ch 2

After a few days Jace realised he was indeed a baby and that he was left at an orphanage luckily he kept his name thanks to the matron.

On his 7th day he felt a flood of memories come to him right before he went to sleep when he woke up he had all the info for his 2 gifts as he was a baby he had plenty of time to train was all he thought

////// 13 years later//////

The Knight family was on there way to a small orphanage on the edge of town they had already been to the other 4 orphanages near them but unfortunately for Steve and Janine There 13 year old son Theo didnt like any of the kids. Janine looked back at her son and asked what he was looking for in a sibling since all he did with the others was look at them and say no

Steve also interested in what his kids respone was going to listened up Theo then looked up from his phone that had a picture of a baseball on the screen and told them since I cant walk and live my dream I want a brother who can live it for me

Janine smirked and then listed off her son's life dream number 1 ace pitcher at baseball and someone who can protect their family

and how are you suppose to know if they can do those things Theo

Theo looked at his mom and replied the way the built all the previous ones look lazy witch caused

Steve to laugh non stop as he pulled into the last orphanage that they could visit once they got to the door and knocked the matron came out and asked if they were the Knight family

Steve stepped foward and said yes we would like to say all boys 13 years of age that has already had their birthdays please the matron then walks them in and calls some one and tells them to bring the children that meet the requirements

9 minutes later 4 kids appear and the spear to argue with the matron about something for going in front of the family of 3 Theo looks up at them one at a time and says the words his parents dreaded the most nope none of them are acceptable

Witch a dreadful look on his face Steve ask matron this is all of them she replays with a sigh and says no there's one but he is out at the moment should be back in about 10 minutes we was hoping talk would pick on of these 4 or spend enough time for him to show

before she could say her next words it was almost like the person appeared out of thin air by the window in the shadow cast by a tree every one looks at him and the matron screams at him HOW MAY TIMES HAVE I TILD YOU TO ANOUNCE YOUR SELF NOT TO JUST SNEAK IN HERE LIKE THIS

At this point the Knight family could see a 5 ft 6 on boy with brown hair and blue eyes and wide grin on his face a metal tooth pick in his mouth he was sweaty and wearing what looked like and old Atlanta Braves shirt witch caught Theo's eye but before he could ask the boy said well madam little may came running to the field and told me to get here quick and you know I move even faster when I'm in the shade and I've always moved quietly and the window was open so if you add I all up it makes since right by the way who are those 3 he ask as he smells the stench of death coming from steve