
The Other Kendive

"Hey there kid, you ran off before I could show you something interesting."

Welton's red eyes bore into his face. He had an amused tilt to his lips as he kicked a loose chunk of red crystal off the tower. Uteu winced when he saw a spray of blood from the unfortunate man in the crystal's trajectory.

"Hah, score!" Welton said in amusement.

Uteu had to dig around in his memories to remember what Welton had meant regarding something 'interesting.' There were just far too many things going on to remember all of the little details. He couldn't quite remember when it was that Welton had mentioned such a thing.

"Shame I didn't get to show you back in the office. Ah well~ maybe next time, right kid?"

Uteu took half a step back when Welton took a step forward towards him. His hair stood on end, he just didn't feel right in this man's presence. At least with Harkal he knew perfectly well as to why he felt the way he did around that man. For Welton, he didn't know the first thing about him. Other than what Harkal had mentioned to rile up the man.

Welton frowned when he noticed how Uteu had stepped back from him. All amusement left his eyes and Uteu suddenly felt cold.

Welton opened his mouth as if to say something to him when a hail of ice rained down upon him. Welton cursed and had to use his arm to protect most of his body.

Uteu was surprised at the flash of platinum blond hair. The man that had saved him down in the jail cells was here and he had just saved him once more.

Around him were two other people dressed in black and white. They were quick to take advantage of Welton's distraction to throw out more attacks at him.

Uteu felt confused.

Wasn't Welton from the Association as well?

Why were they attacking each other?

He could hear Welton and that platinum haired man speaking, but could not hear their words well from where he was. He didn't bother to stay to find out what they were actually saying. He instead decided to use this time well to climb further up the tower.

His muscles screamed as he continued to use Harvet's abilities to rush upwards. Grello's abilities were not coming in at all to heal any damage now. Uteu had to speak to Harkal, to find out just what it was that he was planning.

Before he could reach midway up the tower, he was once again stopped by Welton.

"Hah, that's not nice kid, I was trying to talk to you."

Alarmed, Uteu glanced down at the two downed people from the Association, they looked to be completely knocked out cold. Not wanting to be caught off guard by Welton, Uteu didn't let his eyes stay on the two for long.

"Hey, fuck off, Kendive! Just- Fuck, let me talk to the kid! I'm sorry for stealing one of your lackey's clothes alright?"

Uteu looked back up just in time to see Welton swerve away from a barrage of ice needles.


Where had he heard that name before.

Welton backed up till he was right next to Uteu. Uteu glanced up warily at the ice, they didn't look like they'd stop until they hit Welton.

Uteu found himself jumping away as another barrage of ice needles hit the spot Welton was last in. He looked down and into the Kendive's green eyes. Suddenly, it came back to him. He remembered that Oscar was also a Kendive. In one way or another, the two had to be related.

Uteu immediately felt dislike towards the Kendive, despite the back of his mind screaming that the man's abilities would greatly help him.

"Hah, you don't care who you hit if you can get a scratch on me."

He heard Welton say right beside him. Uteu felt annoyed that this man was now sticking right next to him.

Uteu had to dodge another attack since the man would not leave.

Gritting his teeth, Uteu felt quite fed up.

If this was how it was going to go...

Uteu put all of Harvet's energy around his legs and jumped upwards.

Welton followed close behind him and so did the ice attacks. Uteu kept an eye only on the timing of it. Seeing Harkal, Uteu paused for a second before he leaped right behind his back. The man was preoccupied with the tendrils and didn't immediately respond to him. Uteu used Harkal's back to kick himself away from Welton and a much more powerful hail of ice.

The ice landed squarely onto the both of them and Uteu felt a great bit of satisfaction watching it. A bit of Harkal's blood dripped down onto the red crystal tower from the wounds on his arm.

"You damned fools." Harkal said as he hastily took out a handkerchief to mop up his blood.

Welton had to flex his muscles to break off some of the ice embedded into his arms. He threw out a kick at the Kendive that had finally caught up. The platinum blond man nimbly evaded the kick before burying more ice into Welton's body.

Welton grunted in a bit of discomfort and flexed again, the ice snapped and evaporated from his body.

"You damned fools, you have no idea what you've done." Harkal kept repeating as he wiped the crystal.

While Welton and the Kendive paid him no mind, Uteu kept most of his attention on him. Taking a closer look, he realized the tendrils wrapped around the blood stains almost in glee, preventing Harkal from wiping them away.

The blood was slowly absorbed into the crystal. Harkal cursed and backed away suddenly.

The tower shook violently, bits of red crystal fell freely off the tower.

Uteu nearly fell to his knees as a familiar darkness took over his mind. He had to focus hard to keep his mind in tact against the resentment's outburst. He focused on the pale white hand that was revealed as the tendrils fanned out around Uti. They shimmered against the light and fluttered.

Harkal and Uti screamed at the same time when the tower stopped shaking and the center crystal gave out another pulse.

Just what was happening now?