CH 13

One night Jace was up late by him self and thinking about how his inner energy healed all his injuries internal and external and starter to wonder if it could be used some how to help Theo.

He began trying to control the energy and make it leave his body on his first successful it shattered the stick he was using for practice.

A week later he was still at it but now he could make stick stronger so it couldn't be broken. But jace was not worried he knew that with all things it took time and decided to move foward in his research. For days Jace could be seen outside I the woods behind the house.

He was hurting ants then trying to heal them with his energy witch he did finally manage on what seemed to be his 10000000000000 time. Next Jace kept practicing till he could do it 10 put of 10 times.

Finally he snuck In to the vet late at night and started healing pets that were marked for termination. this took a whole lot more energy but he still did it 10 out of 10 times.

The following night when Theo and Jace were headed up stairs instead of going to his room he followed Theo in to his. Jace shut the door behind him and asked Theo if he remember the trick he did with the ball seeing him nod his head Jace told him he could do other things and ask if he wants to see.

Getting another affirmative Jace starts showing him a bunch of tricks he can do with the power of shadows. After a while Jace pretended to be out of energy and bent over and put his hands on Theo's knees and started his treatment.

After a few minutes The got worried and Thought Jace over did his self cause he started sweating and wasnt moving. Just as he was about say something for the first time in his life he felt his whole lower body tingling. The thought he was imagining it till the pain came that was cause from his muscles and bones fixing them selves. Knowing this this was Jaces doing and he tried not to scream in pain. He didnt want to disturb what ever it was Jace was doing if it could heal his lower body. Theo held out for and hour before he screamed and woke up His parents and Aaron and Sylvia.

He screamed cause when Jace was finished the pain came to and all time high when he fixed the nerves. Jace collapsed to the floor and started breathing heavy. It felt like he ran for 2 4 days straight he was completley exaughsted and was gasping for air. It took almost all the energy Jace had to cure Theo and now he was worried cause Theo screamed but was to tired to talk.

Seconds later just as Jace managed to stand up their parents came busting in first shortly after them was Aaron and Sylvia. Janine came in and grabbed Theo in a hug and asked him what was wrong why he wasnt in bed.

Seeing the worry in all 4 of the adults eyes Theo felt touched but his mind started turning luckily Jace looked half passed out at the moment leaning against his desk so it looked liek he came running when he yelled. Not wanting to expose Jace especially after what he just did for him.

Theo took and told a straight face lie while in his head already asking Jesus for forgiveness. He told the 4 adults in the room that he got up to go use the bathroom but once he got in the wheel chair the could feel his legs for the first time but they were hurting and that they were still hurting but the pain was getting less.

Steve without a second thought had every on rush down stairs and get in 2 separate vehicles and went to an emergency room. With a few calls half of the hospital staff was waiting on them when they arrived. After alot of test and MRIs it was determined that he could definitely feel his leg and even move them. The doctor told the family that with therapy and hard work Theo could be up and moving around like a normal teenager within 6 months.

What the doctors didnt know was that Jace had healed him to perfect condition and the only reason Theo couldnt walk at this moment was cause of the pain. Theo not believing Jace would half way do something after seeing him always complete every thing didnt believe the doctor and while his mom and dad were outside talking to the doctor about more things that could help he forced him self to stand and start trying to walk.

Jace watched him from the side and only had to catch him 3 times after that Theo could slowly walk.

Theo made his way back over to Jace and gave him a hug and started crying and whispering thank you for letting him walk for the first time in his life.

After they were done hugging it out Theo kept practicing and could walk normal and sat back down not wanting the people in the hospital to see that he could already walk. by now the pain was at a 5 of 10 and dropping faster thanks to the medicine.

Once they were home and inside Janine finallbroke out in happy tears her baby was going to be able to walk. not knowing what was going on every one started trying to make her stop crying .

Theo then told her if she stop6he would walk right now and that if she didnt he didnt know if he ever could. Hearing this she stopped immediately and started reassuring every one that she was on that she was just really happy and told Theo not to rush it.

Theo looked at Jace for some kind of signal for what to do what he got was a what ever you think is best look. Theo decided to wait till till 3 days before the dance giving him 3 more weeks till he showed every one he could walk.

For now he he needed to decide at what pace to reveal his recovery in therapy. He was disnt want any more test after therapy. So he decided to go slow the whole first week the at the end of the 2nd week he showed he was able to walk but slowly and at the third he showed he could already jog for a short amount of time but could walk with ease. Because of who his father was no one asked questions they l got incentives to keep there mouths shut and call it a blessing.