CH 10

It came time for the first game of the season and the whole team was in the dug out. Coach gave out the batting line up.

1 Caleb RF

2 Joe SS

3 Jace SP

4 Joel TB

5 Luke FB

6 Matt C

7 Jacob SB

8 Darren LF

9 Jeff CF

Jace and Matt went and warmed up in the bullpen while the teams took their turns. When Jaces name was called he walked to the mound and looked at the stands trying to see if he could Find Steve and Janine but it was to crowded to see them so he went a head and did his practice pitches.

Matt calls for a 4 seam straight down the middle to start the game. Earning the batter a strike. Next pitch was a fork ball low and out side that was another called strike. The third pitch was low and inside sinker The batter swung and missed. That's when he heard Janine shouting that's my boy. Jace smiled after hearing that and decided that after the game he will start calling her mom and Steve dad.

The 2nd batter got 3 called strikes all high and inside sliders that started out side the zone the first scared him so much he for got to even try and swing at the last 2. The third batter fouled the first pitch missed the 2nd one and swung and missed at the 2 seamer that was low and away.

Caleb and Joe both got a single on there at bats. The Pitcher took Jace lightly and threw him a fast ball down the middle witch Jace hit for a home run Making his whole Stadium erupt Mostly in cheers since it was a home game. Jace high fives all his team mates then went and sat beside Theo who was smiling ear to ear. While those 2 chatted Joel, Luke, and Matt all got out.

In the 2nd inning the first 2 batters both popped up to Joe and the 3rd batter hit a line drive to Jacob. Jacob hit a double Darren and Jeff both got out Caleb and Joe once again both got singles. When Jace got up to the plate both teams were making alot of noise the first 2 pitches were both balls Jace fouled the next 3 the 6th pitch was a ball.

The next two were fouled off in succession the next pitch was finally a good pitch and Jace hit it all the way to wall earning him a triple and 3 more RBIs.

The first pitch to Joel was a wild pitch seeing a chance Jace stole home making it a 7 to 0 game. Joel got hit a tripple and was left stranded by Luke.

The next 3 batters were all sat down on 3 splitters each. Matt hit for a double Jacob got a single darren got walked and Jeff hit a sacrifice fly to right field. Caleb Sacrificed bunted Jacob home and Joe struck got out with a pop fly to right.

Jace continued to dominate the the first and 2nd batter striking them out the third one was a pinch hitter who go on by an error by Luke. The runner took 4 steps and Jace then threw the ball to first base as hard as he can witch got the runner out by surprise. Every one besides Theo and Matt was shocked by how fast the ball went.

Jace hit the first pitch for a single and on the first two pitches to Joel he stole 2nd and 3rd. Joel got a single that let Jace score. Then Luke got a double. The next 3 struck out swinging.Coach William's asked Jace if he was good for the fifth and what could be the final inning. Jace answered by walking to the mound and calling Matt over to him. Jace asked Matt if he wanted to end the game in style with 9 of his fastest pitches. Matt agreed and told Jace to make it even fancier all right down the middle. Jace nodded his head and smiled. On his way back to the plate Matt thought about how it took him 5 weeks to be able to catch this pitch and was exited to show it off to every one.

As soon as the first batter was ready Jace pitched the first ball before the batter could even react all you could hear was the ball entering the catcher's mit. Not expecting this the coach didnt have his speed gun ready and was in shock that it was straight dow the center getting the hun ready he started praying he atleast placed the ball some were else for the next pitch.

Before coach William's could calm down th umpires called a 2nd strike the speed gun read 107. While he was shocked at the number his heart was racing cause the 2nd ball was once again dead center. he was about to walk out to the mound when the first batter got out. Coach Williams decided as long as no one hit the ball he would let Jace keep pitching this crazy style of pitching till the end of the game. After all you dont mess with a pitcher in the zone was one of the golden rules of baseball.

Six pitches later it was a called game and the coach thought he was going to have a heart attack. All 9 pitches right down the middle he decided to stick with the philosophy that till it was hit nothing is wrong.

After the game Jace handed Theo the ball he was pitching with during the game and told him he could label it the aces start to fame.