Chapter 70 Oh Dear, I'm Neglected My Duty During The chase

Office hour;

"Meeting at twelve," Yi Lan calls as she totters out of Xu Feng Brother office.

I start sifting through my current clients, making notes on current statuses. Our fortnightly progress meetings are a relaxed affair to keep Xu Feng Brother abreast on the current projects and to advise Er Xi of any paperwork that needs to be completed.

It's also an hour of scoffing cream cakes and drinking tea continuously. I must go for a run tonight.

"Er Xi" I call down to the office. She looks up from her computer screen, acknowledging me by removing her glasses.

"Can I have a list of payment statuses on clients, please?" I ask.

"Of course, Wei Lin Jie." She answer genuinely.

"Oh, and me to Er Xi," Yi Lan shouts from her desk too.