed. He watched as the man formed thin white ice needles, shooting them straight into the warden's left leg. Perhaps this guy hit some sort of criteria Uteu was searching for unknowingly?

The temperature dropped as the blonde sent a few more ice attacks towards the warden. Uteu could see his breath and along with it, the golden thread. Uteu wanted to hit himself. He needed to find Uti, why was he letting himself get distracted for?

Uteu did his best to ignore the blonde as he ran behind him, he focused all of his attention onto finding Uti. He had to dodge a whip strike from the warden before he veered off towards his left and straight down the path leading to the dome. He followed the golden thread, letting it guide him to his sister.

The path had no railings, any wrong move and he'd plummet into unknown darkness once again. Uteu found himself gulping and taking a few deep breaths to calm himself down. He could hear the other two men fighting behind him. The sound of the two getting closer and closer despite how he was running at his top speed.

"You nearly undid all of them, do you even know what kind of damage you could have done?!" He could hear the warden bellow out.

He heard the snap of the warden's whip and a few choice curses.

"Shit, when did the Association get a freak like you?" He could barely hear the warden.

His voice seemed a lot further away now, they must have stopped to fight. Uteu could only assume, since he didn't want to turn his head around. He didn't want to be distracted by that barrier breaker guy, the urge to help him and to form a Chain was still nagging at him at the back of his mind. He continued running, he was almost half way down the path now.

As he hit the half way mark, he also noticed a large platform a little below his path. He could make out the figures of people fighting each other inside of the jelly like barrier. The closer he got to the bubbles, the clearer he was able to see their figures and the louder their fights sounded.

Inside, there were people dressed similarly to the platinum blonde and people dressed similarly to the cell warden. Uteu could only assume that they were from different groups and were having some sort of feud. They were attacking each other with various weapons and magic spells. Every single one looked like they were attempting to kill each other.

When he reached the end of the path, he found himself face to face with the wall of the dome. The thread trail ended here, but Uti was no where to be seen. Biting his lip, Uteu tried to tug on the thread. It broke free from the dome and fell down. Uteu stared at the vanishing thread in shock. Something had snapped his connection to Uti.

He searched along the wall hoping for some kind of door. When he didn't see one, he ended up going up several flights to search. The longer he looked around, the more worried he became.

Just like the bubble, Uteu could not seem to find any openings to leave the dome. Just as he was about to kick at the dome, a pale hand reached across and lightly tapped the dome.

Looking up, Uteu realized it was that barrier breaker person. He had caught up to him really quickly.

Cold green eyes glanced down at Uteu as a door popped into existence under his hand. He seemed almost curious as he brushed a finger across Uteu's dark red bangs.

The man hummed as if he understood something and pushed Uteu towards the door. Uteu was still dumbfounded as he stumbled through. The door closed behind him and vanished.

What the hell was that about?

He stared dumbly at the place the door used to be. He was now outside of the dome, which was darker blue in color.

Taking one last glance at the dome, Uteu didn't really know what to make of his encounter with this strange man. He hoped he never met him again.