
Monstrous Man 2

Uteu had already felt fearful of Welton Farman.

But now, he was truly afraid for his life. Perhaps it didn't fully sink in earlier, but now, seeing this guy crush a person's skull like a grape, it truly struck raw fear down Uteu's throat.

"Damn annoying pest."

Welton clicked his tongue and flicked his wrist, the blood on it splattered against the white wall beside him.

The body of the headless woman slumped down. She had lasted the longest out of all the people from the Guild that had tried to attack them.

Perhaps her body was just more durable than all the rest, but she gave Welton the most trouble, lasting against quite a few punches and even dodging a few.

This seemed to have pissed off the man and he no longer bothered holding back. He had simply reached out and just like the statue on their way here, he crushed her head.

"Ah shit, I forgot to ask her where the office room is."

Casually glancing down at the body, Welton kicked it in annoyance.

"Damn, well we're just going to have to find another one."

Welton whistled as he moved through the hall. Uteu closed his eyes and let out a weary sigh before reopening them and following.

They had arrived at the blue roofed building a little while ago. Uteu made it perfectly clear that he didn't know where the actual office room was located before they entered the building. Welton didn't seem the least bit off put by this, saying he'd just ask someone.

Welton had breezed through the first floor easily. Most of the people stayed out of his way after he kicked someone through the wall. Unfortunately, none of them had the authority of knowing where the Madame's office room was.

It wasn't until he had hit the second floor that the people actually sought to fight him full out.

Most of them lasted a few punches or kicks before crumpling down eventually. The man wasn't exactly nice to them, but he had left them with a few breaths left in their bodies at the least.

Unlike the woman that was headless and dead on the floor behind them.

Although the man said he's ask someone for where the Madame's office room was, he didn't make any actual effort to. He seemed more interested in fighting.

A maniacal wide grin graced his face when yet another person jumped in front of Welton. Uteu shivered and was glad that Harvet wasn't here right now. He hoped she was taking her time with Jude and wouldn't arrive anytime soon, not only was everyone on this second floor much stronger than anyone Harvet and he had faced together, Welton seemed a bit unhinged.

"Hah! That's right, come at me. I'll send you cockroaches straight to hell."

Welton sent an uppercut towards a man, causing the man to instantly knock out. The body flew from the momentum and some unfortunate person that was behind him couldn't dodge in time and was sent down as well.

"What is going on out here." Someone demanded while slamming open a door.

"Ah perfect, maybe someone competent has finally shown himself." Welton said mockingly.

His red eyes gleamed and then he frowned after taking in the man's appearance fully.

When Uteu followed his sight and also took in the man's appearance. He was surprised to realize that this was the same man that had been at Grello's mansion. He was the one talking to Harvet in the middle of the night.

Long dark red hair draped over the man's shoulders. He wore a revealing and seductive version of the Guild's clothes, showing off the middle of his chest and belly button. The clothes looked to be made of silk with the way it flowed and shimmered as the man shifted, putting a hand on his waist.

"Holy shit, what the hell are you wearing." Welton blurted out.

The other man looked unperturbed and demanded, "What are you doing here." He roamed his eyes from Welton to Uteu. He paused when his soft pink eyes landed on Uteu.

"Heh, we're looking for the old lady's office room, know where it is?" Welton asked, pulling the other's attention away from Uteu.

The scantily dressed man glanced at a golden plate with the word Madame on it. It was right next to where he stood, beside the door he had just slammed open.

He looked back at Welton like he was some sort of buffoon before turning his head back in Uteu's direction. He smirked when their eyes met.

His stare made Uteu feel exposed. He felt like this man knew him somehow.

A scoff made Uteu break eye contact with the man. He turned his head back in Welton's direction. Welton had clenched his fists and held them out in a mocking fighting pose.

"So you're the pet. What the hell is a Drelden doing all the way out here in the Guild dressed like a damn fairy and prancing around to some old woman's whims?"

Pink eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Hold your tongue, Farman. Shouldn't you be looking for Grello Mandelton right now? On your hands and knees insisting pitifully for him to heal your internal organs? Following after him crying that you were going to die if he didn't? Oh wait I forgot, he rejected you despite your pathetic begging."

Welton's face turned completely murderous.

"Mother fucker. You're asking for it."

Uteu found himself taking a few steps back as Welton charged at other man with a roar.

The man let out a savage laugh and Uteu had to blink in shock because Welton was sent flying past him, all the way down to the beginning of the hall. Welton had to stop himself from slamming into the wall by bracing his feet on them.

Using the wall, he launched himself off of it. He tried to get back to them but was stopped when a wall of human bodies pushed him back towards the wall. A wall of wind had pushed them all at him. It was formed with a mere wave of the other man's hand, he didn't seem to care in the least that his people were being used as a human barricade.

The wind twisted around, forming a small tornado around Welton and the mass of bodies on top of him. Uteu could hear him trying to gasp desperately for air. It didn't seem to take very long before Welton slumped down and the tornado dispersed.

The bodies pining down Welton had also ironically protected him from the wind blades. The bodies were completely shredded and unrecognizable, chunks of flesh and a large pool of blood plopped onto the floor all around Welton, no longer being held up by the wind.

"Now then, with him out of the way, we can finally talk alone, right Uteu?"

Uteu shivered when he turned to see the pink eyes glancing at him in morbid curiosity.

He had traded one monstrous man for another.