A tiny bit of payback

He was dropped off at a place not far away from his family's mansion. He is now sitting on a tree which can help him enter his home without anyone noticing

"Pixie used that power of yours from the crystal and turned off all the security cameras and other securities"

[Got it...Done]

"It doesn't seem like I can reach it. Can you make me taller"

[ Is 5'11 okay with you]


He then felt something as if he was being stretched by force.

"Okay let's do this" he said with a hint of mischief in his eyes

[ But why are you being sneaky. This is your home]

" Yeah but I don't want anyone to know I'm here"


He was already inside the mansion.

Their family has a houses for the Workers. So the workers will not enter the mansion if not asked to!

"Lets go to the kitchen first"

He enters the kitchen and took a jar of honey.

He went upstairs and heads towards his step sister's room

" Every person's door must be opened by their hand print. So... Pixie open it"

After a minute the door was opened. He immediately head towards the bathroom

" Pixie you have to help me today." he said as he opened his step sister's honey scented shampoo

" Emptied this shampoo bottle and bring out the bug's and the bee's. The skunk will be used later" Pixie is not even surprised because his master is way worse than this. He likes playing with his foes before attacking them and he would wait for them to lower their guards before attacking. He brought out the bee's and the bug's that were inside the ball like thing. His master will explain his plan later so no need to ask. He then pured the honey inside the shampoo bottle.

" Hm... Where to put them. Oh behind the toilet is good" He put ball like things behind the toilet. It is not visible so it is a perfect hiding place.

"Pixie reduce the honey bee's poison by 45% make it painful but not life threatening to an allergic person"

[Okay He~He this is going to be fun]

" Hold on to your horses. This won't happen until they've all came back home"

"Let's go to the balcony. Haha you love smelling flowers huh! Let see if you will like it now"

"Pixie bring out that powered potion that I made in the forest. The first one not the second one"

Pixie gave him the bottle and he hold his nose while sprinkling the powered potion on the flowers

"One down. Two to go"


He was now inside his second step brother's room.

He enters his bathroom and opened the shampoo bottle

"Pixie my second potion bottle" Pixie gave him what he asked for and then he poured a white liquid inside the shampoo. Then he closed it and kept it where it was. He opened his body lotion and also poured the liquid inside.


Now they are inside his elder step brother's room. The mastermind.

"Pixie can you find a box of tea for me in this room"

[On it]

[There on the table] he points to a small table that was hidden by a bookshelf

" Alright. Open the tea bags for me and bring out that dried leaf" Pixie handed it over to him and then he sprinkled the leaf that he already turned into powder. Pixie then returned everything back to normal.

"Now time for a shower"

He left as if nothing has happened. He went up on the third floor, this is the last floor of the building and the most luxurious rooms in the house besides his father's room. It belong's to him and his sister. But no time for admiring the room.

He enters the bathroom to shower and after a few minutes he came out wearing a towel around his hip. She can act like a man because she was an assassin. She is trained for all this drama!

Then he enters the Closet and picked out a black suit with a black tie. A black polished shoe and a watch that has diamonds on it. The clothes look so elegant and expensive

He walks out and puts the clothes on the bed and went to the mirror to style his hair

[ So master please explain]

" Okay so my step sister is allergic to bee's and also the thing she love most is her appearance. So I've replaced her shampoo with honey so that when she is showering you will set the bug's and the bee's free and when she started screaming you will then release the skunk. And for the flowers, she will get rashes once she inhaled their scent"

"My second step brother is a prankster and a liar, So everyone will point fingers at him but no body is going to believe him. And also who is going to suspect a timid, innocent guy like me right😇" Pixie just rolled his eyes

" If he is the prankster then it means that he should be unharmed but I'm not going to do that...So I poured a liquid that when it is mixed with water, the person will then be smelling worse than a SKUNK and the only antidote is either he waits until a month the smell is gone OR he will have to bathe in hot melted butter. Haha" Pixie was now trying to hold his laughter. He has already imaged him looking like a lobster.

"The third one is the tea. My first step brother loves tea. Ah! Tea well he can enjoy it all he wants. It will give him huge black spots because of the dried leaf and the only antidote is for him to drink lizard urine. Hahaha but it will go away after a month. Now this is only a tiny bit of payback"

[pfft. Hahaha. Master you are so Bad!!]

He has already finished dressing himself up and when he heard pixie he grinned and said

" I know. Now...would you like to crash a party!"