Chapter 113 Blood

"Oh. Hi," he splutters as soon he saw SiSi behind as if he was sawing a ghost,

Lol. I wondering what happens between them. 

Jun Jie turns, clocks SiSi and breaks out in uncontrollable laughter. I frown.

Sisi looks less than delighted.

"I'm pleased to see you too, dick!" she spits indignantly at a stunned Kevin.

He quickly shoves his beer on the bar, pulling a stool up close to him.

"Oh have a sit here," He bashes the top of the stool, giving Jun Jie a worried look.

"Thank you," The look of disgust on her face is fierce.

Oh. What happens here?

He pats the stool again, smiling nervously at her.

"Yes, please," Kevin says.

Sisi makes her way over, resting her bum on the stool. Kevin pulls himself closer to SiSi.

"Buy me a drink," she demands on a half-smile.

"Okay, what would you like?" he affirms, signalling to the barman.

Oh, why do the barman look like he's breaking out in a sweat?