
Well this time training is way more relaxing than yesterday. The coach, Mr. Arredson is teaching us how to throw punches right. He said, punches are easier, so we'll start with them. That is what we do. He corrects the persons he sees and Yasmina is correcting me and our group. She basically really is a good teacher! She already teached me some techniques yesterday, and some of hers I just copied, but it turned out quite well for my taste. She's strict, she finds mistakes everywhere and on everyone, but I don't mind, as long as we learn and don't really fight.

Time flied by and meal was ready, yes, we had training from nine till two o'clock! but it was quite cool today. I surprisingly really enjoyed practise today! I still am very exhausted but it was still fun. Now I'm looking forward to the meal with my three beloved girls. Note the sarcasm.

As I walked in everyone was already sitting on their chairs. And since Yasmina is here I'm not sitting all alone anymore. She holds us four together, at least that is what I think.

"By the way, what are you practising?", she asks and somehow seems very interested. I never cared, but somehow I do now.

"At the time we're solving some different cases from a long time ago.", Annabelle answers instantly and Silvia adds bored: "But they are so boring! I never have the correct answer just because 'I think too complicated'."

"So there are already answers? I thought they want us to solve the unsolved cases?", I question.

"They want us to first know how criminals think and act and so on. I think it is quite interesting!", Silvia answers my question.

"That seems quite cool too! It would've been better for me to take this classes! I can already do everything we're doing in martial arts. It's kind of boring!", Yasmina complains.

"Yasmina! How can you say that? It is so hard! We need you there to teach us!", I scold her. What should I do without her? I won't be able to do any single thing!

"Well, I don't have any chance to change anything, so let's go, Finn. We have afternoon practice!", Yasmina direces to me and stands up from her chair. I follow her to the door. I almost forgot we still have practise. If it is like this morning it would be fine, but fighting is not my favourite for today. It has been chill and so it should stay!

As we get to the door she turns to the girls and says: "Please call me Yas, okay?"

I can hear a cheerful "Yeah, we will!" until she closes the door and turns her head to me.

"Call me Ya."

"Why not Yas, like the others?", I ask, now I am curious.

"Back home my friends who were girls called me Yas and the boys called me Ya. In our gang no one besides my family knew my full name."

"Not even your boyfriend?", I asked out of curiosity. But it seemed to be a great mistake that opened healing scars.

"He knew.", she mumbles and a tear slips out of her eyes.

"Uh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that it is so painful to part from your lover. I never really had one.", I try to apologize, but it is just pathetic.

"Yeah. But he's dead already. It was six years ago. He was my first boyfriend but later he got killed because I had made many enemies, who wanted to take revenge. He got killed because I loved him! So I decided to never have a boyfriend again!", she stars crying. She is so strong, but here she appears so weak. I felt an unknown ache in my heart, and I had the sudden urge to take her in my embrace. And so I did. She didn't even try to get out, she just cried on my shoulder and I patted awkwardly on her head.

We were late for practise. It was an embarrassing situation to explain our coach why we were late so we just apologised and said nothing more. There sure were a few pairs of interested eyes on us, but we just had to ignore them. I am still used to this, but she seems not to be. As we come to our place in the back we have to stand lots of questions from David and Sophie but after the thirtythousandth I just cut them off with a very nice "Shut the hell up!" and continue with my new punching techniques.

"Come on! You can tell us! We're your best friends!", Sophie complains again. She doesn't know where to stop! Whenever she wants to know something she keeps on asking and going on your nerves till she gets the information she wants to have. So annoying!

"You know, it's personal.", Yasmina tells her off. "I didn't even want to tell him, but somehow I turned out telling him anyways."

"So you just... talked?", David asks surprised.

"What were you expecting us to do?", I asked surprised.

"I dont know...", he just mumbles. As if I would believe that!

As practise was over we had a little spare time. I was about to go change and to go for a walk, as Yasmina tapped on my shoulder: "What are you doing after changing?"

"Well, I was about to go for a walk...", I think out loud.

"Okay, I'll come with you! Meeting point on the entrance!", she shouted and was already on the way to her room. Well, so it seems. If you don't know her you think she's just a cold person but if you come to know her better you'll see how her true colours are. She's cheerful and talk aktive.

In the end I wasn't the one waiting. No it was her, she waited for me.

"Oh, you're a fast one!", I comment.

"Well, I can't wait to see the garden! I love flowers!"

So she loves flowers. She's a fighter, but she loves flowers, interesting. I'd have never guessed that.

So we came to an end of our tour. We really came to know each other better. Now we're sitting on a bench, watching the sun go down.

"Dusk is beautiful, isn't it?", she cuts the silence.

"I must agree. It's my first time watching one actually.", I admit.

"Are you serious?", Yasmina shouts all of a sudden, as it was so quiet just a few seconds ago. "You really never watched dusk before? How is that even possible?"

"Well, I never really noticed.", I mumble humbly.

"Then make sure to watch carefully!" and after a short break she adds: "Thank you for comforting me earlier today."